I need to lose 250 pounds.



  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    Take it pound by pound. It takes hard work and dedication. You will have good days and bad days. Research and find what works for you best. Exercise and ALWAYS remember that weight-loss starts in the kitchen.

    Best of luck!
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    My recommendation to you is to look up some of the users on this site that have successfully lost a large amount of weight. EdDavenport is one that comes to mind right away. He lost 312 pounds without surgery. Let these be people be an encouragement to you. Let your doctors monitor you closely. Make a plan and stick with it. You don't need to eat lettuce and carrots to lose weight...you just need to start creating a deficit. Good luck, and don't give up.

    Yep, Ed is a rock star.
  • beachgal0626
    beachgal0626 Posts: 1,912 Member
    You have received some excellent advice and encouragement on here, and I just want to add my support as well. You CAN do it -- we don't even know you, but look how many people already have faith in you and will try to help you succeed. I agree with the setting of small goals and to take one day at a time. Don't give up on yourself -- you are totally worth it! Bless you. :flowerforyou:
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    It's awesome that you are taking a step toward your health! I don't think surgery is your only option, and MFP is a great place for you to explore those other, less invasive options.

    I have no idea what ACE is, but remember that this is about a life-style change. You and your son will benefit from the things you learn along this journey. When I joined MFP two years ago, I had no idea about how to take care of my body. I knew I had tried one of those fad diets (South Beach... BLEGH) and that my results came with a very bad mood, extreme fatigue and a loss of muscle mass. Here I learned how to eat properly, how to listen to what my body needs and I've made a lot of great friends along the way.

    I am also going to take this opportunity to plug Ed Davenport again, because he is amazing. He lost a lot using MFP, and I'm confident you can too.


    You got this!!!
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I think some misunderstand. I'm not JUST giving this a week and then scheduling surgery.

    I have used this site on and off for the last 3 1/2 years. In that time I've GAINED 50 pounds.

    I've had several times where I've tried and end up going back to old habits.
    There have been times when I thought this was going to be it, only to fail again.

    400 pounds is my line in the sand. If/when I ever hit that 400 pound mark, I am making the appointment with the surgeon. It's not something I've taken lightly. I've done the research and that combined with personal experiences, it scares me. And maybe this fear, and the fact that I am THREE TENTH of a pound (.3) from 400 will motivate me to get some of it off.

    Let's face it, getting bigger only makes weight loss harder because it will get harder to walk. Harder on my joints. Harder to sleep therefore I won't be as refreshed or have the energy to walk. I already flatten tires on the bike. My options are only going to decrease with each pound I gain.

    And unfortunately, it is possible to get to the point where surgeons won't touch you. Once I'm too big for surgery I really will feel like I have no hope.

    The bottom line is that I am at rock bottom. Something has to be done and I'm not sure I can do it myself anymore.

    This ^ is exactly why you are in the position you are in. You pretty much have set yourself up to fail, you plan to make the appointment anyway but for some reason are waiting until you are 400lbs. Followed by a bunch of excuses. You are not ready...surgery or not.
  • katelynal
    katelynal Posts: 114
    Here to cheer you on... I know that feeling of complete despair. In April, I was fast approaching 300 lbs and also contemplated WLS. I also thought about just buying bigger furniture and continuing to eat. But finally, I had my 'eureka' moment. I was tired of the stabbing pain in my side and I was hit with a single thought of logic - if I do nothing, nothing will change... I have to DO something.

    I had heard about a group called TOPS ages ago (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) - I found a chapter and joined immediately. I can still remember that palpable sense of relief to be sitting amongst a group of people who were there to support each other on this journey to become a healthy weight. At the first meeting, one lady told me about MFP and I joined the same night :) Now I have DOUBLE support and I need every bit of it!! I don't have any commercial interest in TOPS or anything like that - and it is very inexpensive to join. Just wanted to share - wishing you all the best.... you can do it!!!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Thanks guys.... and yes you can lose this on your own... I have nothing against those that want to have the surgery, I personally never seen it as an option because if I could fix what was broken in my head that was allowing me to mindlessly consume over 10,000 calories a day having a surgery to cut and reroute my digestive system wasn't going to change the emotional eating that I was doing to myself... If you don't address the issues that cause your obesity you will never truly be healed... I can tell you if you truly have hit rock bottom than there is no where to go but up... You stop saying No to everything and start saying Yes.... I sat in a chair with a loaded handgun for 3 days deciding how to check out without leaving a mess for my family to come home too... on that 3rd day my wife came home from work I was sitting in the chair with the handgun, we both started balling and I told her this is what it had come to and I could not live like this another day.. That was truly Rock bottom and I place I never want to go back too..... So she took a week off work and we started the process. My first stop was therapy, I had to find the real reason behind my super morbid obesity. From there it was baby steps but you have to put one foot in front of the other and keep pushing forward... Getting a handle on your eating is a good place to start... Get a food scale and start measuring everything and logging it... I lost the vast majority of my weight eating over 3000 calories a day so you don't have to eat lettuce and carrots... I wish you the best....
  • Kennesaw24
    Kennesaw24 Posts: 50 Member
    You are beautiful, and once you start working at it, you will feel even more beautiful. You have to do this for yourself, not for anyone else (although it benefits them). I have a great Instagram friend you should follow if you're on there. Her name there is IAMStandsWithaFist I think. I'll find out and let you know -- very inspiring. I don't think she wants to lose quite as much, but almost. Everyone here is here to be encouragers. You can do it!
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    People do it without surgery all the time...And others of us don't. Personally, surgery was the right decision for me but I didn't decide to proceed with it until I was 100% sure that it was the right path for me. With surgery or without surgery, you've come to the right place! Even WITH WLS, it's still a struggle and you have to count calories, mind your macros and exercise and MFP helps keep that all organized. WLS has been a great help to me in my journey but it's not a fix-all. Best wishes to you WHATEVER you decide.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Thanks guys.... and yes you can lose this on your own... I have nothing against those that want to have the surgery, I personally never seen it as an option because if I could fix what was broken in my head that was allowing me to mindlessly consume over 10,000 calories a day having a surgery to cut and reroute my digestive system wasn't going to change the emotional eating that I was doing to myself... If you don't address the issues that cause your obesity you will never truly be healed... I can tell you if you truly have hit rock bottom than there is no where to go but up... You stop saying No to everything and start saying Yes.... I sat in a chair with a loaded handgun for 3 days deciding how to check out without leaving a mess for my family to come home too... on that 3rd day my wife came home from work I was sitting in the chair with the handgun, we both started balling and I told her this is what it had come to and I could not live like this another day.. That was truly Rock bottom and I place I never want to go back too..... So she took a week off work and we started the process. My first stop was therapy, I had to find the real reason behind my super morbid obesity. From there it was baby steps but you have to put one foot in front of the other and keep pushing forward... Getting a handle on your eating is a good place to start... Get a food scale and start measuring everything and logging it... I lost the vast majority of my weight eating over 3000 calories a day so you don't have to eat lettuce and carrots... I wish you the best....

    I was a heartbeat away from posting a link to your profile in this thread and telling OP she should send you a friend request.

    @ OP - Know that you CAN do this! But understand that it is a long, hard road. You don't have to have surgery if you don't want to. Just remain determined to getting the body that you deserve. Don't let bad days or hurtful words ever drag you down. Fight for your life!
  • Iggy1992
    Iggy1992 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi hun,

    Why don't you instead look at spending that money on plastic surgery AFTER you loose the weight?

    look at goal, and then split it up. I'm doing mine in 10 kilo lots. Don't think about that huge number, look at loosing about 10lbs a month and go from there, you will be surprised at how you do. My first week I was trying for a .365g loss and ended up loosing 1.9kg!

    Once you get to a size you are happy at, not a scale number, then look into surgery to get some excess skin removed?

    By then, your life will have changed, your sons life would have changed and you will still be here!

    Give yourself six months, regular check ups with your doc, and slowly change your life.

    Start out with a ten minute walk each day. Ten mins isn't hard right?! Start counting calories - the MFP site and app on the smart phones make it super easy to do this (I've never done it before and finding it really basic).

    Just don't change your diet to drastically, allow yourself to make this huge change slowly, for example each week get one goal and DO IT!

    Week one - eat breakfast each day.
    Week two - eat a low calorie, healthy dinner each night
    etc etc.

    Make sure you take before and after photos and tape measurements too hun! sometimes that scale won't move but your body shape does!

    Good luck and please keep us all posted!
  • atiana19
    atiana19 Posts: 94 Member
    I have 2 family members who have successfully lost over 200 lbs each with gastric bypass including my mother and they are in fine health dont freak yourself out about it ..however you should know that they typically require you to lose some weight on your own prior to the surgery. I myself had about 80lbs to lose in July and I am halfway to goal without surgery without pills without a gym or money for gym. So there are many options to consider and if you are really serious about the weight loss it can come off with calorie management and light exercise. I would not recommend trying anything strenous at first. It is a personal health decision. Good luck with whatever decision that you make and feel free to add me if you are going to go the MFP route : )
  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    I can sympathize. My husband is at the same place right now. It's come to the point where we can't function as a normal family. Honestly, it's depressing, but I'm hoping that this is your time and that you stay disciplined and find success!
  • munchie3511
    munchie3511 Posts: 64 Member
    I personally believe that going for surgery is the easy way out. You are quitting on yourself and you should not. You have to believe that you CAN do this weight loss in your own way w/o surgery. You will get a lot of support, motivation and even help here on MFP. I'd rather that you get a coach/fitness trainer who can help guide you in your journey than YOU going for surgery. Believe that YOU can achieve whatever you SET your mind too. Goodluck in your journey!
  • Nygaard78
    Nygaard78 Posts: 1 Member
    I feel you and trust me I have tried every diet pill on the market with no real change. If I lost weight on them it was only 25lbs at most and than nothing. I told myself that I would never get to 300lbs but Im there. I started this at 301.8 and have lost 10lbs this month. I exercise a few days a week and watch what I eat. All I'm saying is please really think about that surgery before. If you don't think you can exercise than get some angle weights, put them on and that is easy. You can do reps sitting and even the 10lbs while you do normal activities will help. My friend and neighbor had that surgery 16 months ago and has lost 165lbs but there is so much that makes her sick to eat and if she doesn't get enough protein gets really sick. I also understand about the heavy chested part. I wear a GG. If I can do it than you can to. If you want to friend me that's cool and if you don't than that's cool to. Good luck to you.

    P.S. Please take to your doctor and have some blood work done before you seek surgery. My bff joined this site and has lost 102lbs in 13 months after talking to her doctor and finding out that she has low a thyroid to which she was given medicine.
  • cfischer69
    cfischer69 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm new too and I'm right there at needing to lose a ton of weight. I too looked into surgery and can't stomach (no pun intended) the uncertainty and the long term impacts. There's no one around me who understands my lifelong struggles with weight. I heard someone talk about the difference between heroin addiction and food addiction. With a heroin addiction, you need to put a tiger in a cage. With a food addiction, you need to put a tiger in a cage then take it for a walk 3 times a day.

    I'm ready to take a final stab at this without surgery. I bought a Fitbit tracker and started tracking steps. I downloaded MFP (again) and started measuring/counting again. I'm going to find someone to help with the head issues around food. If I can't tackle/beat the emotional/habitual eating, then nothing else really matters.

    I'm 44, married and have seven kids ages 14 to 2. I'd love to live to see them all graduate high school, college, get married, join the service, whatever. And I don't want to wait until I've missed all the fun parts of their childhood to start living.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Have you tried working with professionals in your past attempts? Not just doctors for your physical health, but specialists in psychology, psychiatry, and nutrition? You don't sound convinced that surgery is for you. Surgery probably isn't for you then, not right now. I do believe it can be a useful tool for some and maybe for you too. But I'm wondering if you've exhausted the alternatives-not just trying on your own, but trying with the help of professionals. Not just at your physicals, but weekly sessions with people invested in helping you push past barriers, look at why you go back to old habits, evaluate what's needed to help you succeed.

    Treatment for anorexia nervosa often includes an integrated approach (if the person is able to obtain it from a financial/insurance perspective.) Dietician, psychiatrist, psychologist/therapist/social worker, medical doctors. If you have health insurance and have these options available, make use of them (as determined appropriate for you by actual medical professionals). If you have health insurance and aren't allowed them, advocate for yourself and fight for it. (I am not saying you have an eating disorder, but you have a health issue that is leading you to consider a surgical solution that you sound like you are anxious about. You may as well look at alternative options.)

    My post sounds a little grim, I think. I don't mean it to sound doomsday, but instead to remind you that it's good to have support from people invested in helping you succeed. You really can do this-you just have to find your way.
  • TisheaDH
    TisheaDH Posts: 32 Member
    I see a lot of posts that tell you what you should or shouldn't do and I want to add a post of my own that simply says ***HUGS***. You sound confused, scared, hopeful, sad and a host of other emotions. I don't have your solution for you. What I have is the encouragement that you can do what you set your mind to.

    There is support for you, but only you will live with the consequences of your decisions. No matter what you decide, you are a person of worth and I wish you nothing but the best.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    While I did not actually read all of the comments, I can see that you have received some really good advice.
    You need a friend, someone that will support you, encourage you, go shopping with you and meal plan with you. If you think you could do it without someone holding your hand, prove it! If not, maybe it is time to start asking some family members for help.
    I truly want to see you succeed and I know you can. I hope you can see it.
  • Routerninja
    When I hit 600 I thought the same thing, I need surgery, but I was able to take off 120 pounds without it since 2011, and still going strong.. You can do this. I have 180 left to go, so you're not alone in your quest. :)