60 pounds lost no pants sizes. :(



  • nickyvw
    nickyvw Posts: 26 Member
    If you're pair shaped, I can understand how you might be a size 16 still. Your hips and bottom are probably the last areas to lose the fat. Keep going! When I was 155 pounds WITHOUT hips and butt (my butt is flat and I have no hips), I was wearing size 12, so that's why I think size 16 doesn't sound abnormal at all. I have lost 30-some pounds and went from size 12 pants to a size 4. However, I'm still wearing size medium shirts! That's because my weight up above is the last part to lose fat. Everybody loses fat at different locations. I also have a feeling when you were 60 pounds heavier, you were probably wearing the wrong size pants.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    I have a big tummy......................and that's where I carry my excess weight. I should be able to wear a 12 or even a 10........but 14's still persist. However, 20+ lbs ago, I was in a size 18!

    But your genetic body type is hard to conquer..........I wish you well. 60 lbs is a LOT of weight - much success to you!
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    My problem area is my lower abdomen. I've slimmed noticeably around my chest, arms and legs but due to my problem area being the last to go, there's not much difference in pant sizes. I started at 18's and am just *barely* starting to wear some 16's.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    My measurements have changed but I'm still wearing the same jeans size and I've tried on 15 juniors and they're extremely tight on me. I mean I even have 16s that fit me when I was younger and heavier and they're too tight still.

    Just so you know, junior size run smaller than misses. Don't set yourself up for disappointment by trying to fit into a juniors size.

    I started at size 16 (US). I'm now in 14's. I have a size 15 Junior that there's no way in heck I can fit into. It's more of a size 12 in misses, if I were to compare them.

    Just wanted to warn you, lol. It's kind of silly, because I mean, numerically you'd think 15 would fit before a 14 would :P
  • Is it possible it is just your bone structure? I am an 'apple' or 'banana' but now that I am closer to my goal weight, I have discovered my hip bones are rather wide, but I just don't carry much weight on them, so even after I reach goal (about 20 more lb to go), I will probably only go down maybe one more pant size, which is a bummer because I had wanted to get down to a nice low number. :( lol
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    I have lost 56 pounds and until last month I had not changed pants size from a 24 and then all of a sudden I went formal 24 to an 18 and in the same week could wear a 16 ...now a month later I can wear most 16's and a few 14's from Old Navy (Which is wear my favorite fitting jeans used to come from ... I bought a 14 for next month and couldn't believe it fits me. Now ,It's tight don't get me wrong but it is not camel toe tight hahaha. I'm too old for that .... I'm not silly enough to think I am "In a 14 " but I'm in at least 2 of them. I'm sure I can't just go to any store and put a 14 on. so I shop where I can right now. It may be the same for you all of a sudden you will fit in smaller pants.

    Good luck !
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    So...what happens if you put on the *same exact pants* that you wore when you were 60 lbs heavier? How do they fit?

    I find it hard to believe that your measurements haven't changed after losing that much weight, but easy to believe that the sizing of jeans is incredibly inconsistent and shouldn't be taken to heart. I've got 16s that I can't get past my thighs and 12s that I'm swimming in. Just go with what fits and cut out the label if the size bothers you that much.

    I don't have them anymore I gave them to my mom. My measurements have changed but I'm still wearing the same jeans size and I've tried on 15 juniors and they're extremely tight on me. I mean I even have 16s that fit me when I was younger and heavier and they're too tight still.

    Yeah, there is your problem. A 15 and 16 are no where near the same size. I can wear a ladies 12 and it fit like a junior 19. Crazy.

    Also, size change over time. I still have a pair of 10 Calvins that I wore when I was 130 lbs in the 80s. Now, at 180, I couldn't get one leg in them. But if I am willing to pay enough, I could find a size 10 today that would fit me. It is called Vanity sizing.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Hmm, (please don't take this as offensive), but did you have a 'muffin top' or a fair amount of weight on the belly before? Some people carry their weight differently than others -- one of my friends wears pants one size smaller with a 70 lb weight drop. This is because he carried all his weight on his belly and belted his pants underneath the belly.
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    The grass is always greener...I have wished I was a pear instead of an apple. I've lost 45 pounds and gone from a 18-20 in pants to a loose 14, but only one size in tops. My last 25 lb is all around my middle, so many pants that fit in the waist are falling off my hips and butt. I would imagine you have the opposite problem. Be proud of what you've lost. You'll find clothes that fit eventually. I bet you look great in a dress!
  • Themuseinme
    Themuseinme Posts: 224 Member
    congrats on your 60 lbs. Im a pear too and short,5f t 1 inch, so i can relate.
    i think all possibilities have already been mentioned, perhaps pants too tight before or worn way below belly,different brands etc.
    just for the record I think ive read that besides genetics, high estrogen may cause fat distributed there, and read that a pituitary disorder can also do it and that manganese is good for the pituitary gland.:smile:
  • AlliBarlik
    AlliBarlik Posts: 111 Member
    Genetics is my guess for why you don't have it. Sounds like your body stubbornly keeps the weight around the middle and hips.You won't drop pants sizes until that happens. Those other people's body's just shed wieght differently. It'll come off eventually as you get closer and closer as you get leaner and drop fat.

    How is is your upper body doing? Are your shirts or bra's fitting better? Celebrate the successes - whatever they are :flowerforyou:

    I will say, as being one of those people who drops pants sizes nearly overnight, that it SUCKS. I have to keep a pants wardrobe of size 6-12 becuase of it. Its expensive, space consuming and time consuming.

    This is so true. It took me nearly 70 lbs to go down a pants size, and at that point it was really 2!!! I weigh about 276 (started out over 360!) and I'm in a 22. Some people just carry their weight differently. Mine is all at the bottom of me. Oh, and my arms.
    Hang in there. It'll happen.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Strength training, more importantly squats and deadlifts, they definitely do a body (or booty) good. I went from a size 14 to a size 8 in 3 months when I added more strength to my workouts. It took me a year to go from a 18w to 14/16 doing mostly cardio. Lifts some weights, girl!!!
  • swhiteism
    swhiteism Posts: 71 Member
    Though my loss is not as much as your's, I can relate. I've lost 36 pounds and have just now went down a single pant size. It is definitely frustrating. I'm 145 and was a size 11 (a size 13 on the worst days) and now I'm a size 9. I don't mind having curves, and my legs and *kitten* definitely look a lot better than they did before, but I just feel like the lower half of me is massive and the only part of my body I still don't like.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    I feel your pain. I've come to the conclusion I'll never be able to buy smaller pants. After 2 years I finally broke down and bought some new jeans in the same freaking size I wore when I started this. It was painful and sad, but what's a girl to do?! UGH. I hate it. I strength train and do kickboxing and haven't lost a single inch. I don't even bother measuring anymore because it is so frustrating. Clothes fit EXACTLY the same. It has got to happen eventually though, right?!
  • VoodooAborisha
    VoodooAborisha Posts: 147 Member
    So...what happens if you put on the *same exact pants* that you wore when you were 60 lbs heavier? How do they fit?

    I find it hard to believe that your measurements haven't changed after losing that much weight, but easy to believe that the sizing of jeans is incredibly inconsistent and shouldn't be taken to heart. I've got 16s that I can't get past my thighs and 12s that I'm swimming in. Just go with what fits and cut out the label if the size bothers you that much.

    I don't have them anymore I gave them to my mom. My measurements have changed but I'm still wearing the same jeans size and I've tried on 15 juniors and they're extremely tight on me. I mean I even have 16s that fit me when I was younger and heavier and they're too tight still.

    Juniors are cut different than womens and ladies. I always wondered what the difference was, and a sales woman explained to me that Juniors are cut specifically for younger people who have not developed all their curves yet, or particularly athletic people, and that once people either get a little older and things shift, or people gain weight, go through puberty, have a baby, or the other changes that give people more curves, then we move to the clothes with the even numbers. Apparently there is a difference between women's and ladies too - I think ladies might be the "regular adult" sizes, and "womens" are for those of us who have had extra weight or babies. Not 100% sure if those are the correct distinctions - ask someone at a department store - I never buy clothes. But for instance, I would wear a 14 in women's but a 17 or so in Juniors (and they still wouldn't fit right!). People used to say that the numbers related from Juniors to women's/ladies but it isn't really true. In Juniors, my waist needs a 13 but my butt needs a 17 - exactly the sort of curves that women's sizes fit, but no junior pants will ever fit.
  • sweet_blasphemy
    sweet_blasphemy Posts: 129 Member
    don't feel too bad. i'm almost 20lbs down and not only have I not lost any pants sizes, but I haven't lost one inch - anywhere - off my body. none. at all. no one else has noticed yet, either. i feel a little less bloated maybe. my clothes aren't really fitting looser, I just feel like I look less lumpy in them. honestly, it'll probably take another 20 at least to see/feel any changes at all. maybe my scale's broken :tongue:

    but i'm gonna keep at it, and so should you! 60lbs is amazing, great job!
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    So...what happens if you put on the *same exact pants* that you wore when you were 60 lbs heavier? How do they fit?

    I find it hard to believe that your measurements haven't changed after losing that much weight, but easy to believe that the sizing of jeans is incredibly inconsistent and shouldn't be taken to heart. I've got 16s that I can't get past my thighs and 12s that I'm swimming in. Just go with what fits and cut out the label if the size bothers you that much.

    I don't have them anymore I gave them to my mom. My measurements have changed but I'm still wearing the same jeans size and I've tried on 15 juniors and they're extremely tight on me. I mean I even have 16s that fit me when I was younger and heavier and they're too tight still.

    Yeah, there is your problem. A 15 and 16 are no where near the same size. I can wear a ladies 12 and it fit like a junior 19. Crazy.

    Also, size change over time. I still have a pair of 10 Calvins that I wore when I was 130 lbs in the 80s. Now, at 180, I couldn't get one leg in them. But if I am willing to pay enough, I could find a size 10 today that would fit me. It is called Vanity sizing.

    Just to add that with vanity sizing I have pants in size18 that fall off (fairly new), another pair size18 that just fit (20 years old) and a pair of size18 (over 40 years old - they were my mom's in high school) that I can't get the button anywhere close to the button hole.
    You just have to find what fits, ignore the number on the tag and know that you are not alone.
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    Is it possible...just possible that the pants didn't actually fit you before? I remember I was an 18 for a while, but I wore mostly 16s because I didn't want to give in...

    I am bottom/thigh heavy. My waist never matches my thigh size to this day. It's hard to find things that fit even at a 2/4/5 (depends on brands and 5 in JRs). I say this having BEEN in your shoes a pear shape who was a size 18.

    The loss is still awesome, the clothes will start to change too soon I bet :)
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    The grass is always greener...I have wished I was a pear instead of an apple. I've lost 45 pounds and gone from a 18-20 in pants to a loose 14, but only one size in tops. My last 25 lb is all around my middle, so many pants that fit in the waist are falling off my hips and butt. I would imagine you have the opposite problem. Be proud of what you've lost. You'll find clothes that fit eventually. I bet you look great in a dress!

    Me too. Seems the consensus is that there are trouble spots that hang on. That explains why my waist never seems to get any smaller but my jeans are sagging in the seat! And in my case I can see the pattern in my parents and grandparents (ie skinny legs, no rear, and thick middles). Yikes.
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    The grass is always greener...I have wished I was a pear instead of an apple. I've lost 45 pounds and gone from a 18-20 in pants to a loose 14, but only one size in tops. My last 25 lb is all around my middle, so many pants that fit in the waist are falling off my hips and butt. I would imagine you have the opposite problem. Be proud of what you've lost. You'll find clothes that fit eventually. I bet you look great in a dress!

    Me too. Seems the consensus is that there are trouble spots that hang on. That explains why my waist never seems to get any smaller but my jeans are sagging in the seat! And in my case I can see the pattern in my parents and grandparents (ie skinny legs, no rear, and thick middles). Yikes. And 60lbs off anywhere is a triumph. Congratulations!
  • Doit61
    Doit61 Posts: 5 Member
    :smile: Hi, I know what you are saying. I have lost 50 lbs and have only dropped pants size after 40lb loss. But the last 10lbs have seen another jean size drop. I have heard it explained as a roll of paper towel. if you remove five sheets from a full roll there is not much difference in the circumference of the roll, but as the roll gets smaller, if you remove five sheets it is very noticeable. So don't give up, you will drop a pants size and I guarantee that after the initial pants size drop it will only take 5 to 7 pound loss before you drop another pants size.
  • I thought I was not dropping pant sizes for a few months then I went to the store anfd forced myself to try NEW pants. If you wear any pants that are strectchy with spandex, they shink a little every time you wash them. Go to the store and try on a new pair. You maybe surprised.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    Everyone is just so different. I have an "hourglass" shape. So far I have lost 12 pounds, and I have gone down 1 pant size. I hope to go down at least another three sizes before I'm done.

    One thing about pants. The sizes have changed over the years. People are always talking now about wearing such small sizes - sometimes even a 0. Well, when I was young there was no such thing as a 0. The smallest sizes I ever saw in the stores was a 5. The point is that somebody who is wearing a 0 is not really as thin as it sounds.
  • RubyLou25
    RubyLou25 Posts: 212 Member
    Try on a pair of pants that are the same size/brand/style you wore at 60 pounds heavier. We have almost the same stats but im 2 inches taller. Im a super pear, started at 213 and down about 60. Also started at a size 18 but now am a 10. There are some brands where im a 14 and my work pants at a size 7.

    Edited to ask have you lost sizes on the top? I had to have an xl shirt, but now I'm a medium.