I need to lose 250 pounds.

I'm about in tears. Although I've struggled with my weight all my life, honestly it doesn't bother me nearly as much as it bothers those around me (My youngest sister once told me that I would be perfect if I weren't fat).

Until recently my weight hasn't bothered me. Mainly because when I look down I see boobs and not belly. And I'll spare you the details but painful joints, person hygiene concerns, and my son's current weight are all reasons it is bothering now.

I started ACE today. I also weighed AFTER I took the first pill. *** 399.7 ***

All along I've told myself I will get weight loss surgery if I hit 400 pounds.

I couldn't realistically get any closer to 400 than I have come today. So this is. The line in the sand. I'm going to weigh next week, after a week on ACE (taking weekends off), and if it says 400 or more then I am making the appointment.

The tears are because I'm scared. I hate surgery. Honestly I've never personally known anyone that has successfully done it - most have died (4). Others were hospitalized for long periods of time (1), have complications (2), or have gained their weight back (2). The odds are not in my favor.

So maybe this will be my time. Maybe.


  • LiveLoveLift67
    LiveLoveLift67 Posts: 895 Member
    I am glad you finally realized how much being over weight can affect your life and are ready to change it. Believe me it will be worth it.

    I dont know what this ACE is but i also think that you need to give it more than a week to try and do this yourself first with diet changes and exercise. It will take more than a week but, if you really want it and are consistent it will happen for you.

    Any surgery is risky and i dont advise it unless you have seriously tried every thing else first for a decent amount of time. Im not against the pills ( i started with them) but, they are not long term and are just a jump start. you still have to do the work and learn how to eat properly.

    Again its not easy but it is ALWAYS WORTH IT. You are WORTH IT! Give it a shot for a couple of months at least before you make that appointment.

    If you want it bad enough....it will happen. Good luck to you!!!
  • FrauHaas2013
    FrauHaas2013 Posts: 615 Member
    If you're afraid of surgery, then why do it? I agree with @LiveLoveLift6 - try for a few months before you make that appointment.
  • I am glad you finally realized how much being over weight can affect your life and are ready to change it. Believe me it will be worth it.

    I dont know what this ACE is but i also think that you need to give it more than a week to try and do this yourself first with diet changes and exercise. It will take more than a week but, if you really want it and are consistent it will happen for you.

    Any surgery is risky and i dont advise it unless you have seriously tried every thing else first for a decent amount of time. Im not against the pills ( i started with them) but, they are not long term and are just a jump start. you still have to do the work and learn how to eat properly.

    Again its not easy but it is ALWAYS WORTH IT. You are WORTH IT! Give it a shot for a couple of months at least before you make that appointment.

    If you want it bad enough....it will happen. Good luck to you!!!

    I completely agree with this ^^. You can't just give up after a week, you have to be more realistic than that. Make sure you follow the diet plan on here, it really does work if you stick to it! Also, don't cut out your favorite foods completely. Eat them in moderation. Do not solely rely on ACE. I have heard very good reviews on it, but you need to do the work as well. If you have mess up days, breathe, and then start again the next day. It's hard, but you are worth it. Your son is worth it. Your future is worth it. Also, feel free to add me if you need a buddy for this :)
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    Yuo can still eat a lot of calories at your weight and lose weight. please try to follow the mfp calories that they set up for you to lose 2 pounds a week and watch the weight fall off. you can do it.
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    So maybe this will be my time. Maybe.
    See that little word up there? The one you use twice? "Maybe" That's a deal-breaker. That word is ending the game before you even begin.

    Stop saying maybe. This most definitely can be your time. But it won't be your time until you stop saying maybe and start saying RIGHT. FREAKING. NOW. Make it happen, girl. You can totally do it!
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    You can do it.

    I was in the 390's when I finally decided to change. I'm in the 230's now. My original goal (220lbs) seemed astronomical when I started...but now I'm thinking about moving it down to 200lbs. It's been a long road...but it's been great. I hope you do it too; I believe you can. :smile:
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    I was threatened with WLS also. I researched it. Thought about it quite a bit. Then I decided to put it on hold and try losing weight by controlling what I ate and by walking.

    Every few months I have to be placed on oral and inhaled steroids due to lung issues. I have a small pause with weight loss, brush myself off, take a deep breath and continue to move forward. This cycle is continuous and I'm not giving up.

    You can do this. I know you can. I also know how overwhelming it can seem.

    Don't give up.
    Be patient.
    Don't expect miracles overnight.
    Make small changes.
    Make small goals.
    Keep logging every day.
    You are worth it.

    I started out at 355 pounds. You can add me as a friend if you like.
  • OsricTheKnight
    OsricTheKnight Posts: 340 Member
    I'll ad another voice to the no surgery chorus - I'd give yourself a year at least, you won't believe how you can transform.

    I love, love, love weighing myself daily in combination with a graphing tool. If you get a diamond below the line, you've had a good day. Don't treat the weights off the scale as your weight - look at the trend as your weight, and you'll see daily progress.

    For example, look at my graph:


    You can see that for almost a week or more all my weights have hovered around 205 if you pay attention to the scale values (the diamonds). But my trend has been steadily coming down, every day - some days less down and some days more down, but I can relate those differences to what I ate and did _yesterday_! So it's instant, valuable feedback. And it's easy to see the constant progress.

    I suggest to begin you try small changes. Pick something to drop that you normally eat and replace it with nothing or water. Common first choices are dessert, or eating after a certain time of day (e.g. disallow food after 9PM) or things like that. Simple absolutes you can follow without exception are easiest at first, and the delight of seeing immediate results on your graph will encourage you to make more changes as you go.

    Good luck! Feel free to add me or PM me.

  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Fitness is not something you do for one week and then forget about for the rest of your life.

    Fitness is also not a pill you take, nor is it a surgery you schedule.
  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    Im terrified of surgery too... that's why i'm doing everything else in my power to get rid of my weight. My highest recorded weight was 340lbs so not too far off from you love. We can do it. It's a tough road but once you get a hang of it its so much easier. Surgery really should be the last last last thing you do because of all the complications. If i get any cosmetic surgery, it will be to remove all the extra skin after i burned all the fat off through all my efforts! I want to be proud by the end of this that i pushed myself as hard as i could to get rid of it. I also want to keep my money haha
  • Reed286
    Reed286 Posts: 33
    You can do this!!! and remember you always have people that can help motivate you on MFP when you need it :) Good Luck with your weight loss!
  • Mythril
    Mythril Posts: 146 Member
    I have been watching what I eat for 4 months now. I have lost at least 4" from my waist and I have lost 22 lbs. I was too heavy to exercise. Everything hurt. And smelled. Being fat is so gross. I'm still 307 lbs. I finally feel like I can exercise now. But staying positive (which is really difficult for me, let me just tell you!) is crucial. It's the biggest part of my routine. Telling myself that I HAVE TO TAKE STEPS if I expect to go somewhere.

    Weight loss surgery isn't the only way. I was thinking about it (But couldn't afford it.) You have to let go of I want it now and realize it's going to take a couple years. Once I did that it was a day by day thing instead of a deadline thing. You can friend me. Wish we knew each other in real life, I'd be your best friend. (In a totally not stalkerish kind of way. I don't have a lot of girl friends that know what I'm going through.) I've had grandmothers, moms, sisters and complete strangers tell me I'd be "A knockout" if I were skinny.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    So maybe this will be my time. Maybe.
    See that little word up there? The one you use twice? "Maybe" That's a deal-breaker. That word is ending the game before you even begin.

    Stop saying maybe. This most definitely can be your time. But it won't be your time until you stop saying maybe and start saying RIGHT. FREAKING. NOW. Make it happen, girl. You can totally do it!

    awesome awesome awesome.

    you CAN do this OP...and I am confident that you WILL.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    You CAN do this.

    One day at a time.

    Just keep going and you will see how extraordinary you are!

    focus on each day as it comes and take it one day at a time. Log your food, get some gentle exercise and enjoy the process - yes its hard, but it will show you what you are made of - you can do this!
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    You're your own worst enemy, OP! it's hard, but it gets easier the more you walk the walk. If you don't want surgery, don't get it. Take responsibility for what you eat, learn to eat properly (this is a thing! It felt like learning to walk for me), remember that food is NOT the enemy and there are NO BAD FOODS, just bad choices (think portion size and amount).

    You can do this. It just takes time! This isn't going to happen in a day, but it will happen. Celebrate each victory and learn from mistakes. Dust yourself off and get back on the bike. :D
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    I looked up the ACE pills and am unimpressed.
    I think all you need is someone to coach you through this process. almost any one of us can do it. I've done Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Atkins and now manage to a low carb format. If you want someone to coach you down from 400 pounds, make a few friends on here and ask for some counsel how to lose say 250 pounds. that would get you to 150 which might be a good weight for you.

    Open your diary, feel free to check mine. I would guess you can drop 50 pounds by Christmas and you'd never go hungry and you wouldn't exercise (not for a while anyway). it's pretty straight forward. good luck. make some friends. no surgery please.
  • t1954
    t1954 Posts: 81 Member
    Please take the time to read my profile. Feel free to PM me with any questions or comments. My message is simple: you can do this without the surgery. If I did it, you can do it. I have lost 326# in about 14-15 months with no surgery, pills, tricks, etc. You can't give up. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and let's do this!! There is so much support available at MFP you will never be alone. There are a few hammerheads but most are wonderful people all of us in this together. Let us know how we can help you help yourself. You don't need surgery at least not yet. No more waiting until Monday to start business. This is your life you are talking about. This is a 7 days a week lifestyle change not a diet. All the best and good luck. I will expect to hear from you.
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    Hey EVA,

    follow your directions - Comments such as "you aren't eating enough" or other discouraging comments will get you deleted as a friend. This is going to be a long slow process for me and I don't need, nor do I want, your criticism."

    so don't be saying 'the odds are not in my favor' !. don't take your own criticism either, ok??

    cheer up. you're going to do this.:happy:
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    Please take the time to read my profile. Feel free to PM me with any questions or comments. My message is simple: you can do this without the surgery. If I did it, you can do it. I have lost 326# in about 14-15 months with no surgery, pills, tricks, etc. You can't give up. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and let's do this!! There is so much support available at MFP you will never be alone. There are a few hammerheads but most are wonderful people all of us in this together. Let us know how we can help you help yourself. You don't need surgery at least not yet. No more waiting until Monday to start business. This is your life you are talking about. This is a 7 days a week lifestyle change not a diet. All the best and good luck. I will expect to hear from you.

    As a side note: the manner in which this poster lost all his weight should only be done under CLOSE doctor supervision.
  • WenHurley
    WenHurley Posts: 166 Member
    You can do it.

    I was in the 390's when I finally decided to change. I'm in the 230's now. My original goal (220lbs) seemed astronomical when I started...but now I'm thinking about moving it down to 200lbs. It's been a long road...but it's been great. I hope you do it too; I believe you can. :smile:

    That is awesome!