Maybe this will inspire you to keep going!



  • teamnevergoingback
    teamnevergoingback Posts: 368 Member
    I am currently On my 100th attempt at Stage 1! :ohwell: I might actually be in stage 1.5 because I'm snacking a bit and yesterday I did not want to go to the gym. I promise to myself that I WILL eat awesome and make it to the gym before work tonight!!! Thanks for the post!... I also think its a bummer about the negativity, but misery loves company. :sad:
  • suzend
    suzend Posts: 155 Member
    I'm in stage 3 (however, for the past 3 days I've had back spasms and can hardly move so no exercise except for my physical therapy exercises right now). I absolutely crave eating the healthy stuff now. Love my veggies, fruits, and yogurt. I'm totally satisfied with these as my snacks and don't have the crash from the candy, cakes, etc. around the office (I do have them once in awhile just not everyday and not more than once during one day). It's been 5 months so for me it's habit now. :)