Halloween - yay or nay?



  • MandyMason7
    MandyMason7 Posts: 185 Member
    it's hallow-friggin-ween. i'm taking my girls trick or treating and we're gonna get ALL the candy. Kids like Halloween more than Christmas so there's no way I'm depriving them of the fun I enjoyed as a kid. Anybody that puts a "healthy" treat in my kid's bag is getting TP'd.

    ......there's ZERO chance that candy is going linger in cabinets till next year tho. daddy will handle that piece of business.

    THIS. Seriously.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    I absolutely Love Halloween! Im having a costume party next wkend, mainly because i cant go trick or treating! My kid is going!
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Why would you even consider ruining Halloween for your kids just because you want to lose weight?
  • ChericeCQ
    Check to see if there is a dentist in your area who is doing a candy buy back. And let the kids gather up as much as they can and then take it in and maybe they can get a special treat from their money (small toy, frozen yogurt, trip to the dollar store).
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Check to see if there is a dentist in your area who is doing a candy buy back. And let the kids gather up as much as they can and then take it in and maybe they can get a special treat from their money (small toy, frozen yogurt, trip to the dollar store).

    Is this a thing?

    Smh. Don't steal your kids candy for money. Evil dentists.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Take them Trick or Treating! Portion it out, then if you want to donate the extra to the troops, operationshoebox is always looking for donations of candy especially before Christmas.
  • xmysterix
    xmysterix Posts: 114 Member
    Absolutely trick-or-treating! And that's saying a lot as we live in a country that doesn't really "do" Halloween (I'm American, though).

    I don't really have much problem avoiding her candy stash once the chocolate is gone :D We dispense the rest as treats here and there. And I'm always sure to send a big bag full with my husband to take to work for all the skinny young tradies to share.
  • xmysterix
    xmysterix Posts: 114 Member
    No trick or treating here because we don't do it in Australia :frown: my little girl watches so many tv shows that are American so she thinks that it is something she can do, which is a shame. If I lived in a place that did it, I would do it :smile:
    Come to Adelaide! :) Our neighborhood is HUGE into Halloween. We had 30+ kids come knocking last year. 'Course it probably helps that we have cobwebs and coffins and skeletons hanging all over our house hehe.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    Don't be a Halloween Grinch! Take them out trick-or-treating, then portion out the candy, keep some for yourself if need be, then donate the rest to your workplace or something.

    ^^This. Some of my best memories as a kid are trick or treating and some of my best memories with my kids are taking them trick or treating. Don't deprive yourself of some good memories just because you're worried about the candy.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    Check to see if there is a dentist in your area who is doing a candy buy back. And let the kids gather up as much as they can and then take it in and maybe they can get a special treat from their money (small toy, frozen yogurt, trip to the dollar store).

    Is this a thing?

    Smh. Don't steal your kids candy for money. Evil dentists.

    Teach your kids about portion control and self control. I wouldn't steal the candy from them and take to a dentist. Just show them that some candy some of the time is good.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Check to see if there is a dentist in your area who is doing a candy buy back. And let the kids gather up as much as they can and then take it in and maybe they can get a special treat from their money (small toy, frozen yogurt, trip to the dollar store).

    Is this a thing?

    Smh. Don't steal your kids candy for money. Evil dentists.

    Dentists. Are. The. Worst.

    Altho I do like this idea of giving out froyo for Halloween. I think I might try it this year. Not gift certs for froyo. Not in packages either. Just me standing on my porch holding a big ole Costco tub of froyo and an ice cream scooper. "Plop Plop" , goes the healthy treat into the children's bags. I'm gonna be Soooooo popular with the neighborhood parents!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    I take my grandkids around our neighborhood . I DRESS up with them (as do their parents). Halloween was such a great time when I was a kid. We OWNED the night! Parents only took babies. We kids had the runoff the neighborhood. In the dark! So much fun
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    it's hallow-friggin-ween. i'm taking my girls trick or treating and we're gonna get ALL the candy. Kids like Halloween more than Christmas so there's no way I'm depriving them of the fun I enjoyed as a kid. Anybody that puts a "healthy" treat in my kid's bag is getting TP'd.

    ......there's ZERO chance that candy is going linger in cabinets till next year tho. daddy will handle that piece of business.
    This. All of this.
  • Jenny775
    Jenny775 Posts: 108 Member
    OMG, take the kids out! Kids look forward to getting dressed up and treat or tricking. My girlies get a ton of candy every year - I just portion it out to them and take a lot of it to my co-workers. Let them have fun!!!
  • ncwingnut71
    ncwingnut71 Posts: 292 Member
    I would take them! My kids are grown, but we always did it, and I would just take whatever was excessive to work and leave it on the counters for co workers.
  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 925 Member
    Happy Halloween! Here are a few organizations that are active which I have experience. There are many good suggestions on the internet, just make sure they are still current. :happy:

    1) For the Troops

    If you live east of the Mississippi River send it to:
    Soldiers Angels
    5068 US Why 64E
    Franklinville, NC 277248

    If you live west of the Mississippi River send it to:
    Soldiers’s Angels
    1792 E.Washington Blvd
    Pasadena, CA. 91104

    2) For the Troops

    3) Operation Gratitude
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Check to see if there is a dentist in your area who is doing a candy buy back. And let the kids gather up as much as they can and then take it in and maybe they can get a special treat from their money (small toy, frozen yogurt, trip to the dollar store).

    Is this a thing?

    Smh. Don't steal your kids candy for money. Evil dentists.

    Dentists. Are. The. Worst.

    Altho I do like this idea of giving out froyo for Halloween. I think I might try it this year. Not gift certs for froyo. Not in packages either. Just me standing on my porch holding a big ole Costco tub of froyo and an ice cream scooper. "Plop Plop" , goes the healthy treat into the children's bags. I'm gonna be Soooooo popular with the neighborhood parents!

    Lmao! Do it!
  • j0j0ba
    j0j0ba Posts: 66
    Yay take them out.. its not all about the treats, its the atmosphere, getting dressed up and joining in the fun. I always have had halloween parties for the kids and this year i wasnt going to bother since theyre all grown up but they insisted as they have little ones too now.. its grandmas for a party and apple dunking and a bowl of jelly filled with treats they have to fish out blindfolded , pass the parcel with a scarey twist (somethng that goes bang or jumps out of the parcel) .. a few decorations and spooky music and a kids halloween film after trick or treating (if they want to go) .
  • iNkedFiTmama
    iNkedFiTmama Posts: 277 Member
    We do plenty of trick or treating. I'm not gonna not let my kids suffer just to not have candy in the house b/c I can't say no. I am a big time sweet eater so it does suck. I have an 11 month old and my bad time for wanting candy is at night so I've hidden the candy in her bedroom closet, I like candy but not enough to chance waking up the baby for some! lol.
  • Kep2005
    Kep2005 Posts: 57 Member
    Take them trick or treating. If you have a lot of candy left over, use it as a filler in their stockings at Christmas!