October Cycling Challenge 2013



  • NaoyukiTai
    NaoyukiTai Posts: 39 Member
    After a few days of missing bike commute, finally I had two days of opportunities. I'm still way behind of "schedule".
    I did a bike ride this Saturday to catch up some of it.
    I rode to a beer house, drunk two pints, and came back today.
    Looking at my food log today, it proves me that you cannot outrun your fork+mug. :-b

    MTD: 88.26/240
    10/05/13 Cycling 6.91
    10/09/13 Cycling 7.09
    10/09/13 Cycling 9.42
    10/10/13 Cycling 7.11
    10/10/13 Cycling 9.42
    10/12/13 Cycling 30.93
    10/12/13 Cycling 17.38

    It's getting cold and I don't like it at all.
  • mlove351
    mlove351 Posts: 94 Member
    10/4/2013 6.11miles stationary bike 600 cals burned 40 min
    10/5/2013 20 miles road bike 1869 cals burned 2 hrs
    10/9/2013 6.86 miles road bike 633 cals burned 36 min
    10/10/2013 12.0 miles stationary 745 cals burned 53 min
    10/11/2013 (am) 12.10 miles road bike 988 cals burned 60min
    10/11/2013 (pm) 6.82 miles stationary bike 500 cals burned 30 min
    10/12/2013 10 miles hybrid leisure ride 823 cals burned 1 hr 10min

  • Oh well, been ill all week, so everything took second place to trying to get better...

    I thought I'd try an easy get-back-into-it ride today, but unfortunately, it is raining cats and dogs here today.... wish I had stationary bike or something here...

    only ride of the week
    Mond 7th: 21 km

    total so far this month: 66.5 km :-(
  • gregsonevans
    gregsonevans Posts: 232 Member
    Did a little more today but struggled again, no pain no gain though
    7 Activities
    136.83 mi
    9:55:45 h:m:s
    Elevation Gain:
    5,870 ft
    Avg Speed:
    13.8 mph
    Avg HR:
    132 bpm
    9,228 C
    Max Distance:
    51.21 mi
  • Activities 7
    Distance 146.19 mi
    Duration 08:07:05
    Calories 7,423 kcal

    Looks like I'm on track to hit my 200 miles goal. Just need to finish strong and maybe (just maybe) hit 250. Gotta keep moving.
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    I've reduced my goal from 90 miles to 75 miles for the month. Hope I can reach that goal.

    10/1 - 4 miles.
    10/2 - 0
    10/3 - 5 miles.
    10/4 - 0
    10/5 - 6 miles.
    10/6 - 0
    10/7 - 5.6 miles.
    10/8 - 1.3 miles.
    10/9 - 0
    10/10 - 5.9 miles a little faster than usual.
    10/11 - 0
    10/12 - 6.2 miles.
    10/13 - 0

    MTD = 34 miles.
    Goal = 75 miles.
    Remaining = 41 miles.
  • FatCycleRider
    FatCycleRider Posts: 6 Member
    I have a very specific goal of 553 miles for October. I don't ride any miles indoors.

    Here's my progress so far;

    Count: 22 Activities
    Distance: 246.58 mi
    Max Distance: 48.70 mi
    Time: 17:28:30 h:m:s
    Avg Speed: 14.1 mph
    Max Speed: 38.9 mph
    Calories: 14,546 C
  • PaulHalicki
    PaulHalicki Posts: 576 Member
    10/2 - 12*
    10/3 - 12
    10/10 - 17*
    10/11 - 37*
    10/13 - 32*

    Total: 110 miles

    *fixed gear rides

    Great ride last night. Rain predicted but it held off and I got 32 miles in. Today.... on business travel again. Ugh.
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    Looks like rain coming for the next 3-4 days though. SAAAAD FACE! :frown:

    And that's exactly what happened! :mad: 5 days of straight rain and no rides or any other form of exercise. And boy did I fudge up on my diet as well. I did it up right! Oh well, first cheat days since before summer. But today I'm back on the saddle again!

    10/01 - 06.25 @ 15.8 mph (AM)
    10/01 - 10.01 @ 15.8 mph (Noon)
    10/02 - 06.17 @ 16.9 mph (AM)
    10/03 - 06.20 @ 16.1 mph (AM)
    10/03 - 10.05 @ 16.2 mph (Noon)
    10/04 - 06.20 @ 16.1 mph (AM)
    10/04 - 10.04 @ 15.7 mph (Noon)
    10/05 - 22.10 @ 16.0 mph (Noon)
    10/06 - 14.06 @ 15.3 mph (Noon)
    10/07 - 10.47 @ 17.5 mph (PM)
    10/08 - 06.20 @ 17.6 mph (AM)
    10/08 - 07.69 @ 15.3 mph (PM)
    10/14 - 06.17 @ 16.8 mph (AM)
    10/14 - 10.02 @ 16.3 mph (Noon)

    MTD - 131.62
  • PaulHalicki
    PaulHalicki Posts: 576 Member
    Looks like rain coming for the next 3-4 days though. SAAAAD FACE! :frown:

    And that's exactly what happened! :mad: 5 days of straight rain and no rides or any other form of exercise.

    I guess that's the good news as far as my business trip this week goes. It's raining at home anyway, so I wouldn't be riding even if I were home. At least now I have the possibility of going for a walk this week.
  • morning_joy
    morning_joy Posts: 1,063 Member
    October 1st: 8.0 Miles
    October 4th: 8.2 Miles
    October 5th: 14 Miles
    October 6th: 15 Miles
    October 11th: 14.55 Miles
    October 12: 9 Miles
    October 13: 15:50 Miles
    October 14: 15 Miles

    At 99 Miles out of my 150 for October. I am really hoping to crush this record this month!!

  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    I've reduced my goal from 90 miles to 75 miles for the month. Hope I can reach that goal.

    10/1 - 4 miles.
    10/2 - 0
    10/3 - 5 miles.
    10/4 - 0
    10/5 - 6 miles.
    10/6 - 0
    10/7 - 5.6 miles.
    10/8 - 1.3 miles.
    10/9 - 0
    10/10 - 5.9 miles a little faster than usual.
    10/11 - 0
    10/12 - 6.2 miles.
    10/13 - 0
    10/14 - 6.2 miles.

    MTD = 40.2 miles.
    Goal = 75 miles.
    Remaining = 34.8 miles.
  • faugsu
    faugsu Posts: 330 Member
    17 MILES
  • mlove351
    mlove351 Posts: 94 Member
    10/4/2013 6.11miles stationary bike 600 cals burned 40 min
    10/5/2013 20 miles road bike 1869 cals burned 2 hrs
    10/9/2013 6.86 miles road bike 633 cals burned 36 min
    10/10/2013 12.0 miles stationary 745 cals burned 53 min
    10/11/2013 (am) 12.10 miles road bike 988 cals burned 60min
    10/11/2013 (pm) 6.82 miles stationary bike 500 cals burned 30 min
    10/12/2013 10 miles hybrid leisure ride 823 cals burned 1 hr 10min
    10/14/2013 12.12 miles road bike 1014 cals burned 1 hr

  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    1st Oct - 17.14 miles
    2nd Oct - 34.65 miles
    3rd Oct - 34.99 miles
    4th Oct - 34.70 miles
    7th Oct -17.43 miles
    9th Oct - 17.43 miles
    15th Oct - 17.48 miles

    Total October: 174.09 miles
    Target: 500 miles - I was going to decrease my target but thought better of it, I'll leave it there to taunt me... Grrr....!
    Remaining: 325.91 miles

    September Miles: 273.53 Cycle
    August Miles: 571.26 Cycle
  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    10/1: 25
    10/2: 15
    10/3: 15
    10/4: 25
    10/5: 15
    10/6: 0
    10/7: 30
    10/8: 41 (31 miles for fun and a 10 mile commute later on)
    10/9: 21
    10/10: 27 (Amazing evening ride. Perfect weather and feeling fast and strong)
    10/11: 20
    10/12: 5
    month to date: 239 miles
    Going well!
  • reggiepe
    reggiepe Posts: 146 Member
    10/01 - 8.08 miles
    10/02 - 9.32 miles
    10/03 - 8.31 miles
    10/04 - Rest day
    10/05 - 12.0 miles
    10/06 - 7.0 miles
    10/07 - 7.0 miles
    10/08 - 8.49 miles
    10/09 - 7.28 miles
    10/10 - 6.12 miles
    10/11 - 6.31 miles
    10/12 - Rest Day
    10/13 - Rest Day
    10/14 - 18.24 miles

    MTD - 98.15 miles
    Goal - 200 miles
  • I love cycling; it gives me a sense of freedom. I suppose like motorcycle rides. I have cycle every Sunday if possible the last ride (2 weeks ago) rode 27 miles. I try to ride 30 miles every Sunday. I ride alone have not found anyone near to ride with.
  • 10/5 5.1 miles
    10/6 12.5 miles
    10/7 17.6 miles
    10/8 12.5 miles
    10/10 20.8miles
    10/13 20.8 miles

    MTD 89.4
  • GenoPrice
    GenoPrice Posts: 477 Member
    10/01 - 24.4
    10/02 - 0
    10/03 - 17.1
    10/04 - 0 - On holiday, no bike
    10/05 - 0 - On holiday, no bike
    10/06 - 0 - On holiday, no bike
    10/07 - 0 - On holiday, no bike
    10/08 - 22.8
    10/10 - 27.6
    10/11 - 27.6 - Slower today, probably from the run I had this morning
    10/12 - 0
    10/13 - 0
    10/14 - 0
    10/15 - 30