
  • I'm 53, have four grown sons, a busy professional husband and five cats. Would really welcome any friends who offer encouragement and I would be glad to do the same!!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Thanks for the welcome backs. I put my starting weight at 179 yesterday but I had weighed myself after breakfast so I weighed again this morning and it is actually 177.2 so I adjusted it. Did I really get down to 156 at the beginning of the year??? Well, I'll be there again for Spring of next year and this time I will try to stay on top of my horse.

    Haven't caught up with everyone but it is good to see most of the folks still here (I know I've only been MIA for a few months but still . . . ). Anyway, guess ya'll will have to get used to endless photos of horses again.

    I LOVE horses and have never had the opportunity to own one. I doubt that I will, but I'll take lessons now and then and do trail rides if I get the chance. I enjoy your horse pictures and posts very much, and do a little vicarious living though them. I'm happy enough that I didn't get hurt, though. What is your new horse named?
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Katla,how scary.Hope hubby does better with food etc.
  • CritterSue
    CritterSue Posts: 54 Member
    Good Morning,

    This is day three of gorgeous weather here in New England. The leaves are almost past peak but still so beautiful. The local apple orchards are still going strong. This is the first year I have not had any cider donuts. It was tough walking by the shed where they were making them, but if I eat the first one-I won't stop until they are gone!

    Katla-so sorry about the scare with your husband. I hope he is doing much better now. You too!

    Today's project is painting all doors to house and garage. We just painted house a pretty farmhouse yellow. We picked out a forest green for doors. Hubby is sanding them first. I'll skip that part...

    Hoping everyone has a great weekend!

    Critter Sue :happy:
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Went to the last page just to much to go through and it's almost supper time. And I have lots of calories left. Been drinking mulberry tea and sure stops the food cravings. But better be careful or i'll be doing like Katla Hubby.

    Do you flour your pan. That might help it not stick.
    Burns get to the cold water tap fast or ice it.

    Glad you stayed up yesterday. The Lord held you up by the shirt tail.

    Hope hubby is feeling better today. Diabetice is a tricky and scarry.

    Welcome back and happy riding.

    Well today I reached a big milestone in my life. They say welcome to the golden years but I see nothing golden.
    Maybe next month when the old age pension comes in. That might be gold but so far all I seen gold is my pee.
    Grandkids called and sang me happy birthday. And the little four year old invited me to his birthday party and I said only if you come to mine. And he said when's that when I told him today he started singing. And his sister was mad because she taught he told me of my party tomorrow. But I have a way of finding things out. A get together at Legion from 2-4. Must be an old ladies tea party. I told hubby you could have at least had a night party. With music and dancing that's more me than a tea gal. Oh well will walk in surprised lol.

    Wii will love me tomorrow. Had a super good day today. Goal was to see under 200 this morning and I did a few days ago.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: When I went to the library this morning which is part of the rec center, I decided to hit the chip trail behind it. It is 2.8 km with hills, and I jogged it part of the way. 20 minutes later and I felt I had had a good workout.

    I am on my way going out with DD and lil toddler for the afternoon. Enjoying the fall weather. Not too cold and at least it's not raining.


    Vancouver Island, BC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,997 Member
    evening ladies,
    home, safe and sound and in one piece... just asked the DH where are the swaying palm tree's? where is the 87 degree pool? where are all my tropical birds? well they are a far piece from here right now... thats for sure..
    now every blessed time we go to florida, and my husband does some type of yardwork, what does the man get but cellulitis,his hand and arm blew up like a balloon, well bless one of the drs I work with, he called in a Z-pack that we picked up at the pharmacy on the way home from the airport...
    but we could just come home and relax, noooo. I am just sitting down now after getting home around 2... we had to pick up leaves and mow part of the lawn, I did a load of laundry,(towels and sheets) my SIL did most of the caretaking of the dogs,got home to a beautiful pot of wine colored mums, a little scarecrow and a baby pumpkin, and on the counter a Birds and Blooms magazine with a 2 yr subscription for christmas from my SIL and Brother.. there sooo sweet..
    made the DH some dinner and im going to take a quick shower and get my jammies on. having some chamomile tea, and going to bed. with all that I got over 13,000 steps in today...
    tomorrow is the rest of the lawn and grocery shopping...
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Howdy all my mfp gems! Today has been a quiet day. I worked on a book all day long plus took a walk. We were supposed to have workers here to rip out the carpet downstairs, but they were no call, no show, so we called the business owner on his cell…turns out he is out of town and we are about the 5th call he had gotten today!

    We are having a chicken enchilada bake for dinner and I bought carb balance tortillas. I’m anxious to try them. I’m getting really frustrated with this diet. According to mfp, even cheese and meat have carbs. I went over at lunch because a had a regular tortilla (37) and half a banana (8 or so for 4”), ham, cheese, cucumbers, and tomatoes. MFP says they all have carbs (& the banana has 15 according to the site). My dietician says tomatoes and cucs are free, so I guess I can ignore that, but it’s annoying!

    Grandmallie: Walgreen’s carries a spray for burns that has 20% benzocaine in it. I can’t remember what it is called, but it is a walgreen’s brand, so they should be able to find it for you.

    Cws4me: welcome home! Glad you had a great vacation!

    Tina: the flu shot is made with dead virus so it can’t make you sick. You may have an inflammatory reaction (slight temp, sore arm, etc) but you won’t get the flu from it. Flu mist is another story. That one (the nose spray one) is live but weakened virus so there is a chance you can get sick (but not as bad) and also a chance you could make someone else sick because you are “shedding” the virus for 2 weeks. That’s why the CDC says health care providers should only get the shot.

    Jane: glad your hip pain is better!

    Pat: so glad you didn’t fall and hurt yourself. Recipe is on the way!

    Katla: so glad DH is ok! That must have been very scary for you…both of you! Yes he needs to be responsible for making sure he eats enough for the insulin he takes and for the activity he does. Do you have glucagon? It’s an injection you can give him if he’s unconscious. I think you need a prescription for it though.

    Jodios: so nice to see you again, Good news on maintaining and encouraging others to eat more healthily.

    Carol: hooray for endless horse pictures!

    Joyce: have fun shopping. Good exercise…all that walking!

    CritterSue: we used to flip houses. Most of them were really old and one had this beautiful woodwork that some nut had painted purple. We were too poor to buy a sander, so I sanded ALL the woodwork in this house manually. My shoulders have never recovered and that was over 10 years ago. Let the hubby do the sanding LOL

    Linda: happy, happy birthday. I hope more things look golden to you than pee! 

    Renny: what a great way to get some exercise in!

    Well I’m going to get a few things done before baseball comes on. The Cardinals won last night, now it’s time for the Red Sox to get going. Sorry whoever is here that is a Detroit fan!!! Take care everyone, Meg from autumnal Omaha
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,604 Member
    Scary stuff, Katla. Getting our men to eat properly isn't easy. My DH 's weight drops like a stone if I don't force feed him, but he is beginning to realise he has to eat, even if he doesn't feel like it.

    Managed to keep within my calories today, which is quite an achievement as DH was out all day at the football.:drinker:

    My DSIL sent me a late birthday present - some perfume and a cookery book. Just about sums me up! My brother sent my DH a book token but I got nothing. DH got nothing from his sister. Maybe they want to give us something when they see us. DB said we must get together when he gets back from Amsterdam so maybe I will get something then! I did search through the waste paper basket to make sure I hadn't thrown away a token! (DH got a book token) :laugh:

    Tomorrow I'm going to the local M&S to try on a dress I ordered. I ordered and paid for two different sizes as I am one size on the top and another on the bottom, so I am not sure what size I am in dresses. I can get a refund on the one that doesn't fit. I hope I like it. I've only been able to wear dresses since I lost weight and can bear to wear tights. This one is grey and shortish. Scoop neck, three quarter sleeves and sort of droopy side pockets. It looks comfortable and I can wear a nice necklace with it. Here's hoping!

    Cooked a lovely ragu today as I was feeling in need of iron. I've been eating so much fish recently.
    Tomorrow partridge.! Not something I think I've cooked before. Will google. I can buy the veg at M & S. And some custard tarts for DH as I won't have time for baking.

    Must put the rest of the ragu in the freezer before I go to bed. Will give us 3 more meals. I love that!:bigsmile:

    Love Heather UK
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hello ladies rainy cold day here so its a good time to get knitting, I make afghans for local cancer center
    :drinker: Happy Birthday Linda hope you enjoy your surprise party.....

    Katla, so sorry to hear about your hubby, he is so lucky you are not the paniky type and were able to help him
    Wishing better days ahead for both of you

    Seen all the pictures of new babies they are beautiful enjoy them, they grow so quickly

    Pictures of the horse is also very impressive, ride safe.....

    Welcome to all our new comers great ladies here and very helpful with everthing I think we could fix a few world problems if we could.......
    Best wihes to all Juanita in sudbury
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening, ladies,

    A rainy day here again. Yesterday,however, was gorgeous and I went with a friend and her daughter to Busch Gardens for the day. At their urging I even joined them getting my face painted........a pink web with purple spiders!!! Saw shows, did several rides and haunted tours, a haunted train ride, and sky ride, and ate, not too badly, but still up a half pound. We were there until closing and I reached what I think of as "Barbie territory" on my pedometer, almost 20,000 a new p.r. for me!!!

    Katla.........Congratulations on reaching goal........you have worked hard; is there a reward in your future? Wow, that sure was a low bs for hubby!!! Glad it turned out OK.

    Linda.........Happy, happy birthday!!!!

    Cheryl..........Gorgeous horse; how old is he? Name? How's your dd doing?

    Vicki.............Glad your dad has recovered and is continuing to do so.

    Heather...........Awesome plank time!!!! Hope you get the money sooner rather than later!

    Michele........I am a big fan of Publix too. We had them in S.C. and I do miss them.

    Linda (Severen).........Is that a Chinese Crested? Is it yours?

    Take care all;
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I had a good time with my daughter even though I didn't find much. We went to several shops. I tried to go with a good attitude and immediately got o the size 14s in jeans. I don't know if the ones I bought at Walmart were sized wrong or what but so far they are the only ones I have found that have fit me. So I got 2 pair or size 16s. I never could find a top I liked. I still like shirts and not blouses and I am just not finding them in consignment shops. I also was on the lookout for a new coat. The one I have worn for the past several years is a 3X. It was a good warm coat and I know it will be appreciated in the clothing bank. It isn't a current style but is warm. All I could find were these short, waist length styles. I am 63 years old and want warmth and comfort, my legs and hips need warmth! But it was till fun spending the afternoon with her. She is a night person so isn't perking at all until noonish so I mt her at 2:15! Half my afternoon is gone by then. My husbands wants supper at 5 and he does not bend that hour.

    Have a good night everyone. Everyone stays strong, we are all in this together. Joyce
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Katla..., wat a scary moment for you and dh.

    Linda...Happy birthday!!!

    DD is looking for reflective clothing for mr. toddler. Now that the days are getting shorter and one still wants to get outside. We had such a great time at the 100 year celebration at the old railroad tracks today. Can you imagine the look on a lil 2 yr. old, s face when he gets to ride a train? What joy!

    My back is sore, but I am determined to keep walkin/jogging.

    Have a good evening!
  • AnneCarolOne
    AnneCarolOne Posts: 33 Member
    Good for you Rebelrenny! Hope your back is better soon! I am sorry to say that I have not been as motivated the last few days. But I bought my new walking shoes and plan to break them in tomorrow. I am enjoying your posts ladies- keep them coming! They are great motivators.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Renny.........When my dd was 3 we went by train from Charleston to Jacksonville. As we were boarding, thanks to "choo-choo" books and such, she exclaimed loudly, "But mommy, I want to ride in the coal car!".........every adult within hearing range burst out laughing. You just gave me a chuckle when I remembered it; they are so innocent and in awe at that age.

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Katla - I wish you lived near me, I am always trying to find folks to help keep mine ridden. And I am having a really hard time coming up with a new name for my new guy. His name is Nate and I don't like that one. We've thought of Redford (because I have a Newmann) and Ringo, Rango, Tango, and Bingo. Bingo because after having searched the sale horses for months, when I saw his picture I said "Bingo, that's the one." And a friend suggested Brando, And Eli, and Cash, and Dilinger. I keep thinking I'm going to know it's for him when I hear it. He is just so handsome I want a name that describes how majestic and loved he is.

    Jodios - the best thing that ever happened to the office catering is the infiltration of the folks from India. We have more vegetarian options than any other now.

    Linda - Thanks.

    Megblair - I am so happy that not everyone is tired of my horsey pictures.

    Now where is Laura??
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    cws4me - welcome back! So glad you had such a great time on vacation!

    Tina - happy birthday to your daughter. Our condo is in Titusville. We usually go down in February, Vince has been going to the Daytona 500 for about 30 years now. I haven't gone that long, tho. While the kids were little, I usually stayed home with them while he went. But now that they are out of the house, I go down and we make a mini-vacation out of it.

    Pat - one of the cats we used to have would NOT let Vince sleep if the cat even SAW the bottom of his dish. There'd be lots of food on the side, but he could see the bottom and that made it terrible....lol

    Joyce - I was too tired last night to even mention it, but I totally agree, you should send that hoodie back and get something you're happy with. It's not like you're going to have it for a short time or it was on a really really good sale, so I'd send it back

    Pat - I'm the same way as you, I'd probably feel so bad for that lady. Of course, if it was me accidentally bumping into someone, I'd be feeling like she did. But I can totally understand your feeling

    katla - how scary! Glad dh is better. thank G** for those emergency personnel. I'd be scared, too, especially since this is something that can be controlled.

    momc4sons - welcome!

    Did an hour of yoga today. Tomorrow I think I'll probably do some training games on the Wii.

    Don't completely understand it, but this flu shot has wiped me out. I'm so pooped right now that I'm going to lay down. Made some pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and then some banana chocolate chip muffins. Went to bi-lo this a.m. and got some spaghetti squash. Didn't realize until I got home that one of them had a soft spot. So I'm trying cutting that part out and roasting the rest of it. Have to go to the church today and get the donations for the soup kitchen.

    Linda - I usually don't flour my pan, but I do use a non-stick spray. Well, when I made the cake this time, I let it sit in the pan for almost 2-1/2 times that I did the last time. It still stuck, but not nearly as much as the first time. I think I'll just have to let it sit in the pan for longer. I know I have another cake recipe that you have to let sit in the pan for something like an hour or so. Happy Happy birthday.

    I found something new to have. I many times will have some of the Nestle No Sugar Added hot cocoa (this is the only one I've ever found that doesn't have aspertame in it). Anyway, the box says to mix it with 8oz of water. To me, there's just something "boring" about just water. So I was adding a tsp of CoffeeMate. Well.....the other day I decided to try something different. I had some unsweetened plain almond milk (30 calories for 8oz), so I added that to the hot cocoa. OK, it might be higher in the calories (but, really, not that much), but it sure gives it more of a "creamy" texture.

    grandmalle - glad you're home safe and sound, but so sorry about hubby.

    Meg - that's so interesting about the mist flu. I was watching Dr. Oz the other day and (this might have been recorded a while ago, I just DVR his shows and then watch them all at one time), he talked about there being a mist but he didn't mention about the chanace of getting sick. I would think he should have. Thanks for the tip about the burn stuff at Walgreens. I'll have to look for it. Got my flu shot yesterday. This year the shot is making me really tired. Guess this'll wear off. Two years ago I had a terrible reaction, chills, the whole 9 yards. Last year I didn't have any reaction at all. This year I'm just getting so tired all the time.

    Juanita - that is so nice of you to make those afghans.

    yanniejannie - awesome step count

    Need to take a shower. Took a nap this afternoon, and am feeling a bit tired right now so after the shower I'll lay down.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    HI!Got my labs back and am upset.Dr mentioned medication.The cholesterol is 203 and the LDL id elevated.
    I said I`d like to work on diet and exercise again.
    Any suggestions?
    thanks Hugs

    Jane, I got so discouraged about ten years ago when the doctor wanted to put me on cholesterol medication but then he looked back at my old records and found that my cholesterol had been high even when I was in my 30's and at a healthy weight, so I reluctantly began medication.

    :laugh: someone told me that the only way I could naturally have low cholesterol was to get different parents.:laugh: :laugh: High cholesterol is frequently hereditary and not the result of lifestyle.

    :flowerforyou: Now I take a cholesterol lowering medication daily and my numbers are good and I've gotten over the resistance to taking a prescription.

    :heart: Barbie
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Katla - I wish you lived near me, I am always trying to find folks to help keep mine ridden. And I am having a really hard time coming up with a new name for my new guy. His name is Nate and I don't like that one. We've thought of Redford (because I have a Newmann) and Ringo, Rango, Tango, and Bingo. Bingo because after having searched the sale horses for months, when I saw his picture I said "Bingo, that's the one." And a friend suggested Brando, And Eli, and Cash, and Dilinger. I keep thinking I'm going to know it's for him when I hear it. He is just so handsome I want a name that describes how majestic and loved he is.

    I would love to help you keep your horse exercised, but geography is not on our side. I have naming strategies for my dogs. I like two syllables, seem partial to the letter S to start, but don't always do that. Over the years I've had a Sanford, Sucia, and Schooner. I also had a Sammy. Unfortunately, there were two little boys in our neighborhood named Sam. I'd yell at the dog and kids all over the neighborhood would cringe. LOL. When I was little I named my dog after a horse--Trigger. Good luck with naming your handsome guy..
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Read all the post but it's 11 pm way past bed time. A little over today but not to bad.

    Thank you all for the birthday wishes.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in northern Ontario and yes it's snowing out.