Seriously, how can I look like this

My stomach is SERIOUSLY bigger than the rest of my body. The rest of me is actually alright except my huge belly! I don't drink, I don't eat much sugar (well in the last week I have because I feel so horrible, if I eat healthily and look like this I may as well eat rubbish and enjoy it), normally just a healthy diet with lots of fruit and veg! No allergies, not on my period (when I am it gets worse) and NOT pregnant thank you (I have been told this many times, my mum being one of those people. I'm not) what do I do?

EDIT I don't know how to post pictures otherwise I will! For now if you look in my pictures it is there - no idea why it's upside down but whatever


  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    It's likely where your body just likes to keep extra fat. Everyone's is different. Mine is in my love handles.

    Eat at a caloric deficit and start working out with a combination of weight training and cardio. You should end up losing fat and thus, your stomach will get smaller.

    Edit: Sounded like a caveman.
  • cupcakekate28
    cupcakekate28 Posts: 31 Member
    But you haven't seen me yet. I am HUGE! I genuinely look 5 months pregnant no joke. I hate myself so much
  • shell_mc
    shell_mc Posts: 109 Member
    Have you been to your gyno? Sometimes problems in the female reproductive system can cause abdominal bloating. I'd schedule an appointment, just to be on the safe side.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    But you haven't seen me yet. I am HUGE! I genuinely look 5 months pregnant no joke. I hate myself so much

    I looked at your picture. I would give you the following advice:

    It's likely where your body just likes to keep extra fat. Everyone's is different. Mine is in my love handles.

    Eat at a caloric deficit and start working out with a combination of weight training and cardio. You should end up losing fat and thus, your stomach will get smaller.
  • cupcakekate28
    cupcakekate28 Posts: 31 Member
    Have you been to your gyno? Sometimes problems in the female reproductive system can cause abdominal bloating. I'd schedule an appointment, just to be on the safe side.

    Hmm, nobody has ever suggested this! Thanks I will!:)
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I've always had a belly. I have pictures of myself at about 6 years old in my ballet class with a belly. Scrawny little kid with stick legs and a belly. I know part of it is my posture because if I really think about it and tuck my butt in my belly goes away sort of.

    The only thing I can recommend if you are at an ideal weight is to do lots of core exercise to make the most of your abdominal muscles.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Could be posture, could be a wheat intolerance/lactose intolerance, you could just need to strength train and preserve muscle while eating at a slight deficit... You are 100% sure you aren't pregnant, right? (I'm sorry, I've been asked too and it hurts)... make sure you take a test, to be sure.

    Maybe a trip to see your doctor? Does your belly have "triggers"? Any time you eat something specific, is your belly bigger?
    Log it, and maybe eliminate those triggers?

    Definitely do not hate yourself, you are young and beautiful.
  • Nonya81
    Nonya81 Posts: 145 Member
    I cant give you any advice but I can relate because I have the same problem and cant seem to get rid of my belly fat.
  • maggie16sweetxoxo
    maggie16sweetxoxo Posts: 314 Member
    It's just your body type. I have a huge butt, legs, and arms, but smaller torso. It's just because of who our ancestors are! You're beautiful.
  • narwhalpr
    narwhalpr Posts: 65 Member
    I would go to the doctor, just to rule out any medical issues.
  • I am the same way, my belly was flat and tight even after 3 kids, then all of the sudden once I hit 39, I have been to many Dr.s about it (I'm skinny everywhere else) and they all say it's my age once a woman hits 40, how old are you? Oh and I would go to the Dr. to make sure nothing is wrong.
  • cupcakekate28
    cupcakekate28 Posts: 31 Member
    I am the same way, my belly was flat and tight even after 3 kids, then all of the sudden once I hit 39, I have been to many Dr.s about it (I'm skinny everywhere else) and they all say it's my age once a woman hits 40, how old are you? Oh and I would go to the Dr. to make sure nothing is wrong.

    I'm 19:( and I did go to her and she told me people are fat because they eat too much and kept asking me to do a chlamydia test. I haven't been back
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I have a friend who is completely slender but can get a big belly when she puts on weight :) The rest of her stays the exact same and just her front grows.

    I have a lower belly issue myself, but my thighs get bigger, etc, too (not at the same rate, but they do). At one certain weight range, I do look pregnant because of the lower belly pooch, and I've had a clerk congratulate me and ask how far along I was, lol.

    When my pal loses weight, her belly just goes away, btw. That's the only thing that ever changes. It's cute! When she's up in weight a bit, she wears a lot of jeans that show off her butt or short shorts ;) Work what you've got!
  • Joanne_happygramma
    Joanne_happygramma Posts: 207 Member
    Definitely get to a good gyno and get it checked out -- my friend and her sister both have fybroid cysts that make them look pregnant - although slender everywhere else. Always best to rule these things out before working on cores etc.
  • cupcakekate28
    cupcakekate28 Posts: 31 Member
    I was kind of hoping I WAS pregnant because at least that would be an answer!! But I just had my period and this has been a problem for years so no :(
  • maguariento
    maguariento Posts: 72 Member
    Ditto on the gyno. Need to rule that out, AND make sure there are no problems. If you get a clear checkup, time to concentrate on fat loss. Yes, it's possible to store "all" your fat there (at least at first!). It could also be water retention or gas... So possibly a food allergy? At any rate, it may be time to reduce your BMI, if you're in/above the "normal" range. Good luck!!
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I'm the same as some PPs that have had a big belly literally since toddlerhood. I don't think I'll ever have a tiny waist with washboard abs, but it does shrink some. Just gotta keep plugging away. Spot reducing isn't really possible but the stomach is more prone to bloat than other areas. Keep sodium low and drink a lot of water. Some people find that wheat or dairy makes them bloat more.

    Do be sure your posture is good. Practice sort of sucking it in all the time. It will obviously look better but also helps strengthen some muscles that will help it look good more permanently.

    I am with you though. I know women supposedly don't bulk up, but I still find myself a little frightened of doing really ab heavy work. I focus more on core stabilizing exercises like planks, pilates stuff, etc. I don't really know if I'm on the right track there :frown: But my waist certainly doesn't need anymore thickening. Other than that I'm all about strength training everything else.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I was kind of hoping I WAS pregnant because at least that would be an answer!! But I just had my period and this has been a problem for years so no :(

    Please tell me you're joking.
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    I have a coworker who has a butt and legs I would kill for, but she carries her extra weight in her belly. It's just how some people are built. Only way to cut down on body fat, wherever it is located, is a calorie deficit, preferably with some form of exercise, and wait it out.
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    I understand you are you are young but to say you hate yourself is not productive and acutally a very destructive mentality to have. There is nothing to hate about the way you look. No one is perfect and the sooner you realize that the better your journey will be. Everyone has different body types and we all store fat in different ways. I have a belly and always have. Mine however looks like someone took a balloon and tied a string in the middle. I have the fat above and below my belly button. Even when I was 130lbs I thought I was super fat because my belly would pop out above my waistband.

    Try working with weights. I don't mean these little girly pink weights, I mean real weights. As you start to work your abs you will find that you will begin to subconsciencely suck in your gut all the time which helps make you look thinner but also works the muscles too.

    Amazingly women still think as soon as they start lifting they are going to look like a body builder. This is the farthest from reality you can get. The only way to "bulk' up and look like a body builder is to completely change your lifestyle and add suplements. Women just are not made the way men are with regards to muscle development. By working with weights you will lose the fat and will have better muscle tone.....which is what all women say they want.