Water - UGH!



  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I grew up NOT drinking much water. My childhood was hydrated care of kool-aide.

    I made the switch to almost all water in my early 20s. It was incredibly difficult. I found water "boring" most of the time, and I missed my regular influx of sugary goodness immensely.

    But with time I got use to it. Not only that, I just loved the way my body felt, and my skin looked, hydrated by water. The ONLY way I made the transition is to start drinking water as almost my sole source of hydration. I likely wouldn't have gotten use to it if I tried to drink as I always did, with some water thrown in.

    I've been drinking mostly water for about a decade now. It's second nature. I never crave anything else, and seldom drink fluids outside of that. It's so typical now I can't imagine NOT having water as my main source of liquid.

    Your body adapts.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hmm, maybe try changing the temp? I'm partial to really cold ice water, and so-so on room temp water.
    This. I don't like cold water and when you don't like water and you're just trying to down it, that becomes difficult when it's cold.
    I hear you. Also, I work in an environment where I can't use the restroom at will. I am usually only able to use the restroom once or twice on a nine hour shift and don't get a lunch break. My water issues are what's keeping me from my next level of health, I think. I woudn't use MIO because you're adding a lot of artificial crud and some people are sensitive to excessive amounts to the extent they get diarrhea. Gross, I know, but true. I do like decaf ice tea with stevia but have some concerns about the decaffeinating process. Grrr.

    Oh, no. I hope that you're able to get that taken care of so that you can drink the water that you need.
  • niricava
    niricava Posts: 89 Member
    Hmm, maybe try changing the temp? I'm partial to really cold ice water, and so-so on room temp water.
    This works for me too!
  • Smallc10
    Smallc10 Posts: 556 Member
    Mint is also really nice in water - cut some fresh mint up!
  • I used to hate it too. I started chugging 8 ounces all at once just to get it down. I started seeing just how much it helped my skin and I stopped feeling so puffy all the time. Now I love it!! It has to be ice cold though and just plain water. You have to teach yourself to like it.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    I know all about how important it is to drink water but I can't stand it! We have awesome water where I live straight from the tap, so it's not like I have to think about buying bottled water. I just don't like it! Any input?

    What do you drink?

    I think its all just psychological. 20+ years of marketing telling you how refreshing their products are does do something to your brain. I barely drink anything but water, its just what I drink. I dont find it satisfying or refreshing (unless im sweating). Water is just what I hydrate with. I get my pleasure from foods.

    ETA: Im drinking out of a 1.5 liter boot today... lol.... It my water boot.
  • hmjohnson25
    hmjohnson25 Posts: 100 Member
    I add lemon or lime slices to a giant bottle of water and work on that all day. Or I'll add the ends of a cucumber and crumple up a mint leaf to throw in there. It changes up the flavor and makes it less boring. Experiment a little and you might find something that makes it more appetizing.
  • Quieau
    Quieau Posts: 428 Member
    Drinking water is a lot easier if you're doing while you're eating something (takes the emphasis off the lack of flavor of the water). Start with peanut butter. Eat a peanut butter sandwich or cracker and see how much water you can drink with it. If you drink WATER with every meal and only drink non-water in between, it's a good start.

    Also, be careful of all the junk people put into it to make it taste better (fruits and veggies and tea fine) but those MIO flavorings and syrups? They just put more junk into your system that needs cleaning out. If you already don't get enough water, don't add toxins to the mix, it'll make things worse instead of better.

    It's true that you can still lose weight drinking non-water drinks, and it's true that you will extract water from them that your body needs. However, you are ingesting a huge amount of crap that you don't need and your body doesn't want and will only have to work harder to clean out if you keep with sodas and additives. Think of your liver and kidneys too .... :smile: (EDIT: ... Not to mention the problems with soda leaching calcium from bones.)

    And parents, if you want to raise a water drinker, drink water yourself. Kids always want what they see the grown-ups drinking. My daughter used to "sneak" drinks from my cup all the time when she was toddling and growing up, and it was always water! Now she's an adult who drinks only water herself! She tried to like soda a few times because her friends liked it, but she never developed a taste for it, mainly because it was never around.
  • kroonha
    kroonha Posts: 102 Member
    I honestly suggest fighting with it and drinking a glass every two hours. After a while, you'll just get used to it and soon, you'll be wanting it. It just takes a little bit of a fight at first. Adding lemons, limes or other natural flavourings can ease the process :)
    I also found that drinking it cold from the fridge made it easier and more refreshing - thus I enjoyed it more.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    it's water, not acid, sheesh.
  • When I was little I hated water... I'm really picky with my water even now and have trouble with being bloated if I drink water from a new place for a couple of days. However now I love water and have even started drinking it while out. It's all I drink at home. I had to train myself to drink it. I never had other drinks in the house before either... I just got so dehydrated! But now I don't struggle with headaches and ehm issues that are associated with dehydration anymore. I just decided to start drinking it plain, at first I didn't want to and would guzzle it just to get it down but now I can sip on it all day and feel refreshed and hydrated :) Your body really does get used to it and trust me, it'll be so nice to be able to literally see the healthy effects of getting enough water in your body!
  • carrieo888
    carrieo888 Posts: 233 Member
    I'm gonna say it, because someone else did on a similar thread: First World problem!

    Drink your water. Eat your spinach. Get some exercise. Not cuz you like it, but cuz your body needs it.
  • namluv
    namluv Posts: 194 Member
    I hear you. Also, I work in an environment where I can't use the restroom at will. I am usually only able to use the restroom once or twice on a nine hour shift and don't get a lunch break. My water issues are what's keeping me from my next level of health, I think. I woudn't use MIO because you're adding a lot of artificial crud and some people are sensitive to excessive amounts to the extent they get diarrhea. Gross, I know, but true. I do like decaf ice tea with stevia but have some concerns about the decaffeinating process. Grrr.

    8-9 hours and no lunch break? Isn't that actually illegal?