Where my fellow nerds at?



  • oudixon
    oudixon Posts: 389 Member
    okay..... I posted before but didn't have time to post it all . haha.

    battlestar galactica, Dr. Who, Sherlock(BBC), HUSTLE, LEverage, Stargates SG1, and Atlantis- Wasn't completely into Universe. Firefly, Angel, Buffy, Star Trek the newer movies and enterprise, Supernatural, Arrow, Smallville(currently re-watching), Haven, Psych, Robin Hood(BBC), most marvel movies, GI Joe the cartoon and movies and I know more, just can't think of them. HAHA
  • Andy_T_1969
    Andy_T_1969 Posts: 1 Member

    Fantasy & SF books freak first and foremost, but also SF movies fan (StarWars, StarTrek, BSG, Babylon 5, etc.)

    Best regards,
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