The New Rules of Lifting



  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    So far I really like Fat Loss 1... workout B is kicking my @$$. Deadlifts, split squats and then I am just about out of gas by time I hit the Romanian Deadlifts....
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    So I a having an issue with phase 3 on Fat loss 1... I am doing the workout with 3 sets of 10 reps with only 45 seconds rest.

    I am leaving the gym feeling more physically tired then sore... my last set is more weak because of fatigue. Is that the idea?

    I am trying to decide if I should lower my weight a bit to get a stronger finish or is there another trick...
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Well... I guess I was wrong last night. I am pretty damn sore, shoulders and my glutes.
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Anyone still out there doing the NROL program? :flowerforyou: I tried to start a new support thread but was told there was one already, so I went searchin' and found you guys!

    I've done exercise A, day 1 and exercise B, day 1 so far from the NROL4W book. I love it so far! I am definitely more sore than I anticipated. I'm used to isolation exercises. My boyfriend is working on building muscle and I was strength training with him and a friend on M, W & F. We were in the gym 2-3 hours each time. I was surprised when I was out of the gym in less than an hour. Felt kinda like I'd cheated myself... haha, but the next day after each workout my body told me I'd done something right!

    Here are my stats so far:

    Squats: 2 sets, 15 reps, 65 lbs. (had to do these w/ the Smith machine b/c the boys were taking up the rack :angry: - unhappy about this! Will claim my domain in the next workout!)

    Push-ups: 2 sets, 15 reps (had to do these on the wall)

    Seated row: 2 sets, 15 reps, 50 lbs. (felt a little light, but I did feel the weight near the end of the reps)

    Step-ups: 2 sets, 15 reps, 25 lbs. (the step had two spacers beneath it... not sure how many inches high it was ... may have to adjust the weight b/c my arms got really fatigued. NOTE: I found out I was doing these wrong. I need to use a higher step and even start out w/ just body weight until I get the form correct. Will be doing that during the next workout!)

    Prone jackknife: Tried. Failed. Did hip machine instead @ 90 lbs. for two sets of 8. Not sure if this is okay. Will try the prone jackknife again on Friday.

    Deadlift: 65 lbs., 2 sets, 15 reps each (a little worried about my form; tried to concentrate on keeping the natural arch in my back and feeling the work in my glutes and upper back ... will work on my form this weekend. I've deadlifted before. Just a little unsure about it for some reason.)

    Shoulder press: 8 lbs., 2 sets, 15 reps each

    Wide-grip pulldown: 50 lbs., 2 sets, 15 reps each

    Lunges: 10 lbs., 1 set, 15 reps each leg; body weight, 1 set, 15 reps each leg (Had some issues getting low with these ... but I did the best I could and definitely felt it!)

    Swiss-ball crunches: 2 sets, 8 reps

    I'm also eating more than usual and that makes me a little nervous. But, I've been stalled around 60 lbs. lost for around 6 months. :noway: :explode: Tired of it. I upped my caloric intake from 1200 (plus exercise calories burned - I measure this with a Polar F6 HRM which I adore) to 1400 (also plus exercise calories burned; on strength days I just add an extra 300 calories to my day). Just an observation: I've had more energy. I haven't felt like I've wanted to binge (this has been an issue for me) and when I've gotten hungry, I've eaten something high in protein. The other morning I woke up at 4 a.m. with my belly rumbling ... not sure what the was about. But, overall, I've felt much better this week than I have in a long time. Now I just need to work on my sleeping patterns ... :yawn: The holidays really mess me up. I'm used to staying up late and sleeping in... now I'm staying up late and getting up early. Hopefully will reset over the weekend.

    P.S. - sorry for the wordiness. I'm a Journalism major. :wink: :laugh:
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Sounds like you are having a good run at the break-in workout. I do not know what is in the Women's version, but it seems similar to the one I did.

    The hardest thing to get used to is the lack of time you have to actually spend lifting... it is all about getting the maximum effort for the time you are there. You should get your boyfriend a copy of the book, save him 2 hours a day!
  • Hey Leigh, I'm glad you found the thread.:wink:

    The workouts look simple on paper, but they are tough esp in Stage 2. I've been stuck on the stage forever. I had to start over due to busy work schedule and shoulder issues.

    Pronejack knife - I had to build up some confidence before doing this because I was scared of falling on my face.

    Deadlifts - There are videos on youtube on form.
  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member
    Bump! I just started with the Stage 1 this week and am glad to have found this thread as well.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Here is a great site with logs for each workout.. as long s you have purchased the book you can download them for free.
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Gorilla - I would TOTALLY get him a copy of the book, but he's all about spending quality time in the gym. :laugh: He has made a lot of progress, but I think I really prefer this routine to his! Just don't tell him. :wink: Thanks for the link to the logs, btw! They're awesome!!

    april - Thanks!! :flowerforyou: I actually busted my knee with the prone jackknife, haha. And I've watched more videos and read more than I care to about deadlifts ... I think maybe I need someone to watch me and correct my form. I *feel* like I'm doing things right, but not sure if what I know in my head is translating to what I do with my body, lol. Good luck with stage 2!!!!

    rmkorama - looks like we're in the same boat! :smile: Good luck to you!!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Wow Fat Burn 2 is crazy! All these combined moves are leaving me beat at the end of the workouot. The T-pushups were tough but the Romanian Deadlift/bentover row was a killer.

    I could not do the Bulgarian Split squat/overhead press. I did it as a static lunge instead. it was such a workout I am skipping my cardio session today!
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    Here's my stats for Stage 3 of NROL4W.

    Stage 3 Workout A

    Workout Started Ended

    One-armed DB Snatch 25x6 35x6
    DB Single Leg Rom. DL 30x6 30x6
    BB Bent over Row 75x6 80x6
    DB 1-arm overhead squat 20(10)x6 30(15)x6
    DB Inclined Bench Press 30x6 30x6
    Plank 60 90
    Rev. Wood Chop 30x6 40x6

    I stopped doing the Body Matrix after a couple of times as it was just too hard on my knees.

    Stage 3 Workout B

    BB Romanian DL/BB Row 85x6 85x6
    Partial 1-leg squat BWx6 15x6
    Wide Grip Pulldown 90x6 105x6
    Back Extension 10x6 30x6
    YTWL 5x6 10x6
    Swiss Ball Crunch 12x6 16x12
    Hip Flexion RCx6 (no incline) RCx6 (Deepest incline)
    Lateral Flexion SBx6 SBx6
    Prone Cobra 90 90

    I really thought I would see more gains, but I guess it is what it is. I should note that I was only counting the weight of one dumbbell in my recording. I don't know why I didn't do total weight. I also only counted my weight from my 3rd set since the first two sets was trying to figure out which weight to use and to get the form down.
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