More fat please!



  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Full fat yogurt has more unhealthy saturated fat than other options...

    If you are having trouble keeping the sugar low in your diet, try switching to greek yogurt and add stevia or truvia with a handful of blueberries and nuts.

    Saturated fats, in moderation, are not unhealthy. Trans fats are. When the government told Americans to stop the saturated fat intake in the 1970s, they started using hydrogenated oils in butter replacements, aka trans fats, which are much, much worse. There is no conclusive evidence that a bit of saturated fat in your diet will ultimately kill you. Everything in moderation. Also, why would you want to use an artificial sweetner? I understand why people want to use stevia and truvia... but isn't the real deal (aka whole fruits, cane sugar in moderation) a little... I don't know... more satisfying? Take some honey and add it to your yogurt or greek yogurt. People have eaten full fat everything for centuries, so why is it that now, when 1/3 of the fricking country is obese, that nonfat is CONTINUALLY the choice? If there isn't more fat, then there's more sugar or sodium. Processed foods aren't worth it.

    Nutrition science is shaky. There are tons and tons of studies that come out daily that are mostly correlational that continue to confuse us and make us anxious, fearful. Use your head. Don't go overboard, listen to your body, learn where things come from and the history of food in this country.

    I love the way you said this!!!

    Saturated Fats are not bad for you and the truth is starting to come out a lot more!!!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    coconut oil!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Please be smart about these artificial sweeteners! Just because it's "natural" doesn't mean it is good for you at all!

    ^^ Yup.
    Also, there's really nothing "natural" about how much processing truvia goes through before ending up in a box on a supermarket shelf. Using actual leaves from the stevia plant, sure that's pretty "natural." And so is dying from a rattlesnake bite. (It's just a point. I hate the stupid "It's natural!" argument with such a passion. But it's not like I've never eaten Stevia.)

    To the OP -- like others have said, my favorite ways to get more fats are nut butters & avocado. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
  • weelissa
    weelissa Posts: 89 Member
    Thank you everyone for all your advice. I'll definitely look into all of it.

    Also thanks for the interesting debate, I don't particularly want to start fiddling about with custom settings because I don't have a clue what I'm doing. I just want to lose weight!

    I avoid sweeteners like the plague, and try my very best to never eat anything with aspartame in it. I only eat 100% natural peanut butter with no added sugar or salt and any jams I use are sweetened with grape juice instead of sweeteners.

    I'll work on eating more fat (never thought I'd say that!)

    Thanks again :)