I can't run. I want to but I'm struggling.



  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    Start walking up hills or on an incline on the TM, this will give you a good work out, but will be less stressful on your joints and such. You will start shedding pounds and getting more comfortable getting sweaty and out of breath in front of people (which is what we are all there to do anyway). The better you get at hills, the faster you should go. Maybe start at 2....then 2.5....then 3....then 3.5 until you are at a jog at around 4.5-6 depending on your stride. You are going to do awesome. You are doing this for YOU!
  • razors_girl23
    razors_girl23 Posts: 32 Member
    I also say try C25K. I really wish I would have started this way. I wasn't as heavy as you when I started, but I sure was slow. Don't worry about what people are thinking. You're out there and that's all that matters. The only people you should be comparing yourself to is yourself.

    When I started running, I couldn't run 200 metres without stopping. I've just completed my first marathon. It hurt like hell, but I did it. My 5k time has also dropped from an hour with a big rest at half way, to 27:xx mins non-stop at a pushed pace. Stick with it. Running is the best thing I ever did for myself.

    I'm also a big proponent of Galloway's run/walk method. I do all distances 10k or over this way. No way I could have done a marathon without using it.
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    I also say try C25K. I really wish I would have started this way. I wasn't as heavy as you when I started, but I sure was slow. Don't worry about what people are thinking. You're out there and that's all that matters. The only people you should be comparing yourself to is yourself.

    When I started running, I couldn't run 200 metres without stopping. I've just completed my first marathon. It hurt like hell, but I did it. My 5k time has also dropped from an hour with a big rest at half way, to 27:xx mins non-stop at a pushed pace. Stick with it. Running is the best thing I ever did for myself.

    I'm also a big proponent of Galloway's run/walk method. I do all distances 10k or over this way. No way I could have done a marathon without using it.

    I agree with all of this!!
  • mayonie1
    mayonie1 Posts: 296 Member
    Download app C25k in your phone, its the best app. I'm coming from a 5km race now and I've improved by 15mins speed than my previous and thanks to c25k program.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    I glad this was posted. I'm 211 and want to jog on the treadmill and this is just what I needed to read!
  • NH_Norma
    NH_Norma Posts: 332 Member
    THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! I got on the treadmill for 20 minutes and was able to jog 2 minutes at a time at 4.2. Not fast, but faster than a comfortable walk and about 90 seconds longer than I could do at 5mph. Building endurance at this low speed seems so much smarter, and feels like success instead of failure! I may need to just stick to the treadmill though because left to my own outside, I know I'll "sprint" and not be able to do much at all.
  • rickyd88
    rickyd88 Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks everyone for th great advice. I'm back from the gym and 2 sturdy bras later ...

    I ran for 3.5 minutes at an 8.5km/hr pace. I rested for 90 seconds and managed it again. Now I'm going to use c25k to build up my stamina. I never thought I could run for that long but you're right ... I was sprinting before and that's why I felt deathly ill after a few seconds.
    DEEDLYNN Posts: 235 Member
    I started running about 7 weeks ago. I'm just ready to break under 300 lbs. (Probably this week)....I use C25K. It's hard....but it's sooooooooooooooooo worth it. I ran my first mile consecutive 3 weeks ago (yes, I deviated from the program). It was not planned, but I just kept running. SLOW....SLOW.....SLOW!!!!!!. I'm very slow, and can walk faster....but my whole body feels great...when I find the pace and my body is in sync with itself.


    My first day, I started on the treadmill ( I now alternate inside/outside). There were seasoned runners on those machines. People that I know (it's a work), and I knew they did 5K's and 10K's and they were always looking at their times. Guess what. I got on and I just did it. No one said anything that day...but now, they ask me how it's going. They ask how I like it. They've even included me in conversations where I can gather information and get advice.

    Just DO IT!

    Especially, if it's something you've been wanting to do. I've wanted to do this for more than a year now...and 7 weeks ago, I took my first running step...and I haven't looked back.
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    C25K is really great. I was in the high 190s when I started the program and was able to follow it all the way through without problems. I started out running at the local high school track early in the AM when there were only a few elderly people there to see me "run." LOL Actually, those folks gave me some of the best encouragement ever.

    I gradually got more comfortable with running and having people see me do it.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    no one thinks bad of people exercising.

    unless that is how YOU look at people who are overweight and exercising - in that case - stoppit.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Here are all my running tips for beginners.


    Note point one:

    When you start out, it’s HARD! Even if you think you’re fit, running is so different to anything else you’ve done before you will get out of breath quickly. Stick with it. Can’t manage a minute? Go slow. Still can’t? GO SLOWER!

    It could even be slower than your speedy walk. Just get used to doing the different action and the speed will come with time.

    And get a bra specifically designed for running - sometimes just general high impact ones don't do the job. If you take a big cup size, think about wearing two - quite a lot of us bigger-boobed exercisers do this.
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    I started running at 225ish, ran a 5k, and made it up to a 1/2 marathon before I made it below 200 pounds. So yes, you can run at (mostly) any size.

    I used to be incredibly worried about being judged, not being fast enough, etc. etc. etc. Once I did start running with others (first I found a super supportive friend, and then I moved on to some groups/races), I found that 90% of people are SUPER supportive and understand that everyone goes at their own pace. There will still be jerks out there, but I think you will be pleasantly surprised to see what a supportive running community there is out there, especially for people just starting out. Its like any other hobby - people are really excited to have others join in on the fun and get to share advice, talk about running, etc.

    And secondly, I echo that you should run slow. Run a lot slower than you think you should. It'll feel weird at first - I started out running slower than I walked, but it helps your body get used to it, and then you can start training programs and going faster, etc. Years later, I STILL run pretty slow (and probably always will), but I've learned that it doesn't really matter - what makes you a runner is going out and doing it, not how fast / how far you go. So enjoy yourself, and kudos to you for running! :)