They Just Don't Get It... What Do You Tell Them?



  • Tonnenator
    Tonnenator Posts: 71 Member
    I've always had a problem with this at church, our last Pastor especially. And at our new church there's a couple of ladies who think they're the diet police.

    The Pastor - I told him that unless he wants me passing out on the stage (I am diabetic and was on the worship team) that he had better just let me do my thing in the morning - that I had to eat SOMETHING and all that was ever on the Sunday School breakfast table was sweets and fruit so yeah.

    The one lady I went OFF on. She almost smacked a donut out of my hand and I was eating it because I had crashed. I was about to have my insulin cut in HALF, because I was taking too much for how much I was eating/exercising, but oh! She didn't know that! She just knew I was fat and needed a lecture! She didn't even know my NAME and felt like it was her job to jump my case because she knew I was diabetic. I was pissed. Then this other lady yelled at me because I got ONE 1" x 1" brownie at a potluck. I just walked away from her. It was ignorant of her. I have the right to have a damn brownie, if I want, and I don't usually talk like that. It just pisses me off, when people assume that you want their advice, just because you're fat, or that you're not trying.

    Well, it turns out that my big belly ended up being all fluid, and that I had cancer.

    Now I'm on chemo, and I'm not supposed to lose much weight until it's over.

    So now if people jump my case, I'll just say screw you, I have cancer.

    I am gluten free and low sugar though, even though my oncologist doesn't want me to do that. I am also an organic food junkie.
  • Tonnenator
    Tonnenator Posts: 71 Member
    P.S. - People. Eat good food. All four food groups. Don't starve yourselves. Lose your weight gradually. This from my oncologist, and from the American Cancer Association. :) Just sayin'...
  • PaulHalicki
    PaulHalicki Posts: 576 Member
    "You're too skinny."

    "I meant to do that."


  • sklarbodds
    sklarbodds Posts: 608 Member
    I mess with them. Seriously,

    People ask what I did, I lean in like I'm trying to tell them a secret..."Don't tell anyone...I got off my *kitten* and ate better food."

    Mind blown.
  • MizSookeh
    MizSookeh Posts: 106 Member
    So now if people jump my case, I'll just say screw you, I have cancer.

    I hate that you get to say this while it's true, and wish you the very best for your treatment.... but also, BAM! Talk about ultimate smackdown to the butt-in people! Would love to see their faces!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    The first time someone tried to give me a hard time for eating a poptart after I told them I was losing weight, my scorching death look shut them down pretty effectively.
  • FightingFox
    I don't talk about it. I just do my thing. Nobody cares, really. I went to dinner a year ago with a bunch of women talking about how they were doing low carb/eating just green things/not doing this/only doing that. I smiled and nodded as I ate a crapload of Mexican food and they all looked at me like I was killing kittens. Saw them all again recently. I'm 3 sizes smaller and they are still talking about low carb/eating only green things. I just smiled and nodded. Nobody wants the science, nobody wants the reasoning, nobody wants to hear about it. So I stopped talking about it. At all. That's what my mfp friends are for. Everyone is much happier now.
    ^^ this is great!
  • RekindledRose
    RekindledRose Posts: 523 Member
    I mess with them. Seriously,

    People ask what I did, I lean in like I'm trying to tell them a secret..."Don't tell anyone...I got off my *kitten* and ate better food."

    Mind blown.

    Sklarbodds, you're my hero!
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I don't talk about it. I just do my thing. Nobody cares, really. I went to dinner a year ago with a bunch of women talking about how they were doing low carb/eating just green things/not doing this/only doing that. I smiled and nodded as I ate a crapload of Mexican food and they all looked at me like I was killing kittens. Saw them all again recently. I'm 3 sizes smaller and they are still talking about low carb/eating only green things. I just smiled and nodded. Nobody wants the science, nobody wants the reasoning, nobody wants to hear about it. So I stopped talking about it. At all. That's what my mfp friends are for. Everyone is much happier now.

    ^^ This
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I don't talk about it. I just do my thing. Nobody cares, really. I went to dinner a year ago with a bunch of women talking about how they were doing low carb/eating just green things/not doing this/only doing that. I smiled and nodded as I ate a crapload of Mexican food and they all looked at me like I was killing kittens. Saw them all again recently. I'm 3 sizes smaller and they are still talking about low carb/eating only green things. I just smiled and nodded. Nobody wants the science, nobody wants the reasoning, nobody wants to hear about it. So I stopped talking about it. At all. That's what my mfp friends are for. Everyone is much happier now.

    It's true - nobody wants to be bored to tears by it.

    For me it's not fat loss that I want to talk about, it's exercise. But, I learned about 15 years ago when confronted with those glassy-eyed stares that nobody wants to hear how I shaved 10 seconds off my mile time, or how my drunken monkey is really coming on.

    People either: a) don't care; or b) they think you're obsessed. So you're either boring people to death, or convincing people you have some kind of obsessive disorder.

    Stick with peer groups like this one, where people have a common interest and you should be golden.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I lost weight so slowly that no one ever noticed lol......but really I just do not talk about it.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Most of the time I just shrug it off or just give the vanilla answer... 'just watching my diet a bit more and hitting the gym'. The few times I've mentioned I track calories I had to pick jaws up off the floor so I don't do that anymore.

    It gets tougher when it is someone closer to you though. As an example, my wife doesn't get it! She is very intelligent but this just isn't something she cares about to give it any significant mental attention. She is so caught up in 'old school' ways of thinking, for example she is either being 'good' or 'bad' with her diet etc...

    She says I'm getting too thin (I still have a bf% close to 20) and that I don't eat enough when I'm only at a low to moderate deficit,blah blah... she is slowly coming around, but this is now two years of effort for me. The other day she even asked me if what she was making for dinner (pasta) was ok and if it would fit my macros for the day - milestone! :bigsmile:

    The bottom line is I made the decision to take control of my health and as much as I'd like to shout my new-found knowledge from the rooftops, I don't. Until someone comes to you with genuine curiosity the best option is usually just to smile politely and give them the easiest answer you can.
  • YesIAm17
    YesIAm17 Posts: 817 Member
    So many great responses already! Please keep them coming.

    I think a lot of people here will find your thoughts helpful.

    Thanks Everyone!
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    People aren't good with change. They see you a certain way and they get used to that and they don't like it when you change that. It changes who THEY are in reference to you. It forces them to look at themselves differently too.

    Sometimes there's nothing to say. Sometimes you just let those people drift out of your life because they can't understand the path you're on. When people ask me why I run I tell them because I like it. When people ask me incredulously why I would run a full 26.2 miles, I shrug and smile.

    You don't always have to say anything. It's your life and you need not defend or explain it.
  • chezzamanezza
    Since the only person who opinion actually matters to me is my partners (and he lets me get on with it how I want) I don't discuss my weight loss with anyone else.
    As for the "you are not eating enough" etc brigade, I tell them that I am not willing to discuss my personal business with them.
    I don't have to justify myself to anyone except myself.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I agree re not discussing it, just getting on with it. If people ask "why are you eating that?" answer "because it tastes good", or ask you why you exercise, answer "because it's fun". If they ask you how you're losing weight, then answer "exercise, healthy foods and eating a little less than I burn off" - keep the answers as short as possible. If you get other silly questions like "no really, it can't just be eating less than you burn off and exercising, what's your secret, really" kind of questions, just answer with the same thing over and over again, e.g. "no really, that is all it is" (or similar). They'll get bored asking you if you give them the same answer every time. They might even get the message, and come and ask you for help. At that point they might be more receptive to learning how to calculate their deficit, etc. Or they might not be. But until that point, just give short, sweet answers that don't include "weight loss" or "health" in them at all.
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    People either: a) don't care; or b) they think you're obsessed. So you're either boring people to death, or convincing people you have some kind of obsessive disorder.

    Stick with peer groups like this one, where people have a common interest and you should be golden.
    Yeah, I found this out a couple of years ago... The subject then wasn't anything related to fat loss or fitness but the result was the very same. It made me an even more private person.
  • Miffylou
    Miffylou Posts: 307 Member
    I love it when people ask me how I've lost weight, like I'm going to give them some magical easy answer. Instead I respond with eating healthy and exercise and they have a look of surprise.
  • Elliesque
    Elliesque Posts: 156 Member
    If they ask, I share. If they wanna argue or don't like it, then I tell them to do it their own way and leave my way alone!
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    I've always had a problem with this at church, our last Pastor especially. And at our new church there's a couple of ladies who think they're the diet police.

    The Pastor - I told him that unless he wants me passing out on the stage (I am diabetic and was on the worship team) that he had better just let me do my thing in the morning - that I had to eat SOMETHING and all that was ever on the Sunday School breakfast table was sweets and fruit so yeah.

    The one lady I went OFF on. She almost smacked a donut out of my hand and I was eating it because I had crashed. I was about to have my insulin cut in HALF, because I was taking too much for how much I was eating/exercising, but oh! She didn't know that! She just knew I was fat and needed a lecture! She didn't even know my NAME and felt like it was her job to jump my case because she knew I was diabetic. I was pissed. Then this other lady yelled at me because I got ONE 1" x 1" brownie at a potluck. I just walked away from her. It was ignorant of her. I have the right to have a damn brownie, if I want, and I don't usually talk like that. It just pisses me off, when people assume that you want their advice, just because you're fat, or that you're not trying.

    Well, it turns out that my big belly ended up being all fluid, and that I had cancer.

    Now I'm on chemo, and I'm not supposed to lose much weight until it's over.

    So now if people jump my case, I'll just say screw you, I have cancer.

    I am gluten free and low sugar though, even though my oncologist doesn't want me to do that. I am also an organic food junkie.

    OMG. No words. Would LOVE to be a fly on the wall when you tell those biddies you have the "big C". Hope all is well and you are soon to be C-free!!! :)