How "naughty" should you be?



  • Broderick50
    Broderick50 Posts: 851 Member
    well my bday is coming up in 2 1/2 weeks i plan on not working out that day i thinking of taking the 2nd and the 3rd off also the 2nd would be a scheduled day off so i'd only be missing the 3rd and 4th i don't think i'll deviate from the meal i've told my boss no pizza that day i'd rather have a veggie and fruit tray so i guess not that naughty
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    You can be "naughty" ever day if you want..just make sure that you fit it into your calorie deficit for the day..

    the other day I had about 100 calories left so I had half serving of ice cream and a few chocolate chip cookie chip thingies...

    Sometimes I know that I am going to have pizza or some beers or whatever, so I have less for breakfast and lunch and just fit it into my day....IMO this is better than the "cheat" meal mentality where you just gorge/blow out on foods for a day and then try to go back to normal patterns....

    that is my two cents....

    A whole half-serving of ice cream? You're a wild man!

    yup that's me wild and crazy guy ..!

    That was just one example....sometimes I will et like 20 buffalo wings and house them down with some beers..if I do that I usually have pretty small breakfast ...just saying you can eat what you want and still be in a don't have to have a 1000 calorie over maintenance blow out and then feel like crap ...
  • nafiatjohn
    nafiatjohn Posts: 9 Member
    I am prone to go ahead and eat whatever, whenever, with that little voice in my head reminding me to do it in moderation. I love all kinds of food and my normal day-to-day diet does not include red meat, although at a cookout a couple of weeks ago I had a pretty good helping of brisket, along with the other comfort foods on the big table.
    And I never try to miss the random potluck going on in this tiny village!
    Having said that, I have to admit I put in a bit more workout time after.