Want to start running but am a horrible runner. Tips?



  • belle0226
    belle0226 Posts: 33 Member
    I recently really got back into running. I found it was hard this time around. Between when I really ran before and this time I had 4 kids and lost all motivation. This time when I started I got injured and had to wait to try again. In between I got convinced I could never run again. Very recently I have gotten brave enough to try. My advice is to build your way up. I set mini goals in the beginning. I listen to music when I run so a goal was try to get through this song (at any speed) and I kept adding songs to it until I realized I could do it. After you work on being able to for however long then work on speed. Don't try to go too fast too soon. I hope this helps. Good luck!
  • Gearjammer71
    Gearjammer71 Posts: 151 Member
    I went through the same thing, I was just a mess. Like everyone else said, just run slow. I was running at the same 3.5 miles per hour I was walking at, early on. After a while I realized that my stride was getting longer and I picked up more speed along with endurance.