Is it too late?



  • renatewolfe
    renatewolfe Posts: 91 Member
    You are not breaking any rules, so don't be sorry. This is what MFP is here for, to give people support, and you need it. It is NOT too late. You are so young! You can do this.

    Bariatric surgery is a choice some people make, and I would never judge anyone, but I don't blame you for wanting to try on your own. There are many success stories that do not involve bariatric surgery. Have you ever heard of Ruby?

    I was 370 when I started 5 weeks ago. I am now 353. I have a long way to go, but I am so encouraged by my MFP friends. I will gladly friend you and give you lots of encouragement and support. I know you can do this.

    Track everything you eat faithfully and stay at or under your calories. The one good thing about being really overweight is that you can eat more and still loose weight. If you don't cook much at home, you can still loose, even if you eat fast food. You just need to pick the right things. Most fast food restaurants have nutrition and calorie lists on their menus. You can look their menus up online before you go, so that you know what to order. You can also look up the calories on A LOT of restaurant foods on MFP. It is kind of time consuming the first couple of weeks, but then becomes really easy as you get used to it.

    Try to move a little each day, even if only for 5 minutes at a time. It will get easier. Even if you only lost 100lbs in a year, that is a HUGE difference. Be encouraged. Start today. You have friends here who will help you!

    Please don't think that it might be better to die. It's not true.
  • JustJennie13

    This member shares your story. He wants to inspire someone who is beginning where he was. Please see his success and know that this can happen for you! No surgury!!! It is never too late! You are here. WELCOME! And please let me support you while you begin the road to success!!!
  • FixIngMe13
    FixIngMe13 Posts: 405 Member
    It is never too late to start. The only time it is too late is when you are deceased, and you sir are very much alive. :flowerforyou:
    Hitting rock bottom is humbling, and it is hard. But it is the bottom right? Where else can you go but UP? :) You are on the right site.. because there are people here that will help you, and motivate you daily, and get this... most of these people genuinely care! We've all been down this road, some went further down it than others, but we know what it is like to be on that road.
    Turn around.... and make yourself a promise. You have to WANT it.... do you want it? You are going to have days where you think this is too hard, and you'll want to quit... but DON'T quit!!! Push through... and if you have a bad day... get up the next morning, start fresh and begin again.

    I have faith in you... and I pray that you will use all of the information you can get off this site to better yourself, and push you... and make you WANT it for yourself. This time next year, even if it is 50 lbs lost... you will thank yourself for that.

    (*(*(*( HUGS )*)*)*)
    I wish the very best to you, and feel free to add me for additional support.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    You can do this. Thinking you can't doesn't mean you can't. It's just a thought, nothing more. You can and you will, you'll see.

    Come on dude, you got us behind you! *sings* I get by with a little help from my friends... :smile:
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    You need to read this mans story.....if he can do it, you can too! It is never too late!

    You can do this, we all believe in you :)

    A thousand times this! That guy's story is amazing, and yours will be too.

    Don't give up on yourself! I wish you all the best.
  • fishermanmatt
    fishermanmatt Posts: 308 Member
    Lucky you. You've reached your low point at 30 years of age. I didn't reach my low until 37. Man ol man, would I love to have those years back feeling like I do now. I've been where you are now. Feeling hopeless, worthless, angry, alone. I felt all those emotions every day.. He'll, I used to get angry when I woke up. Not because I wanted to sleep more but because I didn't die in my sleep.

    At my highest, I weighed 555 pounds. Down a little, I was 523 pounds on May 28. 2013, my 37th birthday. I felt like I was down to my final options. Suicide by cheeseburger was taking to long. I was either going to finish the job or give it one last serious shot at getting fit. Today, I'm really happy with the choice I made.

    I won't tell you that it will be easy. Breaking habits isn't an easy thing to do. But you can do it. The bad habits that got you where you are can be replaced by good habits that will get you where you want to be. If you're anything like me you'll surprise yourself at how quick that change will happen.

    503 days in, 167 pounds down, no surgery
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    You can do this - it is NOT too late! Don't give up!

    There are so many people on this site who can help and will help you! You just need to start - start right now, take charge of your life and we'll all be here to help you!
  • scottkjar
    scottkjar Posts: 346 Member

    When you start logging what you eat, you will quickly see places where you can easily cut back. When you log everything, you will start to see little victories.

    Have 6 ounces instead of 8 ounces.
    Eat 2 slices instead of 3 slices.
    Drink 3 cans instead of 4.


    Pay attention to your fats, proteins and carbohdrates. Pay attention to your total calories. Pay attention to your sugar and your fiber. MFP will give you reasonable targets, and you can see how close you are. If you are getting too much of something and not enough of something else, look back at your log and see what you can trade: a little less of this, a little more of that, and your macros will line up.

    Step Three: WALK

    Even if you just walk to the car and back, walk one flight of stairs, walk to the corner and back, walk around the outside of the house, walk anywhere. Just walk somewhere. Every step counts.

    After a couple of weeks, walk just a little father. Walk to the car and back twice. Walk to the corner, and then to the next corner. You don't need to jog for an hour. You just need to walk a little bit. Then a little bit more.

    In a couple of years, we will all be posting URLs here that tell YOUR success story. Just imagine that. In a few years, you will be an inspiration to someone else in the same boat. You'll be the beacon of inspiration that says if you did it, then someone else can do it too.

    You made a great start: You came to MFP and you posted your situation.

    Take the next step. Literally. Take the next step. (Stop reading and take the next step!)
  • Jlennhikes
    Jlennhikes Posts: 290 Member
    I agree with all the great advice you've gotten in this thread, and at 30 years old, you are so young, you could have a whole new life ahead of you. Also, every day you're on the right track instead of the wrong track you'll be able to be proud of yourself and shake off the depression that your current path is leading you into. I really hope you won't give up!
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i think you would be shocked at the amount of weight you could lose if you cut your calories and did a small amount of exercise...
  • bceltic
    bceltic Posts: 135 Member
    I had the same thoughts when I started 70 days ago ," Is it too late" ( Im 43). That's just fear talking!! I have seen so many success stories on here, woman and men, older then me that are LIVING their lives, looking fantastic and living healthy.

    Read Success Stories ( very inspirational, and motivating!)
    READ THIS!!!! -
  • walk_fit
    walk_fit Posts: 83 Member
    I just recently saw a DVD which might help you start your weightloss journey in a positive manner. It is called Obegone fitness ,excuses be done by a Physical Therapist seems motivational . Logging food here along with this DVD for atleast 3 months can set you on the right path if you do not want surgery.
  • MrsBingley
    Though the 2 lbs rule is a good one, in your case the benefits of losing faster may outweigh the risks. You must talk to a Dr. about this to be sure. Any aggressive weight loss attempt should be monitored closely by a physician.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Lucky you. You've reached your low point at 30 years of age. I didn't reach my low until 37. Man ol man, would I love to have those years back feeling like I do now. I've been where you are now. Feeling hopeless, worthless, angry, alone. I felt all those emotions every day.. He'll, I used to get angry when I woke up. Not because I wanted to sleep more but because I didn't die in my sleep.

    At my highest, I weighed 555 pounds. Down a little, I was 523 pounds on May 28. 2013, my 37th birthday. I felt like I was down to my final options. Suicide by cheeseburger was taking to long. I was either going to finish the job or give it one last serious shot at getting fit. Today, I'm really happy with the choice I made.

    I won't tell you that it will be easy. Breaking habits isn't an easy thing to do. But you can do it. The bad habits that got you where you are can be replaced by good habits that will get you where you want to be. If you're anything like me you'll surprise yourself at how quick that change will happen.

    503 days in, 167 pounds down, no surgery

    WOW! Talk about staying the course. Every time I moan about how LONG it's taking to lose weight, I'm going to remember you and that it's not about the time it takes, but how our lives improve each and every day along the way.

    You're my hero!!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Definitely not too late! You can change your health. You've gotten great advice already. Start with logging everything. Small changes and small goals will add up. And have patience you can do this!
  • sc0ttm0
    Lot's of good people saying good things for this guy.

    Keep is simple bro... each day do more activity, and take in fewer calories. Track it so it becomes real, get a fitbit or something to help....

    You're here so your life is valuable. You're needed here or you wouldn't be. It's not all about you in the big picture, you're here for others...

    The fact that you posted means you know this, reaching out is the first step. Now get to it. :glasses:
  • DonnaJones7
    DonnaJones7 Posts: 99 Member
    There is nothing wrong with being honest and you are NOT breaking any rules.
    It's very hard to be honest with yourself and write on this board. You did that.

    I'd like to offer a few thoughts if you're willing to hear them. I am NOT an expert. I'm a real person who is REALLY overweight and I have started and stopped many times. But I have something to share that might help...

    Don't look so far in the future. When I try to even calculate how much I have to lose and how long it will take (yes, years), it is too depressing. I can't get my head around all that. All I can do is focus on today. TODAY I will eat better. Not perfect. Not a "one dry chicken breast and a vegetable". Just better. Today I will only eat 1 dessert at 1 meal. Today I will walk more. I work from home and my mailbox is down a long driveway. I will walk all the way to the mailbox and back today.

    DO give yourself credit for doing 1 good thing today. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

    Please add me as a friend. And just focus on today.

  • tiffd1000
    Get up and do it! Start today! Be honest with yourself... tweek your diet be as active as you can. So what if you will be still around 400lbs next year... that sure as hell isn't 550!! No excuses no complaining just DO IT
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    It is not too late, my goodness you are only 30! Lets say you only lose 1 lb per week, you will still be at a healthy weight way before you are 40, and there are many people who start caring for their health at a much greater age.

    Still, if you start this, you will lose much more than 1 lbs per week. Your weight loss could be pretty rapid initially, then when it drops to 2 lbs a week, you will be wondering what you are doing "wrong".

    Just give it a try--you don't even have to try to lose initially, just log what you eat so you can see how much you are taking in (you really have to eat quite a bit to maintain at your weight). Then think -- are you eating because you are hungry, or are you eating just because that is what you are used to doing?

    Find something to do that keeps you busy and happy that doesn't involve eating, even if it is just for a few minutes a day. Start moving more--you burn a ton of calories just walking! You will slowly start to feel better as you get more conditioned.

    Keep coming back at least!
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    You need to read this mans story.....if he can do it, you can too! It is never too late!

    You can do this, we all believe in you :)

    This is Ed Davenport's story. He is amazing and is out hanging Xmas tree lights today. If he can do it, so can you. Just remember, it's a life style change, not a diet.