Coffee, Good or Bad for weight loss?



  • bazzawood30
    bazzawood30 Posts: 45 Member
    Moderation is the key too much and you body will become tolerant and maybe dehydrated. 3 or 4 a day to give you a kick.
  • jafabuNZ
    jafabuNZ Posts: 48 Member
    Do not become addicted to coffee, once you use it to keep yourself awake, you will be addicted to it for life like me! Limit to 2 a day and leave out the cream and sugar and after lunchtime, stop drinking coffee. Well that's what I do anyway.
  • jetinder
    jetinder Posts: 31 Member
    This is purely from my own experience, but when I switched from tea to coffee for a few weeks, I found myself losing less weight. The rest of the food/excercise lifestyle stayed the same just in case they influenced matters. I also found myself not going for a number 2 as regularly.

    As soon as I went back to tea (2 a day), things went back to normal. Everyone's body reacts differently I guess.

    I treat myself to one or two a week now (non milky ones).
  • cfredz
    cfredz Posts: 292 Member
    calorie wise its fine, but for me it leaves me SO bloated for the rest of the day. i feel like i cant see my progress udner all the bloat. i sitll drink it here and there, but i feel like i need to switch back to tea again
  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    It won't make you gain or lose but for some folks it makes them hungrier which leads to eating more. Others find it curbs hunger. I think you just have to try it and see.