Seasonal Depression..



  • rebeccaleec
    rebeccaleec Posts: 4 Member
    I have lived in NW Oregon most of my life, so it would seem we would be used to the gloomy weather for months straight, but it definitely takes its toll if you let it (I believe people refer to it here as suicide season, unfortunately.)

    I know it's been said, but definitely look into taking Vitamin D, make sure you get enough sleep (but not too much), and work out. I have found that if you can work at keeping a steady pattern each day it helps to get through it!
  • 9thChakra
    9thChakra Posts: 141 Member
    Hi! Do some research. Here's a little start:

    An Exerpt grom the Mayo Clinic website on Vitamin D:

    Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

    "SAD is a form of depression that occurs during the winter months, possibly due to reduced exposure to sunlight. In one study, vitamin D was found to be better than light therapy in the treatment of SAD. Further studies are necessary to confirm these findings."

    Personally, I almost get the opposite. If it's too sunny for too long I get tired. I find I don't have as much trouble in the winter as others...but I work outdoors during the winter I probably get enough sun for my body to produce Vit. D. Also...because the outside is my "office" I get to enjoy the daytime all winter.

    Maybe try to include some outdoor breaks throughout your day.

    Best to you,
