Too much sugar in grapes?



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    i think it's okay. Wait - are you diabetic?
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Short term weight loss? Like paleojoe keeps saying, if you stay below TDEE I don't see what the issue is.
    What you are talking about is lacking self control. I have absolutely no problem serving myself 1 serving or 1 1/2 servings of ice cream nightly. Many people here lose weight consistently while having ice cream in their repertoire.

    Yes, short term weight loss. That's b/c it takes people like me quite a bit of motivation to cut themselves off when eating foods like ice-cream. When I was losing weight quickly and had high motivation that was fine. But once you hit a maintenance phase (or get really stress at work, etc.) it's easy for that motivation to wane. That's when the junk food in your diet can be a big problem for some people. And I'm definitely not in favor of completely cutting out junk food, just keeping it minimal.

    If you're ice-man with your diet and have no problems always staying below your TDEE then there is no issue of course.

    I wouldn't go as far as saying "fruit has a lot of fiber". A lot of fruit has fiber but I wouldn't say a lot. Plus we can very easily get fiber from tons of other foods.

    I honestly would like to see the studies where processed foods are actually responsible for all these long term health issues. Seems like a lot of speculation. Remember, in the 80's fat was responsible for all the long term health issues, now processed foods, what will it be next.

    Fruit does have a lot of fiber! There are also tons of studies showing that fruits and veggies are associated with tons of health benefits, including longevity and thinness. If you choose to get your carbs and fiber from other food sources that's your decision. But you can't replace fruits and veggies with other types of food and expect to get the same health benefits.
  • paleojoe
    paleojoe Posts: 442 Member
    Fruit does have a lot of fiber! There are also tons of studies showing that fruits and veggies are associated with tons of health benefits, including longevity and thinness. If you choose to get your carbs and fiber from other food sources that's your decision. But you can't replace fruits and veggies with other types of food and expect to get the same health benefits.

    This raises a question that I often wonder about...

    Does the health benefit come from the food, or from the state of being lean?
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Thanks to this thread. I bought grapes yesterday.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Fruit does have a lot of fiber! There are also tons of studies showing that fruits and veggies are associated with tons of health benefits, including longevity and thinness. If you choose to get your carbs and fiber from other food sources that's your decision. But you can't replace fruits and veggies with other types of food and expect to get the same health benefits.

    This raises a question that I often wonder about...

    Does the health benefit come from the food, or from the state of being lean?

    Good question, I believe there are studies that control for BMI and still show health benefits from getting 5-9 servings of fruits and veggies per day, but I don't know if they also controlled for fiber intake, exercise, etc.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member

    I never said fruits and vegetables lack benefits in health. I'm saying I would like to see the studies that show processed foods are responsible for all these health problems.

    Again, fruit has some fiber. And some more than others but I would not say a lot!

    Well there is a big difference b/w associating fruits with health benefits versus proving that processed foods are bad for you. IMO If you only have X amount of calories though, it's probably better to get the majority from foods that have known health benefits.

    In regard to fruit's fiber, most fruit like apples, peaches, bananas, etc., have about 3-4 grams per 100 calorie serving which I think is pretty good.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I am asking for proof that the processed foods are so bad. I mean you said it yourself. And you also said the below, no? Where are the studies.

    Stop putting words into my mouth. I never said that "processed foods" are "the cause" of disease. I have stated that they lack the health benefits of natural foods like fruit, and are also more easy to overeat.

    Also, how much fiber does a banana have?

    A banana that is approximately 100 calories has approximately 3 grams of fiber. Slightly less per calorie than many other fruits, but that's still pretty good. If you eat mostly junk food, one banana won't help you meat your fiber goals. But if you eat mostly natural foods than 3 grams of fiber per 100 calories is easily enough to meet the daily recommended intake of fiber. And there is more to fruit than just fiber, there are antioxidants, potassium, and other micronutrients.
  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    We are having a tea at work today with desserts and my coworker (who is very sweet) said to me "there will be grapes for you..I bought some" first thought was the sugar..eeeekkkkk! I love grapes but I kind of winced...I hate that I am being so picky and it I guess I will have a few...real hard at work since everyone knows I am the "good food girl" that even if I wanted something bad...I would feel as though all eyes are on me....I wish I could just leave work