Where my fellow nerds at?



  • GradatimFerociter
    GradatimFerociter Posts: 296 Member
    You should join the MFP Gamers group! We talk about all sorts of geekyness. :bigsmile:

    I'm a gamer nerd. Xbox, Playstation, PC, you name it. League of Legends is my baby. :heart:

    Welcome, fellow nerdie!

    Only full AP (read: not on-hit) Teemo bot lane pseudo-support is appropriate.
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Okay I'll give you that I mixed up Fat Buu and Kid Buu. That one was my bad.

    But I'm talking pre-crisis Riker, not post-crisis. TNG O'brien was pudgy at best before DS9 and Riker during the TNG days was boss. If it weren't for Worf's weird honor system, Data's "anatomical correctness" and Picard's unrelenting manliness, he would have been getting the most action on that ship... Actually now that I put it that way maybe Riker wasn't THAT boss.

    TREKKER-GEEK CREDENTIALS CONFIRMED! Please throughly read your initiation packet and accept this token of acceptance.
    ...Hazing will commence at an undetermined time in the future.
  • Reza151
    Reza151 Posts: 517 Member
    Present! *ducks to avoid a blow from a singularily badly dressed vampier*

    Gotta be fit when I join the scoobies! Or when a madman in a blue box comes to pick me up.

    That's one of my reasons for working out. I gotta be fit so that I can be a useful companion to the doctor. Not just sexy and smart ;-) lmao!
  • 2DogsBarking
    btw, when I get home later and am not on my phone and am not being lazy I'll go through and friend all ya'll. Don't think that I'm avoiding you if you haven't gotten a request yet.
  • xSirensSong
    xSirensSong Posts: 615 Member
    You should join the MFP Gamers group! We talk about all sorts of geekyness. :bigsmile:

    I'm a gamer nerd. Xbox, Playstation, PC, you name it. League of Legends is my baby. :heart:

    Welcome, fellow nerdie!

    Only full AP (read: not on-hit) Teemo bot lane pseudo-support is appropriate.


    I can wreck top lane Teemo. He's my first LoL love! Although I don't play him as much as I'd like anymore. Poor guy probably feels neglected. :(
  • nomorebigdaddyo
    Hi! My name is Mike. I am a nerd.
  • hobbitgeekgirl
    If you don't mind a general nerd of most varieties (including costuming:ST WOK, Lady Black Hawk, S.H.I.E.L.D., Thief Adventurer, M.I.B., Airship Engineer...the list goes on ), then I am reporting for duty!
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    btw, when I get home later and am not on my phone and am not being lazy I'll go through and friend all ya'll. Don't think that I'm avoiding you if you haven't gotten a request yet.

    Lies. We're totally being avoided.
  • 2DogsBarking
    btw, when I get home later and am not on my phone and am not being lazy I'll go through and friend all ya'll. Don't think that I'm avoiding you if you haven't gotten a request yet.

    Lies. We're totally being avoided.

    Only you. I mean Pokemon? srsly? Ew.

    I bet you probably used your Master ball one of the 3 legendary birds in Red/Blue EVEN THOUGH YOUR FRIEND JOHN SPECIFICALLY TOLD YOU THAT MEWTWO EXISTED AND THAT HE WAS THE ULTIMATE *sobs quietly*
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Not much of a gamer, though I love the Final Fantasy games. I am into Lord of the Rings and subsequent S/S fantasy series. I like to read and watch movies more than gaming, but mostly because I get too obsessive and look like a crack addict when I get a new FF game. :laugh:


    I'm more the kind of nerd that does math for fun and over-analyzes everything in life. Feel free to add me, Noob! :flowerforyou:
  • GradatimFerociter
    GradatimFerociter Posts: 296 Member
    You should join the MFP Gamers group! We talk about all sorts of geekyness. :bigsmile:

    I'm a gamer nerd. Xbox, Playstation, PC, you name it. League of Legends is my baby. :heart:

    Welcome, fellow nerdie!

    Only full AP (read: not on-hit) Teemo bot lane pseudo-support is appropriate.


    I can wreck top lane Teemo. He's my first LoL love! Although I don't play him as much as I'd like anymore. Poor guy probably feels neglected. :(

    He beats many common top laners but that is precisely why I never play him there. Teemo/Heimer support, Taric jungle, AP GP mid. Conforming to the meta is pretty boring ^^
  • xSirensSong
    xSirensSong Posts: 615 Member
    You should join the MFP Gamers group! We talk about all sorts of geekyness. :bigsmile:

    I'm a gamer nerd. Xbox, Playstation, PC, you name it. League of Legends is my baby. :heart:

    Welcome, fellow nerdie!

    Only full AP (read: not on-hit) Teemo bot lane pseudo-support is appropriate.


    I can wreck top lane Teemo. He's my first LoL love! Although I don't play him as much as I'd like anymore. Poor guy probably feels neglected. :(

    He beats many common top laners but that is precisely why I never play him there. Teemo/Heimer support, Taric jungle, AP GP mid. Conforming to the meta is pretty boring ^^

    I'm always open minded when it comes to LoL ~ your picks could be pretty fun. To each his own! :drinker:
  • gsop22
    gsop22 Posts: 84 Member
    Nerd here, too many thing to list. Movies, books, games, anime, you name it. Only problem I have is time. Few of my favorites:
    Star Wars, Song of Fire and Ice, LOTR, Star Trek, anything zombie.

    Anyone is free to add me....
  • cayoo
    cayoo Posts: 171 Member
    Big nerd here, way too much to list, but I'm real sucker for battlestar galactica and Stargate series!

    Big into Scifi shows, even Doctor Who!
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    btw, when I get home later and am not on my phone and am not being lazy I'll go through and friend all ya'll. Don't think that I'm avoiding you if you haven't gotten a request yet.

    Lies. We're totally being avoided.

    Only you. I mean Pokemon? srsly? Ew.

    I bet you probably used your Master ball one of the 3 legendary birds in Red/Blue EVEN THOUGH YOUR FRIEND JOHN SPECIFICALLY TOLD YOU THAT MEWTWO EXISTED AND THAT HE WAS THE ULTIMATE *sobs quietly*

    No. I follow the Guides to the GODDAMN LETTER.

    And then cry silently in my sleep when I realize that my Pokemon was the wrong gender or has the wrong trait...
  • Reza151
    Reza151 Posts: 517 Member
    btw, when I get home later and am not on my phone and am not being lazy I'll go through and friend all ya'll. Don't think that I'm avoiding you if you haven't gotten a request yet.

    Lies. We're totally being avoided.

    Only you. I mean Pokemon? srsly? Ew.

    I bet you probably used your Master ball one of the 3 legendary birds in Red/Blue EVEN THOUGH YOUR FRIEND JOHN SPECIFICALLY TOLD YOU THAT MEWTWO EXISTED AND THAT HE WAS THE ULTIMATE *sobs quietly*

    No. I follow the Guides to the GODDAMN LETTER.

    And then cry silently in my sleep when I realize that my Pokemon was the wrong gender or has the wrong trait...

    What a sad society we live in when even pokemon are discriminated against because of their gender. And then you go off and put them in battles like gladiators!

    Hahahaha I'm tempted to get a 3DS and Pokemon x and y. But I returned my Heart Gold game because I got sick and tired of the same old plot. But I hear they've made so many differences. ...on second thought, I barely have time for God of War, Okami, or Minecraft...
  • LayLen
    LayLen Posts: 20
    HI geek squad - I just purchased a Gigabyte GTX 760 from newegg.com and it seriously kicks some *kitten* Nvidia all the way baby! Counter strike source right here
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    Too busy playing pokemon x, no time for fitness. ;)

    My other nerdy interests include anything adorable really, katamari, animal crossing, pokemon, pokemon, pokemon~ I love to cosplay! My best outfit is ichigo from katamari. I want to be in better shape so I can dress as raunchier characters (haha)

    I love science fiction anything. Movies, books, tv shows... Aliens, space travel, time machines, genetic experiments, I love it when my entertainment mixes with science~

    I also enjoy circuit design and custom electronics! I went to an engineering college to learn to build robots. I want to start my own company designing LED hula hoops. I currently work as an embedded systems programmer. (This stuff still counts as nerdy, right?? >__>)
  • RachaelStJ
    RachaelStJ Posts: 152 Member
    I feel like I'm not nerdy enough for the nerds! :sad:

    That being said... I'm obsessed with Harry Potter (named my pup Dobby and traveled to see HP world). I love zombie stuff, and zombie comics are type I read. Super into LOTR and can't wait for Hobbit II! Anything to do with vampires is up my alley, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer is my all time favorite show. Love superhero movies, but don't read the comics.

    I know there is more, but I'm just feeling intimidated by you guys!

    Hope I'm nerdy enough to get an FR. :glasses:
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    From Bomburr to Legolas!