I love my wine, but....???

Ok, I admit it...I love my wine, but I know it's hindering my ability to lose weight. One glass at dinner can easily turn into a bottle in front of the T.V. (more than once a week!)

Any advice on cutting back, while not giving it up completely?


  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    All I can advise is self-control. Make sure you measure and log, then put that bottle away :P
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    All I can advise is self-control. Make sure you measure and log, then put that bottle away :P

    This...just make sure it fits in your calorie goal...or exercise more to burn it off.
  • megginanderson
    megginanderson Posts: 276 Member
    yes, have you looked in MFP to see how many calories a glass is?
    I know for me, once I saw some of my fav foods calorie/fat or sodium content i was completely turned off from it.
    What about making out a plan on a blank calendar;
    What if you just try and say you will only drink 3 times a week and limit to 2 glasses and then see if you can, then the next week go to 2 times, then the next week got to 2 times but only 1 glass.
    If you set yourself a goal on paper i think the visual will help you.
  • mkwongh
    mkwongh Posts: 279 Member
    i dont drink often, but i do love my wine. I started drinking the skinny girl red wine, its not to bad.. and i think it has 89 cal's per
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    For me, drinking (too much) leads to binge eating. And lots of times, I just don't want to have to squeeze in any extra exercise for the calories, so I go without. It's been a bunch of trial and error, to be honest. 'cause Lord knows, I love me drinks! :drinker:
  • magbat1819
    magbat1819 Posts: 13 Member
    I drink wine too! I have three glasses a night! I'm losing slowly and I'm ok with that! Trying to go for two glasses a night! If you want to friend me I'm magbat1819. Good luck!
  • gman94568
    gman94568 Posts: 12 Member
    I have the same problem. For three months I decided to "Drink 0 Calories". I have given up soda, fancy coffee drinks, juices, beer, wine and any other drinks with calories. So far it has been a big help for weight loss but not willing to give it up long term. I will have the same challenge when I re-introduce it.
  • steffij100
    steffij100 Posts: 85 Member
    I love my wine too. Two methods which work for me- I have evenings I just don't drink any- it's much easier if you don't start! And if I do want wine, it absolutely has to fit into my calories- along with any potential wine induced snacking! I always make sure I eat healthily and watch my macros, so wine is an extra.

    Will cycle, zumba, strength train for wine! :drinker:
  • Naomi0504
    Naomi0504 Posts: 964 Member
    I love wine too :smile: But when I was trying hard to lose, I had to give it up. Wine always makes me crave major carbs and my self control is gone :smile:
    So I'd agree with not having it at all!
  • Bianca42
    Bianca42 Posts: 310 Member
    I switched to small wine glasses. They hold 4oz if I totally fill them up to the brim. I also keep the wine in the basement and I'm typically on the 1st or 2nd floor. I rarely go past 1 glass...but at 4oz if I have a second glass it's not the worst thing in the world.

    I also make sure that I have calories left and that I don't have any until after I exercise.

    Good luck to you!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    While I have not restricted anything on my journey, there are certain items that I do not purchase to consume at home such as bacon. I still enjoy bacon, but I have it under what I call controlled occasions. Those occasions are at some one else house or a restaurant where the supply is limited for me. You may try limiting drinking wine on those occasions.
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    If it's white wine that you like...spritzers! Get your normal glass of wine, add the same amount again of soda water and top up with ice/lemon. You physically can't drink as much because of all the volume you've added.

    I do hear you on the wine though. For me I've simply had to cut it out on week-days as I'm the type who simply doesn't stop at the one glass....before I know it I've had 3-4 glasses and then headed straight for the salty snacks!
  • jess7386
    jess7386 Posts: 477 Member
    I only drink on weekends.

    Also, buy smaller wine glasses :) those oz's add up!
  • rosellasweet
    rosellasweet Posts: 163 Member
    I only drink on weekends.

    Also, buy smaller wine glasses :) those oz's add up!

    I go by the weekend rule as well.
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    i make a lot of my own wine - putting it in smaller bottles really helps :-)
    we also have a vacuum-stopper for wine, so the excuse that it won't be as tastey the next day goes out the window....
    other than that, limit the days you drink....
  • This has helped me a LOT -- made me much more aware of how much I'm drinking and what it "costs:" http://caloriccuvee.com/
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I love wine A LOT!!!

    I gave it up for a while just to see what happens... BUT, when I do drink it, WEEKENDS ONLY! That way, I restrict myself to 1 night. I also invested in "Skinny Girl" wine, less calories and is sooooooooo yummy!
  • mrslcoop
    mrslcoop Posts: 317 Member
    I love my wine too. I might actually kill a man who tries to separate me from my red wine. That said, I switched to Italian wine glasses (they look they small juice glasses). The wine I drink is 120 cals for 6 oz glass which means I get to fill the whole glass to the top. Makes me feel like I’m drinking more.
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    it's hard... it really is and all I can say is it takes time and although you might not see any hope now, it will get easier and easier to step away from the bottle! =)

    I did the smaller glass thing and asked my family for support on this; it really comes down to will power. I limited myself to 2 glasses, 3 times a week and after a couple months, I had no problem having one glass with dinner a couple times a week at most. I drink full bodied reds and have gone back to a nice, larger glass now, still ensure it is 5 oz, so I can get the full sensory enjoyment when I have a glass.
  • samammay
    samammay Posts: 468
    I do plenty of cardio most days so I can drink at night...