Do Carbs Really Matter?



  • tmpecus78
    tmpecus78 Posts: 1,206 Member
    YES CARBS MATTER. but more importantly the timing of carbs matter. Look into Carb backloading..

    Meal timing is the biggest joke.
  • tmpecus78
    tmpecus78 Posts: 1,206 Member
    I've tried cutting back on carbs before, but just end up feeling fatigued with headaches if I cut them right down.

    At least now I try to eat the right kind of carbs in moderation, rather than stuffing my face full of the bad ones regularly.

    There are no "good and bad"

    I beg to differ.

    Good carbs: 100% semolina pasta! cooked al dente

    Bad carbs: freaking whole wheat pasta. Gross, man.

    So when you eat a so called "bad carb" your body knows it's a "bad carb?" wow! LOL
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    In my diet, there are four priority levels (in order of importance):

    1) Eat the right amount of calories
    2) Eat the right mix of proteins/carbs/fat
    3) Minimize unwanted food content (unrefined sugar and sodium, for example)
    4) Eat food with high nutritional content as well as high food integrity standards (organic, natural, and or minimally processed / un-processed)

    A lot of people only do steps 1 & 2 and get great results. I think pursuing the perfect diet has to involve striving for all 4, as unrealistic as that often is.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    for the most part yes, its just cals in vs cals out

    for health, no
    for what the body chooses to keep vs burn fat/muscle, no

    i personally like to hit minimums on my fat and protein intake everyday

    enjoy those donuts =D


    Think of your protein & fat as "minimums" .... focus on hitting those first. Whatever is left over, is carbs.

    Not all carbs are created equal. Less processed stuff generally retains more protien & fiber, and has less added fat (usually not the healthiest kind). Protien, fat, and fiber helps keep you full longer too.
  • amie709
    amie709 Posts: 99
    I think carbs is one of the touchiest subjects around here!! first thing I can tell you is: everyone is different so different things work for different people and for different goals.

    For me, my goals were/are weight loss and getting healthy. For me, I had to cut out all things that remotely resembled junk food for that cause I can't eat just one chip...or just one bag of chips for that matter!! so I cut out those things, I keep a calorie deficit-I try to keep it at 1600 cals per day. And I limit my carbs to under 200 and up my protein to at least 100. Extra protein helps me recover from working my muscles with exercise, the limited carbs help me to not feel rundown and tired and all the foods that's I'm taking in is halthy foods.

    I'm down 77 lbs. since April 14 with this plan
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member

    Haha, but in all seriousness, I try to get a decent amount of carbs in my diet, but I really work to keep it to a minimum. I am like an alcoholic around liquor when it comes to bread and pasta. Once I am exposed too much, I am just on a roll, and it's not good.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    No they don't matter unless you are diabetic/pre-diabetic but I highly doubt you can eat 1200 calories in doughnuts without seriously screwing yourself over on protein and micros if you intend to remain in a deficit that day. One day here and there isn't a big deal but I would personally consider more than cal in vs cal out. Fibre? vitamins and minerals? I don't eat like a saint AT ALL, but I don't think I could justify 1200 calories with only 18g of protein to show for them.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    carbs are your fuel!
  • dieselbyte
    dieselbyte Posts: 733 Member

    Because someone will argue that carbs matter, because carbs spike insulin, and insulin is bad, so carbs are the devil. They will then argue the benefits of a ketogenic diet, and how absent of carbs there is no insulin, so you can't get fat, and that is why they lost weight.

    They will argue this point against calories in vs calories out, with no understanding that insulin is not the sole hormone responsible for fat storage, nor the only factor in fat storage. This person will then blindly argue their point, not understanding insulin is released when protein is ingested as well, and that insulin is always present at basal levels. This person will spew something about ketones, without knowing about or understanding gluconeogenisis, glycerol and ketogenesis.

    They will argue that they burn fat for fuel, and it doesn't matter how much fat they eat, because they will burn it. Sadly, they will not understand net fat storage, and that dietary fat can, and is, stored as fat.

    Finally, this person will have no valid medical or metabolic reason to limit carbs or follow a ketogenic diet.

    It will happen... We've seen it a thousand times!!
  • MaiLinna
    MaiLinna Posts: 580 Member
    The only thing I watch about carbs is if that carb is giving me more than just a plain calorie count. Does it give me fiber? Does it give me protein? Yes? Get in mah belly!
  • g33kmommy
    g33kmommy Posts: 104 Member
    Everything in moderation is all you need to know.

    I've lost close to 65lbs and I eat pizza, bagels, hamburgers, etc all the time. Hasn't hindered my weight loss in the least bit. I just make sure I stay within my calories for the day.
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
  • vinzorelli
    Carbs are very important since they fuel your cells and growth. I worked up my carbohydrate intake from a mere 100g daily to now around 360grams daily. I am still lean and don't do much cardio if any. Mostly strength training with heavy compound exercises. The key is to increase carbs slightly every week to build up metabolism. That way you have food to pull from the body when trying to lose fat.
  • Slasher09
    Slasher09 Posts: 316 Member
    Carbs are great foods. With that said...i personally have troubles with pastas/breads because I am recovering from bulimia and high glycemic foods trigger binges for unlike a lot of posters...I tend to eat higher fat and higher protein. But thats what works for me, other people are different!
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I've tried cutting back on carbs before, but just end up feeling fatigued with headaches if I cut them right down.

    At least now I try to eat the right kind of carbs in moderation, rather than stuffing my face full of the bad ones regularly.

    There are no "good and bad"

    I beg to differ.

    Good carbs: 100% semolina pasta! cooked al dente

    Bad carbs: freaking whole wheat pasta. Gross, man.

    So when you eat a so called "bad carb" your body knows it's a "bad carb?" wow! LOL

    My mouth knows good carbs from bad. It tells my brain "you could have eaten something tasty instead, like spaghetti carbonara".

    Come on man, whole wheat pasta is a sin against nature. Of course it's bad.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Re: carb timing

    It matters to some!

    When I manage to get a big carb heavy meal in before bed, I sleep better.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    Re: carb timing

    It matters to some!

    When I manage to get a big carb heavy meal in before bed, I sleep better.

  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Cutting carbs make you lose weight quickly, But when I cut them out of my diet ALOT I ended up binging on bread as my body was craving it.

    I would keep them in your diet, but eat healthy carbs, Brown bread, brown pasta, veggies, fruit, oats etc.

    I would also up your protein. Peanut butter - Good fats, Eggs, Cottage cheese, Nuts, Chicken, fish, Veg, fruit - berries etc.