Official Nightshift thread!!!



  • Hello fellow nightshifters. I've been on the site now for a little less than 2 weeks and have been browsing the forums and saw the thread here. Thanks for making it available. I've been on nights (10:30p-7a) for 19 of the last 20 years and have struggled with bad eating habits that come along with having low willpower in addition to being opposite from everyone else. I look forward to reading updates and successes and sharing those as well.
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    I work M-F 11:42 until 7:42. Haven't posted much on this thread but have been reading everything. It looks like I am the opposite of everyone else. When the weekend comes I cut my sleep short on Friday and go to bed with my wife at night, then get up and spend Sat/Sun with the kids at sports and such sleeping Saturday night. On Sunday I will get about an hour and a half to two hours napping in right before I leave and then start my routine up again.

    7:42??? lol why 7:42?
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    Hi Damage, welcome to the group!
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    It must be a full moon out... Just plan weird stuff tonight.
  • Glad to see other night-shift dieters! I have been working night shift 7p-7a for most of the last 7 years. I work a weekend option contract so I am working Saturday, Sunday, and Monday nights, then I do clinical teaching for a class of LPN students on Wednesday and Thursday 6:30a-2:30p. My life is pretty regimented as far as sleeping goes. I basically sleep when I'm not at work! I have been forcing myself to workout on my 2 days off and trying to squeeze in 30 minutes of cardio on my work days. I don't have a ton of weight to lose (I would be happy with 10 pounds).

    The difficult thing for me about nightshift eating is that we are busy until about 2 or 3am (I work ER) and so I am snacking early in the shift because there is no time for a meal break. By the time we get to sit down to eat, it's almost breakfast time. I need good healthy snacks that are quick and easy to fix, good for you, quick to eat, and satisfying... am I asking too much?
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I know what you mean. I work in a hospital lab and tonight was one of those nights where you walk, eat and work at the same time.
  • I am an emergency dept doc and I too work 11p-7a. Also four children at home... Sleep not always easy. My hardest time is the last day of the week I work and I stay up all day to "reset" I never know how to spread 1400 calories over 24 hours up so I usually just try to eat healthy every 3 to 4 hours and restart the next day. I do crave carbs though when I am tired!!
  • just wanted to say hi....its a slow night here in world of least reading mfp has kept me entertained!!!!
  • daved71
    daved71 Posts: 65 Member

    7:42??? lol why 7:42?

    I am not sure why they have these times. I work at Chrysler and they run everything on 6 minutes, tenth of an hour. Break is 9 minutes long and lunch is 22 minutes. Been this way ever since I started.
  • that is so odd...unique but still odd
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Anyone working this Friday night? I'm dispatching for fire/rescue tonight - its a little slow. I always hear my stomach more when I don't have as much to do! But I can only eat what I brought, I guess that is the good thing about being strapped to a desk!

    Monday is my first weigh in since using MFP - I'm hoping it will reflect all my hard work!

    Have a good weekend for those of you who are off! :)
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    I am working...I have sat and sun off. I always mess up on those days, so Im gonna try to do better this weekend.
  • Im here tonight too! :smile:
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    me too, working this weekend
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    I usually have trouble on my "weekends" too Lee - even if they don't actually fall on saturday and sunday. Days off are tough for me. I guess I'd try to stay busy and maybe plan what you're going to eat,and when at the beginning of the day. That can really help me stay on track. Lately I'll plug what I plan to eat into MFP when I wake up. That way I can see what it'll amount too - and however many calories I'll have left over. It also helps me at work, it keeps me from snacking because I know when my next meal will be.

    ps - I guess I jinxed myself - we have a superstition around here in the dispatch center; we never say "slow" or "quiet", I guess it really is true because we're slammin' in here! It's taken me almost 40 mins just to type this out!
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    thats a good idea!!! Ill log the drinks first, then see how much I can eat :smile:
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    and atleast u are not bored...I am always bored here...but I have movie channels on demad, so Ill watch a new movie, or two lol
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member

    I am working all weekend off monday for my b-day and then they threw a day shift at me tuesday.... i dont wanna work day shift...grrr then wednesday and thursday night.... off next weekend!!!! YAY!!! I get to go to the fall festival.... guess I will be at the gym alot that weekend also cause of all the good food and drinks I will have.

    My dad found an old photo of me in my military dress uniform and brought it over to me today ... now I have my motivation picture :-)
  • Ashton. I work 10 pm to 6 am as a security guard and do freelance graphic design on my free time.
    At work, I stand post at a small guard shack in front of a gated community, while another guard does patrol.
    While on post, hardly any cars come in, and we have probably one issue per month that requires more than 5 minutes of my attention. So, I spend my nights budgeting for the month, drawing, setting up games for my friends who play D&D with me, and browsing the net on my phone.

    The most I was doing daily that was active was walking to and from work, however due to me larger appetite I was also spending most of my waking hours with some sort of food in hand. Crackers, chips, cookies, etc. Anything. While at home, the computer was where I was at. I decided, after about 2 years of that, to finally get off my *kitten* and do something more active, regularly, and change my diet.
    Currently on week 5, rollerblading daily, and eating about 1/5 of what I used to...
  • I agree....never ever say the "Q" word! Its trouble, though it usually does make the night go by faster!

    I have trouble on my weekends too, but usually do ok during the week. My last shift is Monday night, then usually stay up Tuesday during the day (up 24 hours)...and thats what screws up my eating schedule. Preplanning sounds like a great idea, i'll have to try that!