I'm so annoyed with myself...

Ok, so I put myself in a position where fast food was kind of a must for me tonight. My life has been get up at 5:30 to work out (when I can make myself). Get the kids ready and run then in 3 different directions. Be at work by 8:30. Leave for lunch at 12:00 to pick up kids from band practice. Be back at work by 1. Get off at 4:30. Have the kids at football/cheerleading practice by 5:30. Stay there till 7:30 and then bring everyone home and get them ready for the next day. I had been doing ok with premade meals and quick home cooked meals, HOWEVER, today I also added in a dentist appointment and had no groceries left. SO, I went to KFC. I got 1 grilled chicken breast, some green beans, and some corn on the cob. I ate all the chicken and a reasonable amount of the sides. I ignored the biscuit the whole time. Then, as I went to throw it away, I thought "one bite won't hurt" and I ate 1/2 a buscuit. I know its a minor slip up but I am just disappointed becuase I thought before I did it and did it anyway. Grrrr...I mean, I should be able to control what goes into my mouth, right? I'm frustrated. I guess I could have done worse though.

Thanks for listening :(


  • Danielle_81
    ehhh...don't beat yourself up, I think you did marvelous! If you're very worried about that biscuit, next time just tell them you don't want it. You may have to pay for it, but then you won't have to throw it away or waste it, someone else can deal with it. :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • karensfitnesspal
    Don't beat yourself up....sounds like you are an extremely busy mom. Sometimes these things will happen, it is what you do after that matters. What I mean is.....if you stress yourself over every little mistake, then you will stay stressed. Just remind yourself you will do better tomorrow and move forward.

    Best of luck and know that you are not alone, I am also a very busy mom and I am rooting for you! :)

    Have a great day tomorrow!
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    I've eaten those biscuits. They're IMPOSSIBLE to resist. you should be PROUD of yourself for only eating half; I know I couldn't!
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    ok, be annoyed a bit, but I don't think 1/2 a biscuit merrits a "GRRR" :wink: If you had said you were about to throw it away then scarfed it, then went back and ordered more food, then came home and pigged out til dawn, THAT would be Grrrrrr worthy. Don't beat yourself up too hard. One day and one biscuit won't derail you. Perhaps allow yourself to enjoy the reward for running all over town and taking care of your family. From where I am sitting, it looks like you earned every morsel! Keep up the good work!
  • ShiniCocoPuff

    As annoyed with yourself as you may be...don't beat yourself up about it. Take how you feel now with you and remember how you feel now, if you are ever in this position again. Let's not ignore the fact that you ate protein and vegetables. It could've been much, more worse if you ate a greasy burger, fries and a shake from a drive thru fast food restaurant.

    Take Care...and let's not forget about all the other times you've stuck to your diet :)
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    It's okay to eat fast food! I think you did good! I'm not going to take away fast food from myself or family because let's face it sometimes it does help out or we are really craving something. Also long as in moderation!

    When I want Mc D's..instead of a large big mac meal, I get a small plain burger.

    my fav fast food place to go though is Chick fil a! yummy chicken and they offer low cal meals
  • sharmonesq
    sharmonesq Posts: 113 Member
    Thanks to all you guys for the supportive replies. I'm a little emotional today anyway. Between some stress lately, hormone issues, and the after effects of the dentist's gas I may not have everything in perspective. LOL I should probably just go to bed :)