On Good Morning America News today...



  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    "Mom guilt" is what turns an inspirational photo into shaming.

    C&P from the other thread:

    Actually, I just think it goes back to the pressure and guilt of motherhood. You don't just have to keep your kids alive, you have to try really hard not to **** them up. How many of us blame our parents for our lack of activity, bad eating habits, poor relationship skills, etc? It's a lot of pressure, and it comes with a lot of guilt (I don't know why fathers don't feel this as much).

    A lot of women see this image and suddenly there's MORE guilt and MORE pressure. I'm not offended, and it doesn't make me feel bad but I can definitely understand why it makes other mother's feel like that. It upsets mothers because they feel like it's adding pressure. While a lot of people might not understand these feelings or feel the same way, they still exist. The solution is of course NOT to attack this lady but to look inside and either use it as motivation to take more time for yourself or to not let it effect you at all. Realize that you are an awesome mom/woman/person even if you don't look like that and move on.

    I think you hit the nail on the head. You said it a bit better than I. Before I said it creates unrealistic goals for moms- really I just mean exactly what you said. They have so much to do already the added pressure of getting fit that fast can be overwhelming. It doesnt mean it isnt possible- or that those who do make it a priority should hide it or be judged based on that alone.

    Honestly Like I said before I see both sides of the argument. I just am amazed at how angry some of the moms got about this advertisement...

    I am not a mother but I have many friends who are- and I just know how hard it is to take care of myself!
  • donnace7
    donnace7 Posts: 147 Member
    That other chat board on this topic is really going off the rails.

    The pushback and outrage on this is a window to our society. This woman makes other women feel insecure and insulted by the fact that she exists and they have been shown her picture with a challenge to excel. I am currently serving in a place where a woman posing like that is not allowed in most of the country (and was not allowed anywhere in the country12 years ago). It looks like the Western World is headed towards restrictions like that faster than the Middle East is headed for more freedom and liberty for individuals.

    I really do not doubt that our society will generate towards the position that this woman's picture will be labeled "bullying" and she will be guilty of a Hate crime. The solution will be that only plus-sized women will be allowed to display their bodies. Women like this will be forced to wear full-bodied burkhas to protect the feelings of all those hard-working women who don't have the "luxury" of looking ike that.

    ^^^This puts a lot in perspective. What 1st world problems we have....sigh..... On a better note, thank you for your service!!
  • smwright20
    smwright20 Posts: 18 Member
    Didn't we discuss this at length yesterday?
    That same thread is still going today. :(
  • BrandNewFabulousMe
    'Hot' Mom Defends Sexy Photo Against Facebook Hate

    OK so this mom is getting a lot of hate about how fit she is with 3 children. What do you all think?

    I see both sides...

    I feel like it sets just another unrealistic idea of how women can look after having a baby. At the same time- Good for her for working hard...

    At first I thought that it was another way to make women feel bad for not being the perfect shape or size. After reading her story I thought differently. She looks great and I'm happy for her! I would never be able to look like that but she's saying that no matter how busy you are, find some time for yourself and your health. I don't know how she is able to look so great b/c one pregnancy ruined my body even with exercise and eating right so she's lucky. My schedule does not allow me to go to a gym and afford daycare etc. but I try to get exercise done in my free time. It can be done, but I wish the message was a bit more clear. she looks great though
  • trackme
    trackme Posts: 239 Member
    If it's true, I applaud her and thinks she looks great...at the same time you can't believe everything you read AND it did seem a little self serving in the way it was written and meant to cause controversy. Isn't there enough of that going on? There was also a post similar yesterday with a Male, an amputee, and guys started bashing him, even in so far as making fun of his disability. Again, they don't even know if that post was made by him. It's almost like the Miley Sirus thing---in your face for money and profit, to get a reaction and to start dividing people. Like Miley, it;s all over the local and National news.
  • BrandNewFabulousMe
    I'm not sure what everyone is so up in arms about. It's a promotional poster. It's motivation. The only people that are taking offense to it know they need to do something, but don't.

    It's obviously not "unrealistic", she did it. Every mom out there can if they want. Everyone makes every excuse in the book for not being in tip-top shape (busy, lazy, kids, blah, blah, blah). That's like saying there shouldn't be models, or fashion magazines, or TV/movies for that matter because it makes young girls feel bad for themselves.

    some people have health conditions. Some people really are very busy with NO help. Can't afford trainers, have been working out for years and still dont look that good, single mothers with jobs doing it all on their own and tired out of their wits. I disagree with your statement but the lady does look good and healthy and it's something we can all look at and say hey, if she can do it so can we.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    OP, did you seriously not see the post that's close to rolling TWICE on this exact issue? Did you not see that a.) It's not unrealistic for a huge amount of reasons everyone's already discussed and b.) It's not "shaming" to ask a challenging/motivational question
  • smwright20
    smwright20 Posts: 18 Member
    There is a difference between valid REASONS and EXCUSES. But even then we can overcome some REASONS.
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    what can I say except some people are ignorant. Namely, that Good Morning America felt this needed to be a news spot.
  • law110
    law110 Posts: 43
    I think it's meant to be a "friendly nudge" even though it appears self-congratulatory / judgmental. I think it would be great if it were more of a "you can do it too" message because it's probably (hopefully) the purpose she was aiming for.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    some people have health conditions. Some people really are very busy with NO help. Can't afford trainers, have been working out for years and still dont look that good, single mothers with jobs doing it all on their own and tired out of their wits. I disagree with your statement but the lady does look good and healthy and it's something we can all look at and say hey, if she can do it so can we.

    this is the entire point.

    she had her own set of obstacles to over come. Everyone has shI*. No one is special.

    it's just a matter how how badly you want it. The steps to having a realistic 'beach body' are not difficult.
    work out-challenges muscles
    reduce body fat

    go through cycles.

    The steps are NOT hard. They are quiet simple. The time and dedication? that's hard. And that's where all the excuses come in.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    'Hot' Mom Defends Sexy Photo Against Facebook Hate

    OK so this mom is getting a lot of hate about how fit she is with 3 children. What do you all think?

    I see both sides...

    I feel like it sets just another unrealistic idea of how women can look after having a baby. At the same time- Good for her for working hard...

    Alright, look. I think "body shaming" is absolutely real, but this is just insecure people lashing out at someone who did the hard work and got the job done.

    Point in case, anyone who understands how to get there and is honestly trying, wouldn't be offended by virtue of the fact that they already see themselves there. And if they understand everything and medically can't get there, they understand that this woman isn't talking to them lol
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    'Hot' Mom Defends Sexy Photo Against Facebook Hate

    OK so this mom is getting a lot of hate about how fit she is with 3 children. What do you all think?

    I see both sides...

    I feel like it sets just another unrealistic idea of how women can look after having a baby. At the same time- Good for her for working hard...

    Alright, look. I think "body shaming" is absolutely real, but this is just insecure people lashing out at someone who did the hard work and got the job done.

    Point in case, anyone who understands how to get there and is honestly trying, wouldn't be offended by virtue of the fact that they already see themselves there. And if they understand everything and medically can't get there, they understand that this woman isn't talking to them lol

    I understand how to get them, am honestly trying and while I'm not "offended", I am annoyed with the "What's your excuse?" message.