Maybe this will inspire you to keep going!



  • sunseeker100
    sunseeker100 Posts: 90 Member
    thank you for posting this. I've been at stage 1 too many times and currently just moving into stage 2.....again. however i'm still determined to get to stage 3 and reading your post has helped me focus when I was just starting to get tired and thinking that I can't be bothered to go to the gym tonight after work. Will one time missed really hurt? It will because it isn't just ONE time, I turn it into lots of times then back again at stage 1.

    It's good to remember that this is something we struggle with and it won't come easy :)
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    What a perfect way to describe it!

    I'm definitely in stage 2 working toward stage 3.
    I know I'll be successful this time because I haven't given up despite falling down numerous times in the last few months.

    Congratulations on your successful weight loss!
  • KelGen02
    KelGen02 Posts: 668 Member
    Amen.... Hit the nail right on the head. I am 9 weeks in and pretty much in Stage 3 as well... I have been a plant/fish eater for just over 60 days (cholesterol problems) The food I eat, which was so difficult at first, is now just habit and my body craves it. Water... you want me to drink what? half my weight in ounces everyday????? Choked it down in the beginning, now if I don't drink the water I am soooo thirsty. Amazing how when was on my yo you diets I never stuck to it, but when you change your lifestyle it all just seems to fall into place!!

    Great post, keep on keeping on!!! Happy Thursday!!!
  • paige_eloise
    paige_eloise Posts: 170 Member
    Hello stage two. Sometimes, I just cannot be arsed to go the gym. I've had a long day, I'm tired, I ache (excuses, excuses, excuses) and find myself just NOT going. Which sucks, because I'm disappointed with myself the next day and I feel crap.
    But when I finally get to the gym - I love it! I enjoy it! I think this is mostly because there's a few of us that go together to motivate..

    Stage 2 is rough, and it's beginning to test me. But, I will get through it :) I don't think I can go back to stage one another time.

    Nice way to think about all of this, stage 3 isn't far away and I'll be so happy when i get there :)
  • calliekitten9
    calliekitten9 Posts: 148 Member
    Stage 1...motivated by my work's Get Fit Challenge. As I look outside it is POURING rain...but I am still dedicated to get my 30 minute walk in. As it gets darker and colder, I know that I may get closer to stage 2 and I'll really need to consider joining a gym.
  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    Great positive post. Thank you.

    I'm stage 3 -even the stage 4 some have talked about. I have been maintaining and exercise bunny for a couple of years now - never thought that would be me. I injured myself a few weeks ago- can't do my usual level of exercise, but rather than giving up I've been thinking of what else I can do instead, walking everywhere, and not changing my diet - even when stuck at home with chocolate in fridge. I have not gained any weight. Went to gym this morning, - bike, treadmill on incline and elliptical - and found myself envious of the people in the kettlebell class! But I know I will get back to that class when injuries are healed.

    Never give up! Don't focus on what you can't do - concentrate on what you can, and build it everyday.
  • marilou0511
    marilou0511 Posts: 591 Member
    Thanks for post! In between stages 2 & 3!
  • earndien
    earndien Posts: 195 Member
    i been stuck on stage 2 and you message has just motivated me thanks
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I agree...and being in stage two and how you handle it will make or break your journey...

    One key I found to get through 2 is to pick an exercise you love...The first time I decided it was time was 14 years ago and I did cardio cardio cardio...but kept making excuses why I didn't have to workout...why because I hated every minute of it...

    This time...I chose Circut training (30DS which I loved) but it reminded me how much I loved weights that's where I am today...

    In Stage 2...still trying to lose weight and missing some of the freedom in the food (which made me fat in the first place) but not finding excuses not to workout...I am not sure if we ever fully get out of stage 2 tho...maintenance require the same dedication as the loss of weight....or god forbid I choose to bulk then cut..:laugh: :laugh:
  • Rigi8
    Rigi8 Posts: 128 Member
    Wow you summed me up in one! So many times I dropped off at stage 2 and ended up being heavier than before. This time I've stuck with it and can happily say I'm in stage 3. Eating healthy IS now a habit and I love going to various exercise classes and look forward to the next.

    Thumbs up and to others reading this - keep going, it's worth it.
  • dawn72467
    Sobeone ~ You should have told him that if he didn't like what he saw then to just go away ; } This site is all about self improvement and helping others, not to try and bring them down. Keep that shirt off, be proud of who you are, where you are at this point in your life, and where you are heading. Keep it REAL! That's what it's all about! Good Luck to you.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    DISCLAIMER: I don't believe anything in the message boards. But if I did, this would be it.
  • TheBoldCat
    TheBoldCat Posts: 159 Member
    stage 2...and fighting with refusing junk food, crisps, not skipping exercises...if i win there will be a reward ... new boxing gloves...and i want them so much !
  • Rogsman
    Rogsman Posts: 106 Member
    I never hit stage 2, 6 months into this now. I think the main reason why is because I was doing it for myself, already knew the effort, and knew that it gets easier. Although I've lost weight, my goal wasn't just the weight loss itself but the activities that become possible once the weights gone. These are what I want to do, they're my goal.

    Since joining MFP I've looked at the profiles of many folks that put up "I'm back" and "Here we go again" introduction posts. I believe most of them fail continually because the goal was to "lose X amount of weight". MFP puts losing weight in your face as it's a marker for progress, but when you hit that marker or see how slow it can move despite high effort you become depressed and give up.

    Weight loss should be seen as a side effect of something bigger, never as a goal. Look at the maintenance forums and you'll see folks that have hit that goal only to find out it's a nonstop game of building/stripping the same 10 lbs over and over again. If your focus is on weight, you're going to be disappointed. You need far more than this as a goal. The weight game never stops.

    Good post!
  • cleoleigh
    cleoleigh Posts: 76 Member
    I think you explained it perfectly and I can relate. This is my 5th attempt at getting through stage 2. I wish I could take a extended vacation during this time so the stresses of the day to day wouldn't play into my challenges LOL Wouldn't that be easier? LOL

    Congrats on your journey so far!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Great Post and Congrats on your weight loss!!

    I have been thru all of those stages and then some in the last 16 months. You dont realize how much weight loss and getting healthy affects you until you are serious about it . There are so many emotions involved and it truly changes who you are ( hopefully in a good way).

    I have found my way from stage 1-3 with no problem.
    When i hit what i will call stage 4 i had some difficulty......Do i really want to do this forever, do i want to log every thing forever, do i want to be sore like this all the time...maybe i should just be happy where i am at and stop for a while

    Now i guess you could say i am at stage 5? Yes, i want to do this fit and strong and look and feel great! Am i sore? Every single day somewhere....and i love it! It means i am changing myself and making a better version of me every day that passes. I go to bed with satisfaction that i did the best things for my body and wake up ready to do it all again . I find myself longing for that "fix" at the gym and taking the rest days when i know my body needs them.

    So for anyone in stages 1 or 2.....hang in there!! It will get better. You will see results. Be patient and kind to yourself. Accept the failures and slip ups and move on. You have come this far and you can go so much farther. DREAM IT, BELIEVE IT. ACHIEVE IT!

    It feels great to build a better me!!

    QFT! You took all the words out of my mouth! Very well said :flowerforyou:

    Great thread :smile:
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    Good post! I am somewhere between stages 2 & 3 at this point. The workouts suck some days but are great the others. I am tired by the end of the week and just want to sleep. Pushing through is tough, but seeing so many inspiring stories on here does help. Thanks for the post!
  • StarFit4Life
    StarFit4Life Posts: 43 Member
    My stage two has started now in my 4th month of my new lifestyle! I am down 25 lbs and 23 inches...but at a stand still now! I am not seeing the progress that I was in the beginning months and I am so discouraged. Of course I am not going to stop at all, I am just discouraged. I am trying to stay focused but it is hard. I think I just need to work harder at out more! I can't possibly drop anymore carbs! LOL
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    yay im in stage 3. on day 82. woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for this post. it was cool.
  • dough21
    dough21 Posts: 216 Member
    Forgot Stage 2.5 - Not giving up after reaching that almost certain weight loss plateau. :p