What does your day look like? Fitting in exercise...



  • Shannonthompson73
    Shannonthompson73 Posts: 105 Member
    Life is busy. Are you on your own or do you have a partner who can take their share of the work off you?

    4 days a week I commit to getting to the gym. Often I sacrifice sleep to get there. Someone said they sacrifice the cleanliness of their house to get their work out in, I would but that ship sailed when I went back to work full time. I like the idea of making family time active but most of our family time is ferrying kids to and from activities during the week.

    An average gym day for me
    5:30 get up go to gym, work out, shower, get ready for work, get to work
    7:30-4:15 Work
    4:30-6:00 Get home straighten up, take care of dogs, eat supper
    6:00-9:00 Run kids, assorted meetings, spend time with youngest making sure he has what he needs, check youngest's homework, get youngest to bed,
    9:00-10:15 wrangle with older two about homework, walk dogs, catch up on bills etc, take one more swing at finding the counters or floor
    10:15- 10:30 spend time with older 2 making sure they have what they need
    10:30-10:45 get to bed
  • kowajenn
    kowajenn Posts: 274 Member
    I have an 11 hour work day, M-F, so including the commute I'm out of the house for 12 hours each day. I walk for most of my lunch hour every day, and Monday-Thursday I do a workout video when I get home. Which one I do varies because I bore easily, but this week it's a kickboxing workout.

    I usually walk either Saturday or Sunday for an hour, but that's it. I'm not looking to be buff, just reasonably fit to the point where I don't die earlier than I have to.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I guess I'm able to fit in my workouts everyday: 1. don't have kids (they can be time suckers), 2. save cleaning for the weekends (if I have time, I also volunteer and belong to a professional women's group, so my weekends can be kind of full). 3. try to fit other activities around my workouts. So basically stop all the cleaning and you'll have time to workout.
  • emc0n0
    emc0n0 Posts: 13 Member
    I play Volleyball at my local YMCA two days a week. I should really get in at least one more day but alas....Motivation escapes me. On days that I do have motivation and no time I have a few tricks. I have a fitbit and try to get in $10,000 steps per day on days that I do not play Volleyball I try to get in 15,000 steps. Here are my tips to sneak in more activity.

    1. Do not tell the kids to walk the dog. Do it yourself. (Ofcourse this tip only works when you have a dog,...if not borrow the neighbors.)

    2. While you are waiting for the microwave to beep do a funny dance. If you do not like to dance then go ahead and do jumping jacks.

    3. While cleanng instead of having an armful of toys or shoes (The kids left them ofcourse). Take less at a time, meaning more trips upstairs.

    4. Watching tv? Do not fast forward on Tivo. During the commercials do jumping jacks during one brake. Do squats during another. During your show you can probably do some stretches.

    5. Family Time? Go hiking, swimming, skating. Keep it fun but keep it moving.

    Want more tips? I have tons. :)
  • emc0n0
    emc0n0 Posts: 13 Member
    Oh one other tip. The best in my opinion. Find excercise that you like to do. For example I know that running/jogging is a great workout but I also know that I would literally have to force myself or bribe myself to do it. So for now, no running. I know it won't work. I love sports so I always go to volleyball. I will not miss it. What is your passion? Do you like to walk outside and be with nature? Do you like machines at the gym? Do you love dancing, yog? Find your thing and you will have a better chance of sticking to it.
  • c14hrissy
    c14hrissy Posts: 5 Member
    where can i find this squat and ab challenge
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I sacrifice the cleanliness of my house.

    That makes 2 of us. The only time I have to clean is usually Sundays.
  • Jackson4590
    Jackson4590 Posts: 145 Member
    7:30 wake up
    8:00 - 5:00: work
    5:00 - 6:00: work meetings
    6:30- 7:30: work out
    7:30 dinner
    8-bedtime: whatever I want to do.
  • SkinnyMel78
    SkinnyMel78 Posts: 434 Member
    My day is hectic, but I started getting up and going to the gym at 5:30 am/4days week. I leave the house when my husband and kids are still sleeping and return to everyone waking up and getting ready for work/school. Doing this I have noticed increased energy throughout my day and I sleep awesome at night!!!
  • SkinnyMel78
    SkinnyMel78 Posts: 434 Member
    I play Volleyball at my local YMCA two days a week. I should really get in at least one more day but alas....Motivation escapes me. On days that I do have motivation and no time I have a few tricks. I have a fitbit and try to get in $10,000 steps per day on days that I do not play Volleyball I try to get in 15,000 steps. Here are my tips to sneak in more activity.

    1. Do not tell the kids to walk the dog. Do it yourself. (Ofcourse this tip only works when you have a dog,...if not borrow the neighbors.)

    2. While you are waiting for the microwave to beep do a funny dance. If you do not like to dance then go ahead and do jumping jacks.

    3. While cleanng instead of having an armful of toys or shoes (The kids left them ofcourse). Take less at a time, meaning more trips upstairs.

    4. Watching tv? Do not fast forward on Tivo. During the commercials do jumping jacks during one brake. Do squats during another. During your show you can probably do some stretches.

    5. Family Time? Go hiking, swimming, skating. Keep it fun but keep it moving.

    Want more tips? I have tons. :)

    Love this ^^^^^
  • livesmith
    I understand completely. It is NOT easy. I've got 2 little girls at home that suck up all my time and on a good night I just have to get up a few times to put a bink back in.
    My schedule generally looks something like:
    5AM up-Try to get in 15 minutes of a workout.
    6:30-head to work
    7-Some days I'll stop at the park on the way in to work and run for half an hour.

    11:30-Either get in a half hour walk if I didn't run in the morning, or maybe just a 15 minute walk if I did.

    I also try to get in little bits throughout my work day with Fitbolt, like stretches, or sometimes 30 lunges, 15 pushups, a minute of jumping jacks, etc like every half hour. Sometimes that's more possible than others.

    4:30 leave work

    Grocery store frequently on the way home

    6pm home

    Try to go outside and walk with the girls for half an hour to an hour. Sometimes that means just barely walking while they meander or I might strap the 25lber to my back and carry the 15lber and walk up the hill and get in 20 minutes of hiking...

    Weekend I may or may not get 15 minutes of workout in, and I try to get in either 30 minutes of mostly running or an hour of walking around our yard, which is up and down hill during morning nap time.

    Those evenings of getting up and getting the girls outside is definitely the hardest. They don't generally cooperate. The older one either just wants to get in trouble and I'm trying to keep up while either carrying or pushing the younger. And if I try to strap them on, push them or pull them, they frequently fall to sleep which is not good if I want them to go to sleep around 8pm so that I can get to sleep and try to get the better part of 8 hours in!

    And all of that is MUCH harder if I'm not getting enough sleep and tired!
  • sumeetg37
    sumeetg37 Posts: 108 Member
    I'll throw my two cents in... I would feel like a slacker after reading many of these but.... I just don't :)

    7:30 wake up shower get ready
    8:00 Take boy to daycare
    8:30 arrive at work, grind some coffee, brew a cup, and have breakfast
    work till
    11:30 - 12:30 workout and eat lunch
    work till
    5:30 pick the boy up from daycare
    6 sometimes feed the boy sometimes wife feeds the boy
    7 sometimes bathtime bedtime the boy sometimes wife does.
    7:30-8:30 make and eat dinner again sometimes I make it sometimes my wife does
    8:30-11:00 do whatever needs doing or if I'm all caught up watch tv/read/generally vegetate.
    11:00 - 11:30 wind down go to sleep
  • MikaMojito
    MikaMojito Posts: 680 Member
    My day Monday to Thursday:

    6.00 Alarm rudely awakens me, I showed, get dressed
    6.30 Quick breakfast - I measure out my breakfast the evening before
    7.00 Leave house, drive to work
    8-4 School hours; I eat lunch with the kids but I usually bring my own food
    4.30 Home again, prepare lessons for the next day, grade papers etc
    6.00 Switch on TV (Simpsons are on!!!) and get on Crosstrainer for half an hour
    6.30 Make dinner
    7.30 Often enough - back to the desk; or read, watch TV etc
    11.30 Bedtime

    So I do half an hour of exercise 4 times a week; on Friday I go to by bf's place after work. No crosstrainer there and I'm also shattered at the end of the week. Sat or Sunday I go for a run.
  • emc0n0
    emc0n0 Posts: 13 Member
    where can i find this squat and ab challenge

    I second the question above.
  • SunKissed1989
    SunKissed1989 Posts: 1,314 Member
    My uni timetable varies each week but I tend to workout in the evenings so that's all I can really 'plan'. Thinking of making my new plan the following:

    Monday: Zumba 8-9pm OR 5k training session at the gym
    Tuesday: Boxercise 7.30-8.15pm
    Wednesday: Zumba Toning (7-8pm) and/or Strength & Tone fitness class (8.20-9pm)
    Thursday: Gym session (1 hour between 7 and 10am) OR rest day (only rest if I did 2 classes on Wednesday night)
    Friday: Rest day
    Saturday: Spin Circuits class 10.45-11.30am
    Sunday: Rest day
  • SunKissed1989
    SunKissed1989 Posts: 1,314 Member
    where can i find this squat and ab challenge

    I second the question above.

    Type them into google and they'll come up in images - started the squat challenge once but never finished it, the abs one looks good too...might try both of them out myself :smile:
  • ceebeez1975
    ceebeez1975 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi I am a busy working mum like you. I exercise 4 times a week for 25 mins.
    I have a stationary bike as well as a swiss ball and weights, and I also have a dog which I walk in the weekend.

    My day goes like this:
    Up at 5.30
    exercise from 5.45-6.10
    kids ready, make lunches
    Out the door at 7.45
    Home at 4
    Cook tea at 5
    kids in bed at 7 after bath etc
    Then chill out with husband, go to bed 9.00
    I do have a husband but he likes to sleep in lol! He does help with kids when I am exercising, or kids come down with me in the room and watch tv.
    I just get up a bit earlier.
  • littlenature
    Wow, you all wake up so early!!! 4.30 AM is, like, the middle of the night! I feel sorry for myself because of the 2 days a week that I have to get up before 7... I don't think I'll post my schedule- I'm single, have no kids, and enjoy a very very easy existence, apparently. But seriously, kudos, people! Y'all have impressed me.
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    Work day (3 days a week)

    Up at 5 am to work by 7 am.
    Off at 730 pm
    8 pm either home and running or at gym strength training with trainer, some days neither.

    Day off from paid job

    Up at 630
    Out the door as soon as it's starting to get light for a run
    Clean, cook, laundry, groceries, bills, etc...
    Cook dinner and clean it up
    6 pm outdoor bootcamp or session at gym with trainer.

    I only run 3-4 days a week and don't run after work unless it's the only way to get my runs in for the week.

    There is 1 day a week I don't exercise at all.
  • katimama
    katimama Posts: 191 Member
    Wow, fantastic responses! THANKS SO MUCH! I haven't had a chance yet to read through all of them yet (I will though!) but it has already inspired me for today. I'm having the kids eat an early dinner, then bringing them to the kids playroom at the gym so I can take a class from 5:30-6:30.

    As for the question to a spouse who could help out ... I am married and he is able to help out at night sometimes. He works VERY long hours and sometimes he's not home until 9PM (or he gets home for a quick dinner, then has to go out and work again for a few hours). So I try not to rely on him to get in workout's, but whenever he can he'll take the kids so I can head to the gym.