Can't stop eating crap!



  • NH_Norma
    NH_Norma Posts: 332 Member
    I used to feel the same way, and have had a couple days since starting this mission I'm on. For me, the key is exercise. I prefer cardio but whatever you do, do it before eating the crap, even if you get through the workout just by telling yourself you're going to eat every calorie back (and if you do, you're no worse off than if you hadn't exercised or eaten the crap). Then it's harder to overconsume as you remember how hard you worked to earn those cookies, ice cream, etc.

    The poster that said find your WHY is also right. I'm doing so much better now than any weight loss attempt in past years, and it is because I know exactly what my WHY is, and I can very clearly see myself meeting the goal behind the why.

    Good luck! Add me if you want. :)
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    you probably can't reach your nutritional goals if 50% of your daily calories are coming from cookies


    Or as Barney would say, "Challenge accepted!". :)
  • CMB1979
    CMB1979 Posts: 588 Member
    I have been on medication for my depression for 12 months

    I was on anxiety meds (multiple different ones) for several years at my heaviest. The best thing I did for myself was to get off the meds. Check with your doctor about changing meds if you think they may be causing you to crave certain things. Also, a side effect of antidepressants, ironically, is more severe depression (in some).
  • SheGlistensasSheSings
    I don't know about the get the crap out of the house thing cause when I can't sleep I end up eating unsatisfying if "healthy" food which I'd like to have in the house otherwise. For example I am having anxiety, couldn't sleep, and just mircowaved and ate somewhat compulsively a bag of frozen broccoli along with some fresh carrots(they were yummy broccoli not). For all those calories I could have enjoyed a treat!
    And maybe found something that would better help me sleep.
    So I get confused myself....