Work out at home?



  • Jilliana22
    My hubby and I both workout at home as well. I have a barbell set, dumbells ranging from 1-20lbs, resistance bands, and workout DVDS. The only reason to go to a gym would be to use their cardio equipment which we don't have, but we do okay with the DVDs and walking/running outdoors.
  • javacafe
    javacafe Posts: 79 Member
    I work out at home. Weight training. My equipment includes -

    - Valor squat stands
    - Safety stands
    - Bench
    - Standard barbell (7' long, 1" dia, polished chrome finish)
    - Assorted weight plates
    - Two dumbbell shafts
    - A "door gym"
    - A few ankle weights

    I used to work out at a gym. I like working out at home a *whole* lot more! :-)
  • emAZn
    emAZn Posts: 413 Member
    Stairs... I run up and down them, get's my heart rate pumpin!
  • deedee303z
    I have a ton of fitness programs for my Wii that are great--esp when it is 90F and 100% non-condensing humidity outside. I also have a park across the street when the weather is nice.

    At work, I build in time to spend extra time on the stairs. It only takes a few minutes (less than the breaks I never get around to taking) but it makes a big difference--and as a bonus actually makes me more productive at work because I am more energized and have those few minutes every so often to organize my thoughts without interruption.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    DVD's Jillian Michaels, treadmill or run outside. I love running at about 630am 2-3 miles, done for the day!
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    I do everything at home. In fact recently, my husband commented on how it amazes him I could get in just as good a shape as he's in WITHOUT the meal replacement programs, gym memberships, & trainer he uses. Some people do better having that appointment w/a trainer, or a gym membership they don't want to waste, or getting a kick start w/meal replacement shakes, but if you're self disciplined (and I'll admit I have my good & bad streaks w/discipline) you don't need any of it. I do have a treadmill & stationary bike I use at home (but you could run/bike outside). I try to do 30 min of hard cardio, then 30 min easier cardio, alternating days w/bike & treadmill. Then I do 45 min to 3 hrs of either martial arts, weights(alternating days w/upper & lower body workouts), or DVDs. I have nesting weights (and elastic bands), which only take up as much space as 2 dumbbells. You adjust how much weight you want & when you pick it up, only some of the weights come up w/it. The starter nesting set of the Power Blocks I use can go from 3 lbs to 15 lbs, in 3 lb increments. My husband bought a pull up bar that goes on the door, but I haven't used it yet. These things may seem a little pricey, but as other posters have said, much cheaper than a gym membership.

    But my biggest thing is I've never liked the time it takes to work out, only do it for the results. If I work out at home, that eliminates driving time, & means I'm more likely to have the time to do it. I record TV shows that I like in the evening, then I watch them while I'm working out (unless I'm doing a DVD) in the morning, to help the time pass faster. But everyone is different & different things work for different people.
  • susanpagegetsfit
    susanpagegetsfit Posts: 19 Member
    I use Fitness Blender website....its online and its free. I put workouts together for different days of the week to get the same amount of total calorie burn but some days are just cardio, other days focus on toning different parts. Most of their routines don't require any equipment (and if equipment is required it is only dumbbells or fitness mats, etc. -- nothing big)
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I do all my strength training at home, body weight moves. I have added a little bit of equipment because I've advanced pretty far, but it's still pretty minimal. Pull up tower, rings, and parallettes. The tower I bought many years ago, the parallettes are home made and the rings were a recent addition.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Run outdoors, can do it year round!