Interracial relationship views



  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I think it's a bit cruel to any children a couple might have, but that depends on where the person is and how integrated into one culture or another both parents are.

    Thank you! Finally someone who makes sense!!!

    Do you know what happens when you mix a white person and an asian person and they have children?

    You get a child with white privilege and the natural asian racial bonus to martial arts and math.

    Overpowered much?!

    except they cant be ninjas cause only pure japanese blood has the power to be a ninja...true fact

    But the japanese are descendents of korean fisherman... true fact

    I once fought a man dressed like a kaiju character. true fact.

    who won?
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I think it's a bit cruel to any children a couple might have, but that depends on where the person is and how integrated into one culture or another both parents are.

    Thank you! Finally someone who makes sense!!!

    Do you know what happens when you mix a white person and an asian person and they have children?

    You get a child with white privilege and the natural asian racial bonus to martial arts and math.

    Overpowered much?!

    except they cant be ninjas cause only pure japanese blood has the power to be a ninja...true fact

    Um, no. Ninja are Chinese. Japanese had the Samurai!!
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I encourage it interracial couples make hot women lol

    I'll say thank you to this :wink:

    You're overpowered too! I saw your pictures. :angry:

    I mean, shame on my parents, right?? :smile:

    Yes! Shame on them!
  • BaconSlanger
    BaconSlanger Posts: 64 Member
    I love on the west coast, totally normal here. It could just be your location.

    Hahaha, I just saw you were from Portland, Oregon. That is actually where he is from! I went up there this summer to visit his family and I noticed the looks had died down and that the Asian population was more prominent. He's in Eugene at the moment for a trip!
  • dirty_dirty_eater
    dirty_dirty_eater Posts: 574 Member
    Where I'm from, a "mixed marriage" is when an LSU fan marries an Auburn fan.

    Those people are seriously shunned.
  • zeebruhgirl
    zeebruhgirl Posts: 493 Member
    Who caressssss.
  • BaconSlanger
    BaconSlanger Posts: 64 Member
    Where I'm from, a "mixed marriage" is when an LSU fan marries an Auburn fan.

    Those people are seriously shunned.

    lmfao I am rolling.
    epic post man.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    lol @ Texas and other southern states. they just cant let the racism go.

    for example this Georgia town that had their first integrated prom in 2013!!!!

    "Fast forward to today, and here I am heading three hours down the highway from Atlanta to Wilcox County, Ga., where students there are holding their first integrated prom."

    do your best to ignore them.

    The most racist people I've ever met are all from the north.

    maybe they just hide it better in the north because its very clear in the south. like that prom i mentioned. its crazy what the south still does in this day and age.

    I have a theory that they come down here and assume they are in good company if you are a white male and let things slip they wouldn't normally say....which has been shocking to say the least.

    Just a small observation I've had for awhile is that in general has proved to be true. Peeps from the north love black culture but most I've found actually dont like the person. Peeps in the south are general biased against the entire race but love the individual person.

    I know tons if good ole boys who have tons of black friends but they are generally racist. Same goes for the black people being racist of white people but still having white friends down here. I've watched plenty of northerns come through and if they see a black person without a tie, they grab their purse instantly.

    Also, people from California just generally hate anyone that is not them.

    Just some honest observations from an ex bartender in a predominantly black southern city.

    As for Interacial dating, you like what you like and there's nothing wrong with it. I've dated outside my race before and didn't notice too much of a reaction although there was a small amount.

    In the end it doesn't matter bc we all are most likely mixed to an extent already and the general populace will be mixed in the not too distant future. White pride, black power, Asian mathematics, doesn't matter, none of us can keep or pants on when we see something sexy.
  • Tuala42
    Tuala42 Posts: 274 Member
    I'm caucasian with a filipino husband, in the midwest, never remotely had an issue. My kids look exactly like my husband and I'm thrilled about it. Couple of times when they were little, out and about with just my girls, I'd been asked if they were adopted because they don't look like me at all. Doesn't bother me to be asked--I have adopted nephews that are different races than their parents, so I think that's pretty cool anyway.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    who won?

    I was willing to take the fight further than he was. :D
  • AyeCorona
    AyeCorona Posts: 204 Member
    <---- this
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Doesn't matter what other people think.

    I don't care APART from when you see 100 year old men with a 20yo Asian bride. That just annoys me.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    who won?

    I was willing to take the fight further than he was. :D

    So you have a tendency towards violence?
  • Trueray
    Trueray Posts: 1,189 Member
    In Canada...Well do I need to say more. LOL!
  • CantStopWontStop92
    CantStopWontStop92 Posts: 165 Member
    lolz for days on this thread:)

    I'm in the same boat OP! Not with the funky looks but dating interacially. I dated a black guy earlier this year, and now am seeing a wonderful hispanic Antonio Banderas look-a-like. Haters gon hate, let it motivate you to further ooze your loveydovey-ness all over them. Interacial relationships rock:)
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    are you saying its cruel to have an interracial child?

    Depends. If you're in a city like London, then no-one is going to bat an eyelid, but if you're living in the countryside somewhere without a significant mixed-race population then not only is the kid going to stand out and perhaps not be able to identify as much with the culture they grow up in, but they might also suffer from a lot of bullying.

    Potential health problems should also be considered. For example, mixed-race people are at a much higher risk of not being able to find a genetic match for an organ transplant, with current technology. I read an article on the subject just a few weeks ago. New technologies are developing to solve that sort of problem, but it's a real issue today.

    Organs? maybe Bone Marrow but the rest of human organs don't quiet work that way, has to do with blood and immunological compatibility.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    The nice thing about interracial relationships is you don't need to use birth control.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    The nice thing about interracial relationships is you don't need to use birth control.

    You really changed your screen name to say that? at least make sure it's really offensive or really funny.
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    Just a small observation I've had for awhile is that in general has proved to be true. Peeps from the north love black culture but most I've found actually dont like the person. Peeps in the south are general biased against the entire race but love the individual person.

    I know tons if good ole boys who have tons of black friends but they are generally racist. Same goes for the black people being racist of white people but still having white friends down here.

    As twisted as this sounds, I can actually confirm this from personal experience. My two best friends growing up here in Texas were pretty damn racist "good ole boys". And then I have a friend who doesn't particularly like black people but has a black friend he hangs out with often.

    In regards to the OP, yeah I do think its Texas. Very few Asians and a lot of Hispanics so that's why no one really blinks when you're dating one. I guess it is strange no one really reacts to an Asian girl dating a white guy.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    The nice thing about interracial relationships is you don't need to use birth control.

    You really changed your screen name to say that? at least make sure it's really offensive or really funny.

    or both
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