any success while using fitbit

can you let me know if you have had any success while using fitbit. I have been using now close to a week and I am wondering if this will make a difference in my weight, I know I am trying to do more exercise because of let me know how you are doing with fitbit..:drinker:


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Well yes and no. I like that it gives me a good idea of what my TDEE is (especially as I walk a lot), so it makes it easier to calculate my deficit. I got my fitbit a couple months ago and been eating 20% under the average and I've been losing well though.
  • dsbride1
    dsbride1 Posts: 8 Member
    I have had very good success with it. I found out my daily steps without it were only about 1000. I got it up to 4000 steps now and have even reached 7000 at times. It makes me aware of what I'm doing. It had made me stronger but as far as losing weight, that goes with my portion control that I'm still having problems with. It works as much as you put into it.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    It motivates me to move more so I guess it's helping that way but I don't place much other value on it.
  • lukasmac
    lukasmac Posts: 216 Member
    Fitbit definitely keeps you in check in being active daily.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    I've had mine just over a month and now that it gives me a more accurate idea of my TDEE daily, I've adjusted my intake accordingly, and have lost a little bit every week since I started using it, after a two month plateau. I was obciously eating at maintenance, lol... :bigsmile:
  • danibu98
    danibu98 Posts: 281 Member
    I'm loving mine so far, it's making me really aware of what is going on. I've only had it for a few days though, but just knowing what I've done and what I've burned is helping me to make better choices.

    Any fitbit users can add me!
  • daniellemm1
    daniellemm1 Posts: 465 Member
    for me it's an awareness thing too. On my lazy days my TDEE is only 1900 and when I see that I will either cut down on my calories or get my butt up and take a walk. Seeing it is enough to get me going. On days where I have exercised a lot of just was busy and my TDEE is closer to 3000 then I make sure I eat enough. It is a great tool to keep you honest about how much you have really moved during the day and allows you to adjust your intake accordingly :) Obviously portion control and regular exercise are at the center of everything but my fitbit keeps me balanced.
  • SueMizZou
    SueMizZou Posts: 146 Member
    I find the fitbit very motivating. It provides me with NSV when the scale doesn't move.
  • vaporhockey83
    vaporhockey83 Posts: 84 Member
    My Fitbit One has motivated me to take more steps. It's said that a good healthy average per day is 10,000. I thought I was getting that easy at my desk job between walking to the restroom, into work, out of work, and around the office. Not even close. It's made it where I'm mad at myself when I forget to put it on to track a couple hundred steps. Mine also tracks stairs climbed. I wasn't finding success at first, but that was my fault (too much drinking and eating crap when drinking). It's a good motivational tool. It syncs up well with MFP and even adds the extra stuff you do (walking, step based exercises, etc) to your BMR which leads to a larger calorie deficit. Overall, I'm happy with it. It awards badges and all that junk, but I just like the data it supplies so I can work harder to beat yesterday's results.
  • ashandstuff
    ashandstuff Posts: 442 Member
    I use my fitbit flex to help keep track of how much I am REALLY moving each day. It's a great motivator to move around more! It's like the day isn't over until I reach my step goal!!! :]
  • Elliesque
    Elliesque Posts: 156 Member
    For me, yes! I love, love, love it. Since I got it, it has made my journey a lot easier and motivated me to move my butt more. I like how it calculates all the important stuff out for me (cals burned, steps taken, floors climbed, etc). It gives me an idea of where I am, and how much I can eat for the day while keeping with my deficit.
    It's obviously not magic, but it is a great tool if you are motivated to walk/run and burn some calories
  • vaporhockey83
    vaporhockey83 Posts: 84 Member
    My Fitbit One has motivated me to take more steps. It's said that a good healthy average per day is 10,000. I thought I was getting that easy at my desk job between walking to the restroom, into work, out of work, and around the office. Not even close. It's made it where I'm mad at myself when I forget to put it on to track a couple hundred steps. Mine also tracks stairs climbed. I wasn't finding success at first, but that was my fault (too much drinking and eating crap when drinking). It's a good motivational tool. It syncs up well with MFP and even adds the extra stuff you do (walking, step based exercises, etc) to your BMR which leads to a larger calorie deficit. Overall, I'm happy with it. It awards badges and all that junk, but I just like the data it supplies so I can work harder to beat yesterday's results.

    Anyone who uses it, feel free to add me. If you have friends on it, it supplies a scoreboard that tracks steps and stuff. More motivation. Don't know if you need the e-mail to find a friend, but (please send spam!! j/k) on Fitbit's site.
  • My wife and I have both had success with fitbit. I have noticed my activily level increase with the fitbit. Seeing the amount of steps or lack there of in a day has caused me to increase my activity and when there is a lull at work, I will get up and walk around the building to add more steps for the day.
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    Just like anything else, it is a tool you can use. It will not guarantee your success.

    That said, I love my Flex. It is very accurate for estimating my daily burn and it helped me get over fear of eating enough calories. It has been a great investment for my health....and peace of mind!
  • kingtermite
    kingtermite Posts: 82 Member
    Yes, absolutely.

    The fitbit itself doesn't help you lose weight, obviously. But I've gotten into a real habit of making sure I get those goal steps, so if I'm low I will walk more. Or if I'm close to an even thousand number, I'll go walk more to get it. It's surely made me get up and be more active, in general.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Just like anything else, it is a tool you can use. It will not guarantee your success.

    That said, I love my Flex. It is very accurate for estimating my daily burn and it helped me get over fear of eating enough calories. It has been a great investment for my health....and peace of mind!

    This for me too. For me it was very motivating and led to actual behavior modification (parking on the far side of the parking lot, taking the stairs instead of the escalator, etc.). Having said that the motivation still has to come from you.
  • dianefisher47
    dianefisher47 Posts: 234 Member
    thanks for all your responses, I love my flex and yes it makes us want to do more exercise...the only thing I am having problems with is the in between MFP and Fitbit.....when I do exercises and enter into MFP this negative thing that bring the numbers down and when I start the following day there are already numbers for exercises entered ???? I guess I will learn in the long run...thanks
  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member
    I just got my Zip this week, so can't claim success yet. But it has definitely been an eye opener. I've found I'm a LOT more active than I thought with a desk job. Even today with my arthritis acting up, I'm going to be around 8,000 steps. The calories it registers seem high, but I'm going to increase a bit based on my "adjustment." We'll see.
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
  • ddpiel
    ddpiel Posts: 52
    I am wearing mine for the first day (night actually since I work night shift) and I too feel that the calories burned is a very high estimate. Any others have input concerning the reported calories burned?