How do you stay motivated to work out alone?



  • Scotland_forever
    Scotland_forever Posts: 64 Member
    Honestly, I love going to the gym by myself. I attend group classes often, and people will talk about their day and are very friendly.
  • somerisagirlsname
    somerisagirlsname Posts: 467 Member
    I hate most other people, so there's that.
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    Actually, in my case, I am alone about half of the time when I work out... That is when I do resistance exercises or when I water jog... I am a member of a small walking group that meets and walks 5 K on Thursday. In addition, three times a week I go to my friend's Zumba class.

    As far as motivation is concerned, I make the time to work out at least four days a week. Lately, since I am on furlough from my job at the Kennedy Space Center, I try to spend as much time working out as possible.
  • SugarBaby71
    SugarBaby71 Posts: 3,630 Member
    I'm kind of in the same boat as the OP. Moved here 3 years ago, but my kids are older and I don't meet other parents like I did when they were little. I work from home so I am fairly isolated. I was working out alone at home, but in July decided that maybe I might meet like minded people at the gym. I haven't yet.

    BUT I know that my motivation has to come from within it doesn't matter if I have 10 friends to workout with or none. If I don't want it badly enough then it's not going to happen. So, I have stopped worrying about making friends at the gym and started really focusing on working hard and feeling good.

    Just go and do it for yourself.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    I really like my gym. I don't think it's boring, and I have an upgraded membership so I get free tanning (which is an awesome deal) I get a discount because I am a student. I like going, just not alone.

    Were you born alone. If yes, then there is the answer to your question. If you keep waiting on someone to do something it will never get done. You owe it to yourself and nobody else.
  • LadyBugLex17
    LadyBugLex17 Posts: 146 Member
    I workout alone daily. I actually prefer it now.
    People will look at you, whatever. You may mess up here or there, whatever.

    You just gotta do it. Don't think about it.
  • bernied262
    bernied262 Posts: 882 Member
    Not to sound harsh- but learn to be comfortable going alone.

    The more you do, the better it gets. Go in there, music in your ears and focus on what you are there to do, and not the people around you. Only way to conquer a fear is to face it head on.

    ^^^ I completely agree with that. Yes, the first few times are hard, but then ir comes routine and it gets easier. The gym is my second home now LOL
  • RobP1192
    RobP1192 Posts: 310 Member
    I used to always want to go to the gym with a partner, but being that my friend is inconsistent, i've learned to go on my own when i need to. I actually find that i workout better alone, because the tempo seems higher. It's nice to have that push and that support though. Some people really do need it. I think it's a mental thing though, something that you can change with practice. Just get in your car and go. If you stay consistent with your schedule, you'll probably see the same people in the gym all the time, and maybe you can find a workout buddy like that.
  • jrodgers239
    I find it very hard to get motivated to workout alone when my husband is unable to workout at the same time as me. Really what it comes down to is just doing it. For me, at least, it's harder to put on my workout clothes and get ready to workout than actually doing it because every ounce of my mentality wants to be lazy and watch tv, but that is exactly why I found myself in the position of needing to lose weight! It's much easier to go to the gym when you have someone with you, but really, you're not going to be able to hold a conversation and get a good workout in at the same time so why worry about going with someone else. When you go alone it allows you to go at your own pace, so just make yourself an awesome playlist to pump you up!
  • snowdance1
    For the last two years, I got my degree BECAUSE I went to the gym. My treadclimber had that stupid plastic book holder hooked on it so I could never see how much longer I still had to go. My grades went up considerably because reading material during and after the workout helped with retention. Others have MP3 players, which must be nicer than simply listening to the selection at the Y. I have found hiking and swimming to supplement my gym time, rather than only going to the gym. Changing it up keeps one mode from becoming too boring. But reading while working out really did help me a lot.

    Workout buddies are hit or miss. Sometimes it works well, but most of the time your partner and yourself are not lined up goals/capability level/motivation, etc. If you can fine one great! I've found a few friendly souls in yoga, who never make fun of my inflexibility or inability to do tree pose....
  • Justsimply67
    I would say put a different spin on don't have to go to the gym alone you get to go to the gym alone. You get to go whenever your schedule opens up, and if you had to go with someone else you'd likely have to wait on them to do "one last thing" before they were ready. THEN you'd have to agree on the workout schedule (upper, lower, cardio, light, heavy) AND deal with whatever attitude they had...good mood/bad mood/lazy mood.... So it is good to be able to go the gym alone. Can you tell I perfer to go to the gym I love to spin but my showing up depends only on me and not on if my girlfriend wants to go or perfers Zumba today. Also psych yourself out and up way before your schedule opens up for the day.. I GET TO GO TO THE GYM ALONE TODAY...ME TIME...SILENCE THE NOISE TIME!!!
  • OMG_Twinkies
    OMG_Twinkies Posts: 215 Member
    My fiancé and I just moved to a new city where I only know a couple of people, but don't see them often. So most of my workouts are alone, but that's how I prefer it, personally. Even tho my fiancé and I are leading a healthier lifestyle together, my workouts are for me.
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    If I don't feel like going I look at my before picture, then I can't get in there fast enough. On the plus side, I am also very shy, but after a few weeks I did start to talk to some of the regulars. Not that we have become bussom buddies, but it does not seem like a room full if strangers anymore :-)
  • diolpah
    diolpah Posts: 134 Member
    Plenty of self-loathing and a seething hatred for what I see in the mirror is sufficient motivation for me.