My menstrual cycle is all messed up now



  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Well the GYN said all this is normal. So whatever I guess...
  • Neikx
    Neikx Posts: 3 Member
    So glad I found this thread, cause I'm have the same problem. I don't think I'm ovulating and seem to get my period constantly, without any cramps (I used to have really bad ones). I don't seem to have a cycle at all right now, it's just random. I feel relieved to know that this is really common. So thanks everyone for sharing.
  • Neritel
    Neritel Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for digging this out! I joined mfp 35 days ago and lost 21 lbs in that period, the rest of my weight loss before that happened at a slightly lower pace. Now i got my period a second time in one month with spotting in between. I am having a lot of cramps.
    I am not on the pill and had a health check just before i joined mfp. The blood test said my hormones are all how they should be.
  • Raechel_R
    Raechel_R Posts: 7 Member
    So glad to read this. Since January 10 to March 4 I've lost 14 lbs. Today I started my period. No cramps at all. Egg white phase a few days then boom period. Only 14 days between cycle. You Google it and get nothing. So I searched here. I'm not on birth control for 5 months. So i guess my body is confused by 2lb a week weight loss. I'll try slowing it down to 1 lbs a week now. I only have 9 lbs to go anyway. Thanks ladies. I feel better now.
  • rachylouise87
    rachylouise87 Posts: 367 Member
    mine changed - at 174lbs i did not have periods, then at around 158 i did and now they are regular 34 -35 days but now i suffer with painful cramps and horrible pms which i cannot control so the change has not been for the better for me
  • klkateri
    klkateri Posts: 432 Member
    Since losing the weight I've gone from wacky "It shows up roughly 28-35 days... maybe.... SURPRISE!! A week early with no supplies and at work" to "27 days spot on". My cramps have also gotten better. Instead of driving me crazy for several days, now I get them the first day... maybe a day before. In fact, my symptoms have gone down so much (PMS, Cramps, Bloating) that I think I might be pregnant every month!! Except for a massive appetite, My period has gone from curse to inconvenience!! I'm thrilled!!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    So for the record, this is an old thread. It came back once I started eating closer to maintenance. PMS is way worse though.
  • NicoleisQuantized
    NicoleisQuantized Posts: 344 Member
    edited March 2015
    Actually, in the last three months I have been getting a period twice a month, where it lasts 3 days (2 light days, 1 heavy). I had an ultrasound and blood-work done last week and will see my physician next week. I am afraid I have premature ovarian failure or premature menopause (I am 28 yrs).

    Edit: I just read the posts above and am really happy I did... I am glad I am not the only one to have gone through this...
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    This is a hormonal issue caused by fluctuating hormones which is fairly common as women get older. I started having periods like this when I was in my early 30s. At first it was just a few days of spotting, then nothing for a week or so, then my real period would start. Gradually the breakthrough bleeding got longer and longer. By the time I was 38, there was only a day or two between that and the regular period, totaling about two weeks of bleeding. I finally saw a doctor for it in 2008. He put me on the Nuva Ring and I haven't had any problems since.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I haven't had my period for 7 months and I've had all the tests; pregnancy, blood, ultrasounds, thyroid etc... Would love to hear some suggestions as to what to do next. I ate 1200 calories for like 5 months without eating exercise calories and I wonder if this might have caused some damage..

    Yes, not eating enough for an extended period will stop your period. It's your body's way of saying you don't have enough reserves to have a baby. Your cycle SHOULD come back when your diet becomes more reasonable and you have replenished your reserves. Check your iron levels.
  • boy_samantha
    boy_samantha Posts: 2 Member
    I feel like I am in the same boat as you ladies as well. My menstrual cycle is all messed up as well.

    I stopped birth control in December and had my period like I normally do. Then waited a month to see if I would get my period again, seeing as there has been a lot of talk about not regaining your period after stopping birth control. I had my annual in January, a week after my last period. Then in February nothing, and still nothing up until now. So now I'm in week 7 from my last period. I don't believe I'm pregnant seeing as I have taken tests every week since my missed period.

    I just believe this is amenorrhea, but has anyone else experienced this going off of birth control?
  • spoonyspork
    spoonyspork Posts: 238 Member
    Though this is an old thread, glad to see it. Mine got weird around Christmas time, which was when I was dropping the most weight (and eating closer to maintenance, go figure). Twice in one month including last month... really light for almost a whole week then one HEAVY day then bam off (so yes -- that means more than half a month bleeding!). I've been free for three weeks now though, so hopefully now that my weight loss is slowing it's leveling back off. That or I'm pregnant. Which would figure. XD