5 Weeks into Strong Lifts and No Results!



  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member
    In what way are you looking for results?

    I was already in pretty damn good shape when I started SL, but I still saw improvements in 5 weeks. But not in the mirror or on the scale. I saw improvements - however slight - when I compared progress photos. And huge improvements when I looked at the amount of weight I was lifting.

    So... yeah. There's going to be results. But they're not always going to jump out and say, "HERE WE ARE!" You have to look for them.

  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member
    wow-I am sorry you haven't gotten ANY supportive posts. I am going to start this workout next month and was hoping to see some positive advice.

    There's history here you aren't aware of.

    I was just wondering about that :P
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member

  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
  • Sovictorrious
    Sovictorrious Posts: 770 Member
    You guys, give the OP some credit. She should be able to leap tall building now. I mean... We were all able to after 5 weeks right????? Was it only me?
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    You guys, give the OP some credit. She should be able to leap tall building now. I mean... We were all able too after 5 weeks right????? Was it only me?

    I am short, so I couldn't leap over any buildings so I just tear them down.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    OP, I don't know what you should do. Are you sure you're being consistent? If not, that's your problem.
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    I have taken the advice from people on here. Advice that i got from asking many many questions and sometimes more than once. I've done this consistantly for 5 weeks. Yes my cals are up and down the past week - ever hear of calorie cycling???? Im still at a deficit people!

    And ya Lorina! Thanks for that post! I do realize i got some results! I AM lifting heavier weights now! But the results im looking for is a flat belly and fat reduction so my *kitten* and thighs aren't so flabby. I havn't seen any results there. But again (on the bright side!) I am lifting heavier. Thanks for the post....

    Everyone else going on about my history and stuff. LOL. "shakes head"
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I have taken the advice from people on here. Advice that i got from asking many many questions and sometimes more than once. I've done this consistantly for 5 weeks. Yes my cals are up and down the past week - ever hear of calorie cycling???? Im still at a deficit people!

    And ya Lorina! Thanks for that post! I do realize i got some results! I AM lifting heavier weights now! But the results im looking for is a flat belly and fat reduction so my *kitten* and thighs aren't so flabby. I havn't seen any results there. But again (on the bright side!) I am lifting heavier. Thanks for the post....

    Everyone else going on about my history and stuff. LOL. "shakes head"

    Ok, now that we understand the results you are looking for, 5 weeks is probably too soon to have a rock hard *kitten*, 6 pack abs and perfect thighs.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member

    Edit; nothing constructive to add. Don't understand OP's mindset.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    OP, you have every right to ask questions on here. i can't help you, but i also don't think you should be subjected to a continuous stream of "." responses. that's childish. the people doing that should be ashamed of themselves. grow up. if you don't want to help her, then don't respond. but to respond with something like a "."? really? is that funny to you? because if it is, congratulations, you've just proven that there really is bullying on here afterall.

    i don't see anything in the OP's initial post that warrants that sort of response.

    I laughed, but I'm really in touch with my inner bully and I think it's really rude that you would try to shame me for being in touch with who I am on the inside.

  • RLPearce92

    Ok, now that we understand the results you are looking for, 5 weeks is probably too soon to have a rock hard *kitten*, 6 pack abs and perfect thighs.

    ^this, and if you were at a deficit you would be losing
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I have taken the advice from people on here. Advice that i got from asking many many questions and sometimes more than once. I've done this consistantly for 5 weeks. Yes my cals are up and down the past week - ever hear of calorie cycling???? Im still at a deficit people!

    And ya Lorina! Thanks for that post! I do realize i got some results! I AM lifting heavier weights now! But the results im looking for is a flat belly and fat reduction so my *kitten* and thighs aren't so flabby. I havn't seen any results there. But again (on the bright side!) I am lifting heavier. Thanks for the post....

    Everyone else going on about my history and stuff. LOL. "shakes head"

    I'm sick and bored, so I'll bite.

    1) How much weight are you moving in each of the lifts? How much were you moving 5 weeks ago?

    2) What is your weight right now? What was your weight 5 weeks ago?

    3) What is your average calorie intake over the past 5 weeks?

    4) Describe your routine, in detail, including off days, cardio, and general daily activity level.
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    5 weeks just isn't a long time. Look at all the lifting success stories - the vast majority went months before seeing "miraculous" results. Take regular measurements to assess progress but give it time.

    BTW I looked back to see why you are getting the "." responses. It's childish as Burro says but you should probably do a bit of self reflection yourself.

    Patience is the key
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    I have taken the advice from people on here. Advice that i got from asking many many questions and sometimes more than once. I've done this consistantly for 5 weeks. Yes my cals are up and down the past week - ever hear of calorie cycling???? Im still at a deficit people!

    And ya Lorina! Thanks for that post! I do realize i got some results! I AM lifting heavier weights now! But the results im looking for is a flat belly and fat reduction so my *kitten* and thighs aren't so flabby. I havn't seen any results there. But again (on the bright side!) I am lifting heavier. Thanks for the post....

    Everyone else going on about my history and stuff. LOL. "shakes head"

    I'm sick and bored, so I'll bite.

    1) How much weight are you moving in each of the lifts? How much were you moving 5 weeks ago? I started with 45lbs and now im 120lb deadlifts, 65lb squats - had to deload - no squat rack & i do front bars so its really hard to lift the weight off the floor and up to my shoulders. Bench press is 60lbs on a machine - i don't have a bench so... and OHP is 50lbs.

    2) What is your weight right now? What was your weight 5 weeks ago? My weight now is 150lbs, 5 weeks ago 150-155lb depending on what time of day.

    3) What is your average calorie intake over the past 5 weeks? prob 1700cals a day. I usually calorie cycle though. have really low days, moderate and like 1 high day.

    4) Describe your routine, in detail, including off days, cardio, and general daily activity level.
    M W F STrong Lifts, Badminton Tuesday night, walk, jog or elipitical once a week. Office job with few hours waitressing on side.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member

    Ok, now that we understand the results you are looking for, 5 weeks is probably too soon to have a rock hard *kitten*, 6 pack abs and perfect thighs.

    ^this, and if you were at a deficit you would be losing

    Agreed. It takes longer than 5 weeks. How fast you lose weight will depend on your deficit (weekly deficit counts, especially if calorie cycling), but the closer you are to goal weight the harder it is.

    I have been working on a lifting program for 2 months. The scale hasn't shifted, my waist measurement is the same too. But I am not going to give up, complaining of "no results." I am lifting significantly more than 2 months ago, and feeling stronger and more fit in general. And, surprising, a pair of pants that was very tight a couple weeks ago is more comfortable now. I need to be far more consistent with my food and logging (said as I look at what I ate and knowing once I log it I will be over today :laugh:) to see a flat tummy and tight bum, but I know it will come. The victory comes from sticking with it and not giving up when things don't work out in the first month or two.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    OP, you have every right to ask questions on here. i can't help you, but i also don't think you should be subjected to a continuous stream of "." responses. that's childish. the people doing that should be ashamed of themselves. grow up. if you don't want to help her, then don't respond. but to respond with something like a "."? really? is that funny to you? because if it is, congratulations, you've just proven that there really is bullying on here afterall and that i was wrong all those times i said there wasn't.

    i don't see anything in the OP's initial post that warrants that sort of response.
