Healthy thanksgiving recipes?



  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I don't have the recipe (on me) but here goes ....updated ...found something similar

    Weight Watcher's Sweet Potato Apple Casserole

    3 large fresh sweet potatoes - peeled, sliced
    2 sliced baking apples (I like tart...granny smith & golden delicious won't turn brown quickly) ...layer in a baking pan.

    Sprinkle with salt & chopped candied ginger.....I use at least 1 Tbl. of candied ginger.

    Mix 1/3 C apple juice concentrate (from frozen) with 2 Tbl melted butter, 1/4 C dark brown sugar, and 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon. Drizzle over potatoes & apples. Bake covered with foil for first half....then uncover & continue least 1 hour
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    How to do Thanksgiving dinner the healthy way:

    - eat all the yummy foods
    - stop when you're full instead of stuffing yourself into a coma
  • schonkreuz
    schonkreuz Posts: 493 Member
    How to do Thanksgiving dinner the healthy way:

    - eat all the yummy foods
    - stop when you're full instead of stuffing yourself into a coma

    this lady, I like the way she thinks.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Get a big ole turkey in a bag. Throw in oven. Follow directions for cooking time.

    Go to marie callendars pick up pre ordered pies.

    Go to market. Get premade half baked rolls, green bean casserole ingredients and frozen cranberries sugar, and can of stuffing mix

    Go home and place pies on counter and choose one to have ONE SLICE NOW.

    Take a pie nap.

    Get dressed.

    Make green bean casserole put in oven with turkey. Make cranberry sauce by boiling cranberries with sugar.

    Run back to store for forgotten envelope of gravy mix. Get home and realize things are almost ready. Shet a brick.

    Make gravy AND stuffing AND shove rolls in oven.

    Check on turkey. Call everyone and tell them dinner will be actually served 2 hours AFTER predicted.

    Make popcorns and uncork wines.

    Apologize for the millionth time in a row the turkey cook times were off through NO FAULT of your own. ANd feed them the pocorns and wines.

    Watch shet you dont wanna watch, talk to ppl you don't wanna talk to about things you don't wanna talk about.

    Serve food. Go around table saying who's thankful for what. Get annoyed that nobody said this fracking meal. Eat In moderation. Enjoy. Get seconds. Nap. Get moar pie.

    Log it and workout a little extra the next few days. Vow to order the whole shebang premade from the market or pie shop next time.

    Happy Thanksgiving!
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    I absolutely agree that eating all of the traditional foods in their traditional form and in moderation is a viable option. So is lightening things up if that's what the OP chooses to do. I don't know why people always act like it's ignorant to do so. I love real turkey, stuffing, pizza, hot wings, etc. I have no intention of giving them up.

    But I also buy myself "bulk" by eating lots of other calorie-moderate foods and I genuinely enjoy them, too. I also get to eat more food and get more variety, sometimes referred to as the spice of life (ahem). Bonus for me!

    For instance, I have an unnatural love for them almost every day. Instead of eating whole eggs all the time, I eat a lot of egg whites and I've learned to season and supplement them in ways that make them really, really good. I get four whites for fewer calories than one whole egg, no fat, and sixteen grams of protein. One whole egg is 70 calories, five grams of fat, and six grams of protein. All good, but sometimes not what fits my day.

    Yesterday, I wanted whole eggs, so I ate them. Two of them, in fact. I enjoyed them. I did not feel remotely "bad."

    But if I asked for things to do with egg whites, I wouldn't want a bunch of people telling me that I should just buck up and eat real eggs. Naturally I am aware of that option. And sometimes I opt for it. But that wasn't my question!

    Also, I would not want Angel Food cake recipes. Because I think it's pretty gross. Just eat real cake, for crying out loud! :wink:
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    This sounds lovely. I cannot wait to try it! I will prob include onion and garlic too.
    I usually do a sweet and spicy carrot and parsnip dish. If you peel the carrots and parsnips and then slice them into 1/4 rounds and toss them in a saute pan with 2 TBS of maple syrup, a TSP of olive oil, and some cayenne pepper and cook over a medium low heat until soft they are delicious. Carrots and parsnips have a lot of naturally occurring sugar so you don't have to add much to make them delicious. You can also substitute in a lot of different things for the cayenne, like cinnamon or or a touch of ground mustard seed.

    I totally want to try this. I've never had a parsnip before and this sounds like a great place to start!

    Your slow-baked sweets sound good, too. : )
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    I don't have the recipe (on me) but here goes ....updated ...found something similar

    Weight Watcher's Sweet Potato Apple Casserole

    3 large fresh sweet potatoes - peeled, sliced
    2 sliced baking apples (I like tart...granny smith & golden delicious won't turn brown quickly) ...layer in a baking pan.

    Sprinkle with salt & chopped candied ginger.....I use at least 1 Tbl. of candied ginger.

    Mix 1/3 C apple juice concentrate (from frozen) with 2 Tbl melted butter, 1/4 C dark brown sugar, and 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon. Drizzle over potatoes & apples. Bake covered with foil for first half....then uncover & continue least 1 hour

    Sounds delish
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I don't cook any differently. I do make different choices of what I eat. I know I can have mashed potatoes any day of the week so I leave that off the plate. I also know I can have rolls so I don't get any bread., same for the green beans. I eat smaller portions of pretty much anything else and don't go back for seconds. I don't have as much will power yet on the deserts but I'm still trying. I am finding that I would rather leave off the pumpkin pie and take a small piece of the dutch apple and pecan. Use the light Cool whip instead of ice cream. And the sweet potatoes and marshmellows. Well there's no excuse for how I eat them. I used to use a regular sized plate at the desert table. Now I use a desert plate since I am taking smaller slices. It still fills up the plate, it's just smaller slices. And it's all the pies on ne desert plate, the plate is pretty full.
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    I don't have the recipe (on me) but here goes ....updated ...found something similar

    Weight Watcher's Sweet Potato Apple Casserole

    3 large fresh sweet potatoes - peeled, sliced
    2 sliced baking apples (I like tart...granny smith & golden delicious won't turn brown quickly) ...layer in a baking pan.

    Sprinkle with salt & chopped candied ginger.....I use at least 1 Tbl. of candied ginger.

    Mix 1/3 C apple juice concentrate (from frozen) with 2 Tbl melted butter, 1/4 C dark brown sugar, and 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon. Drizzle over potatoes & apples. Bake covered with foil for first half....then uncover & continue least 1 hour

    Mmmmmmm! My daughter and I are totally trying this, maybe even tomorrow...