No Binge November!



  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    I'm in. I hate binging and I hate that feeling leading up to knowing I want to binge. Normally I sit down with a big bag of potato chips and tune out while watching tv, I feel horrible afterwards and then I feel like I've let myself down again. I really want to try and focus on not stuffing my face with food and finding out WHY it is that I do have these days where all I want to do is eat till I'm so full I feel sick. Maybe we could set up a private group? Then we can check in once a day and give each other support if we feel like we're slipping?

    I prefer not to make it private, as I want people to be able to join in at any point.

    But we can still check in everyday and offer support! Thats exactly what I want! Support and accountability! =)
  • eksproductions
    eksproductions Posts: 138 Member
    Happy Birthday!

    I'll jump in on this one as in a past November I was four pounds away from my goal, I wasn't losing for weeks, staying at the same lousy four pound to goal. It was frustrating. The holiday parties began to creep in and I lost it, gained everything back, I was at 176 then, now at 216... Live and learn...
  • carlaunderconstruction
    Count me in! I've had a couple of binges, so far in October, and I would love to make November a binge free month. At the end of September I moved from Canada to China, and started a new teaching job. I don't want to slip into old habits of binging on sweets and chips at night after a long day at work.
  • DrunkenFaeGirl
    Nope. Thanksgiving is in November. I'm not going to count every bite I take that day.
  • BelleVegan77
    BelleVegan77 Posts: 70 Member
    :D me I am so in. I have done terrible the last couple of weeks. I got my period and it was a HORRIBLE month so I took comfort in eatting whatever the heck I wanted and hating myself for it. THEN...thanks giving hit like 2 days later. I ate enough patato and stuffing for at least 3 people :P and at my moms any get together involves horror movies so I pigged all through those. Yesterday I decided to pull it together! I went to pool running. I did weights. I went for a walk on the beach later...and then I ate a huge slab of cake after dinner :P. I could definately use some support AND having to blab on myself wouldn't hurt. I am in. I am in. I am SOOOOO in thanks for a great idea.
  • BelleVegan77
    BelleVegan77 Posts: 70 Member
    Oh and by the way I hope your birthday was awesome :) I am SO sorry we didn't know! Or we would of done something nice for you. Will scolded me last night cause HE knew :P LOL but I haven't made it to facebook in forever! Happy bd Vanilla :)
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    Oh and by the way I hope your birthday was awesome :) I am SO sorry we didn't know! Or we would of done something nice for you. Will scolded me last night cause HE knew :P LOL but I haven't made it to facebook in forever! Happy bd Vanilla :)

    Haha no problem!! Me and Joey went out for dinner and I had an awesome piece of cake. It was called chocolate explosion!!
  • 10manda86
    10manda86 Posts: 229 Member
    Has this group been created yet??? I'm in desperate need!!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,407 Member
    I'm in. I've had a really rough October. November will be rough, too, but I need to get a handle on the face-stuffing all day and all night. Thanks for starting this.

    Today has been a very good day. I've stayed within my calorie count even with no exercising. It's my REST DAY!!!

    I need strength and will power to make it through every moment successfully.

    I hope everyone has a great Friday.

  • mdeloria1
    mdeloria1 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in - I need something to keep me motivated and on track.

  • madrose0715
    madrose0715 Posts: 463 Member
    This would be a very healthy and helpful challenge for me for November.
  • CrystalConsults
    CrystalConsults Posts: 67 Member
    I'm on board! I just started MFP, mostly because the other day I had my first binging episode in about 3 months. Ugh, really want for this bad habit to be in my past. I'll be post food and exercise daily, but just for the record, I will be planning a treat meal on Saturdays. That has worked for me in the past, so I'm sticking with it. In case you're still reading and wondering, the binge was the result of the "perfect storm" of several stresses/disappointments happening at once. Working on having a Plan B for these inevitable events. Looking forward to this group support! :smile:
  • recee27
    recee27 Posts: 34
    COUNT ME IN!!! November is my absolute hardest month to stay on track!! It's my birthday, my husband's birthday and then we celebrate with both of our families on different days for Thanksgiving! UGH!! So much food! I am going to hold myself accountable for every single calorie I consume!! AND.....not over indulge on all of the calorie laden foods that will be in my path!! I'm so excited to have this goal! It actually is making me feel a lot less stress going into next month!
  • loendue
    loendue Posts: 3 Member
    Yes I'm absoloutly in! I'm normally good with eating on weekdays but over the weekends I start binge eating just because of pure boredom and I put all my grams i lost over the week right back on. So yes I would love to join you guys to be more motivated.
  • ploppersdf1
    ploppersdf1 Posts: 89 Member
    I'm in as long as I can say a binge is going over maintaining calories. I have Sundays set aside to go over my calorie limit because I loose better that way
  • Tehya85
    Tehya85 Posts: 23
    I'm totally in for this!!

    What an awesome idea. I'm TERRIBLE when it comes to binging.
  • JenFit77
    JenFit77 Posts: 23 Member
    count me in :)
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    I'm on board! I just started MFP, mostly because the other day I had my first binging episode in about 3 months. Ugh, really want for this bad habit to be in my past. I'll be post food and exercise daily, but just for the record, I will be planning a treat meal on Saturdays. That has worked for me in the past, so I'm sticking with it. In case you're still reading and wondering, the binge was the result of the "perfect storm" of several stresses/disappointments happening at once. Working on having a Plan B for these inevitable events. Looking forward to this group support! :smile:

    A treat meal a week is great!As long as it doesnt turn into a treat DAY! And happy to have you on board!
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    I'm in as long as I can say a binge is going over maintaining calories. I have Sundays set aside to go over my calorie limit because I loose better that way

    What ever a binge is to YOU! And I agree, over our personal maintenance calories is a good definition!
  • kroonha
    kroonha Posts: 102 Member
    Ooh, I'd love to join this 'perfect November". I've been good this week, but not my best and thus I haven't lost any weight :( \
    Need to get back on my better streak!
    I've added you as a friend :)