What is your motivation?



  • CharChary
    CharChary Posts: 220 Member
    Myself. I am worth it. I know I am. I know that my weight was/is something that is keeping me from being happy and holding me back. I want to live and be comfortable in my own skin!
  • karinajean2388
    karinajean2388 Posts: 162 Member
    Honestly, I started because I wanted to get sweet, sexy revenge on my ex. Maybe not the best reason, but after she left me, I was in a pretty dark place (still am some days) and I needed to be able to have control over something. I want to be able to slim down, be the best me I can be...and then rub it in her face. Of course, along the way, it has started to shift more towards just doing it for myself because I am feeling the benefits of dropping the pounds (physically, mentally, and emotionally). However, I do look forward to bragging about my success on Facebook and imagining the look on her face :happy:
  • It's amazing how many different things drive people to do the same thing; lose weight/get healthy.

    Also fantastic to see all your trackers and see how far you've all come :) I only discovered the forums yesterday even though I 've had the app using it on and off for a long time without much success.

    I started a new job and a new degree in the past couple of weeks so it's definitely time for a new lifestyle as well.
  • I know it sounds shallow but I don't really care: nice clothes.
  • almasters90
    almasters90 Posts: 38 Member
    The smile I see on my face when I look in the mirror.

    Knowing that I love what I see instead of "I'll try to lose weight starting tomorrow."

    Also, looking at the terrible candid photo my boyfriend took of me 40 pounds ago. That tends to do the trick when times get depressing. It's a nice reminder since the photo is part of my profile picture for mfp and I happen to depend on the app to save my body. :happy:
  • CubicalF13
    CubicalF13 Posts: 263 Member
    Other then looking great, my overall health before i was fit motivates me to keep doing the exercise. I suffer from asthma and also knee pains from being BMI over weight. Now however after each exercise i can feel my lungs getting stronger allowing me to breath more freely plus i feel little to no knee pain thanks to the reduced weight i have to carry. When i stop training for a period of say 2-3 months, i have trouble breathing and my knees start aching again so i continue to exercise to avoid these ailments from returning.