Official Nightshift thread!!!



  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    hey dindivt, great job with the soda cut back! i know that's def a hard thing to give up, but like other things, once you do, you won't miss it! lately i've found myself actually not wanting! i can't believe i even typed that lol. with all this halloween candy invading the stores, i've found myself not even looking twice at it.. victory for me!!
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    Hey girls! And guys :smile: wow there are a lot of ladies working overnight...thats funny! Any plans for thwe weekend? Im going to a wedding= disaster! LOL no...Im gonna try reallly hard to be good...REALLY this time!
  • dindivt
    dindivt Posts: 21
    I agree, there does seem to be alot of women working the night shift. Must be because we are all so awesome. :smile: I dont have any official big plans, I went to a wedding last weekend but fortunately the food wasnt that great so I didnt over do it. This weekend I might go to an apple orchard and then go crazy baking but fortunately Im not a huge sweets eater so I will just plump up the people I work with next week and they will love me for it!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    I'm working tonight thru fri night.. then right into a busy but fun-filled weekend. sat morning some friends and i are going to Six Flags, so I'll be wired on some red bull on the ride down i'm sure..then on sunday a bunch of us are going to a corn maze! last time i went it took about 3 hours to get out, so at least there's a bit of exercise, even at a very slow pace lol.
  • suzie1983
    evening all...its a busy night....hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    you mean there is a weekend some time soon? Humm, I should look into that lol. Working 7 on 7 off I work every other weekend so I miss everything that hapens on my work weekend.
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    I have to work one weekend a month too...stinks!!
  • suzie1983
    hmm ... bout to start work ... hope everyone has a good night!!!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    i have every other weekend on as well.. this is mine off woohoo!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    i work nights too!! i am a RT. I work 530pm-6am and have been on nights for 8 years!!! although i love it, it def can be hard on your body thats for sure :)
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    Wait, there are such things as weekends Off? As in "not spent at work?" ....... : (
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    Wait, there are such things as weekends Off? As in "not spent at work?" ....... : (

    Thats the rumor...I don't know if I believe it.
  • bessie78
    bessie78 Posts: 29 Member
    This nightshift thread is awesome! I work from 11p-7a in a emergency room! It is not easy to find a schedule to eat and lose weight! Thanks for this tread
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    Do your signifigant others ever get mad because of your shift? I have been in tons of arguments over it, because I always get stuck on holidays too...he just doesnt get it sometimes.

    Im leaving early tonight...because I have to go to a wedding in NY....WAAAYYY out East in LI. Anyway, we are taking the 930 bus up...then a train...then a rehersal dinner. Sleep? um...on the bus!! An example of how this shift can totally screw up your social life!!
  • bessie78
    bessie78 Posts: 29 Member
    Sometimes he just doesn't understand! Like when i need some sleep but he thinks he should come in and talk to be about nothing! He thinks 2-3 hours a day should be enough sleep! He gets mad when in interfers with something he wants to do but he likes the shift diff. Enjoy the wedding!
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    When my husband was on the same shift it was great, he at least understood that I needed to sleep. Now that he is on days he has completely forgot how it is.
    When I get up don't try and have a conversation with me till I have been up for at least a half hour otherwise I just don't care.
    I have been trying to adjust my sleep so that I am up before work so that we can have sometime together.
  • suzie1983
    so here is weird question...when do yall sleep (i no we dont sleep much). Im trying to get on a more schedule like but i can figure it out...sometimes i go to bed at 9 am sometimes 11-12 sometimes 2 pm up at 10:00 pm every night...unless people want to be social then its all screwed up...
  • suzie1983
    oh and then theres the days where my body wakes up at 2:30 pm no matter what time i go to bed ... those are the worst
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I have been trying to go to sleep in the morning. I usually make it to bed at about 9 am and sleep till 4 or 5 depending how tired I am.
  • nicu0227
    I met my short term goal of losing 10 pounds....It took me 6 weeks...but I am happy that I am doing it the right way...I have a new workout regime that I started 3 days a week of weight/strength training and 6 days of cardio(according to my trainer)...he feels that I need to increase my cardio..that's the part that can be very hard as a night shift person.... .I gave myself 5 days of working out because I work every saturday and sunday plus tuesday night (12 hour shift) ...but I don't like to even leave my house on saturdays knowing that I have to work on that night (although it doesn't bother me to workout on tues) Go Figure.....this is always the hard part for me....but I feel so GOOD...but SORE....after I work out....