Body Media Band using friends



  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    It has a pretty comprehensive report. From MFP you connect it to BodyMedia - which is pretty simple.

    Then the Bodymedia site will still upload all your info from the band. It will display your moderate and vigorous activity. You will see a graph where it charts any times you essentially moved a little more. I'm sedentary at work and try to walk around once an hour if I can and I see little spikes.

    It goes by reading all your body measurements through temperature etc. It's too complicated for me to understand.

    Once you sync the device you don't need to log anything in MFP unless you go for a swim or do something worthwhile without wearing it. It will also constantly present you with your current calories consumed, calories burned, as well as what you are on pace for for the day. It provides feedback as you go.

    I don't know if that really explains it very well.... I may have made it sound confusing lol sorry
  • johnsongirls
    johnsongirls Posts: 57 Member
    I have been using mine since April. Feel free to add me!!
  • Room112
    Room112 Posts: 7 Member
    I :heart: my BMF. It's great for a gadget guy like me. It lets me see things in real time. I'll never go without it, even after I hit my goal weight.
  • jmreich30
    jmreich30 Posts: 23 Member
    I've had mine since February when I really started tracking my food intake and love it. It's great for seeing what you're actually burning in your workouts.

    I would recommend buying from Amazon. Thats where I got mine, it was about $35 less than Bodymedia's site and the shipping was free, rather than the $15 Bodymedia charges. I would not recommend buying a used one as this is something that sits directly on your skin as you sweat to measure your body temperature. The only way they recommend cleaning is with soap and water, so I just wouldn't trust someone's used one for not spreading things like ringworm, etc.
  • tamivroma
    Just got my BodyMedia the Link so I don't even need to connect to computer unless it needs to be charged. One thing I don't understand is the line BMF adds in MFP. In my exercise there is a line added from BMF that says, "BodyMedia Calorie Adjustment" and it adds like you exercise. If it is giving me extra calories like I exercised, isn't my activity doubled then because MFP estimates what my normal calorie burn should be?

    Ok wait a minute...think I had an "aaah haa" moment as I was typing. If MFP estimates how much a regular calorie burn should be through out the day, is that extra amount the calories that I burned above and beyond what MFP projected I would burn?

    By the way....I just talked to someone at BMF and he said that when your are riding a stationery bike the BMF is not very accurate. All other fitness activities give pretty good readings ...just the stationary bike isn't accurate. He said you would be better off using a HRM for that activity and to take off the arm band if you are going to do that. He says they are working on the technology though.
  • Shim2013
    I also have the BMF. I love that it! I was without it for a few months and felt lost not being able to know my much calories i burned or how many steps i was taking. I always try to beat my goals for the day. You can add me!

    I find wearing the arm band on my leg while biking gives a much more accurate reading.