Thoughts on diet sodas whilst dieting?



  • ziggiezambi

    Science has proven that "chemicals" (totally unnatural! Ask a chemist!) will sneak into your house at night, rearrange your furniture and write untrue things on your Facebook

    Yea I saw this report on CNN!!! Scary stuff!! :noway:
  • denadykes
    denadykes Posts: 2 Member
    I drink Coke Zero, and Milo's Tea(with Splenda)...tastes just like regular sweet tea, and water.....and losing weight.
  • Wooly_I_am
    I only drink mine with, spirits
  • kdhamner
    kdhamner Posts: 309 Member
    I used to drink diet soda and had no problem with weight loss. However, I started having health problems that were resolved when I stopped drinking soda all together, so I choose not to drink it any longer for that reason.
  • BethAnnC448
    BethAnnC448 Posts: 45 Member
    I have one or two a week.
  • comrade_questions
    comrade_questions Posts: 103 Member
    My thoughts on diet soda are yucky yucky yucky ick. I know some people love it, but the aspartame gives me weird light-sensitive headaches.
  • jenschroll
    jenschroll Posts: 162 Member
    I've never been a fan, even pre-diet, pre-lifestyle change, whatever you wanna call it. If I need to calm my sweet tooth I just stick to MiO in my water. <3
  • NordicAlien
    NordicAlien Posts: 110 Member
    I find it makes me feel like crud, so I avoid it. I don't know if I'm sensitive to sweeteners, or if it's the caffeine without the sedative properties of added sugar, but if I drink a Diet Coke or Pepsi my sleep is off for two or three days and I feel irritable and twitchy. Regular Coke doesn't seem to have this effect on me, although I have noticed that when I totally cut it out I fall asleep faster.

    I also find it makes me crave junk food. Could be something in it, could be psychological. I don't know, and honestly don't care enough to find out. I really like water, so it's not really a problem for me to cut out soda for the most part. I'll go a couple weeks drinking a can a day, and then not drink it for months. Or sometimes if I want fizz I'll add orange juice or apple juice to fizzy water.

    I know a lot of people who'll speak out against it, and surely some of that's fearmongering, but there also seem to be plenty of people like me who genuinely feel icky when they drink it. I'd say figure out how (if) it affects your own body, and go from there. If you drink it and feel healthy, great. If at any time you feel not quite right, try cutting it out of your diet and see if that changes anything.

    (And use common sense - it sounds mad, but I used to live with a girl and two boys who suffered from extreme insomnia and mood swings, who each drank four or five liters of Diet Pepsi a day. Four or five liters of calorie-free Coke or Pepsi is still four or five liters of acidic, caffeine-rich drink, and I'm not surprised that they felt so awful, but they just kept telling me, "Oh, it's diet, it's just like drinking water.")
  • ideang
    ideang Posts: 95
    I have a diet dew everyday. I cut way back on soda though as I wanted to switch to more water, but need a little pick me up in the afternoon and I don't like coffee or tea. I saw a nutritionist when I had gestational diabetes with my second baby and she told me I could have diet soda in moderation.
  • davenporter
    davenporter Posts: 30 Member
    I started drinking diet soda to give me something to look forward to on my diet. You can't go wrong with 0 calories. Also, most of the negative stuff I've seen is from organic food web sites that want to sell you more of their "natural" (meaning EXPENSIVE) products. If there really were a health issue with artificial sweeteners, the scientific community would be making a cow about it. Look at all the regulations surrounding smoking. But there's no age restriction on buying diet soda or artificial sweeteners, nor is there any scientific evidence that the amount consumed by humans has any adverse effects. I'll stick with my store-brand diet sodas; they work well enough for me, and don't break the bank!
  • AccioFitness
    AccioFitness Posts: 244 Member
    I used to drink soda and other calorie laden drinks often, but now I look at them as a treat/dessert. I've made an effort to stop drinking my calories since that was one of my major issues before I decided to become healthier. I don't need those drinks every day, but on occasion I will have one. I don't fee guilty about it when I do and I'm aware of be fact that it's considered unhealthy; but so are a plethora of other things we eat, drink, and inhale. So I figure the path of moderation is more than acceptable. :)
  • davenporter
    davenporter Posts: 30 Member
    I think that's the point of this thread. We don't like to drink calories, so we drink diet sodas instead.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Drink them if you like them? Don't drink them if you don't like them?
  • sydneyplainjane
    sydneyplainjane Posts: 140 Member
    I can't stand the taste of diet soda, so, if I'm really desperate for a Coke, I'll just have a regular one. I'm finding that now that I've cut back on sweets, I can't drink a full can anymore. Maybe once every month or so.
  • Cheechos
    Cheechos Posts: 293
    I personally enjoy it since I don't have to deal with the cals from regular soda when I want something fizzy. My policy: If you want a diet soda while you're losing weight (or maintaining your weight...or gaining weight...or even not doing anything with your weight) then go ahead and get your drink on!

    It's actually kind of funny that I found this thread right now, since very recently a stranger decided to lecture me about how I should be drinking more water instead of diet soda (even though they have no idea how much I drink???) on another part of the forums.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I don't diet, but when I get a craving for a soda (rarely) then I'll have a diet soda, because nothing is worse to me than drinking my calories. What a waste...Plus, big sugar bombs just make me tired and cranky. :drinker:
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Fact: 100% of the people who drink diet soda DIE!
  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    Pepsi MAX is my drink of choice.

    I've heard both side of the argument, but I also heard that alcohol is bad for you too... whoops :drinker:
  • guroprincess
    After 22 years of drinking "the real thing", diet soda just doesn't do it for me. In fact it actually tastes pretty gross. (Additionally, it's comparatively expensive on a college student's budget.) So I just drink water.

    But as always, my thoughts are live and let live...