Sooo, have a "Dating" question for yous guys! :)



  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Totally get this.

    I am a full time working 100% single mum as well. The dating game is difficult, because I don't want to have a parade of men through my daughter's life - but then how do you get to know someone... I tend to go out on lunch dates, but pretty much keep it at the "friend" level for the moment. Not many men want that, all of the ones I've dated want a full on relationship and I don't - so I'm still single and quite happy about it.

    If I met someone who I REALLY clicked with, then maybe something would change, but for the moment being a mother comes first and all else comes later. I console myself with the knowledge that it wont be this way forever :)
    It really is difficult to juggle everything and the men I've been out with seem to have little patience with my schedule and needing to be careful for my boys. I get it. I am a little limited but I do try and once we get to the point of introducing then it gets easier..and more flexible. I feel like the guy that is patient with that and understanding and eases my mind with it will be the one worth going further with. :)
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I think you are a very smart woman. Youre protecting your boys from having a revolving door of men in their lives. They'll have more pride in their Mama who worked her azz off for them and didnt just settle on dating some man out of desperation. You take your time, be picky, and introduce your boys to the man who is worthy of knowing those great kids.
    Thank you! :flowerforyou: