"We don't sell >1kg dumbells to women"???



  • kezzola
    kezzola Posts: 65 Member
    Most children get to over 4 kg pretty quickly. And women have no trouble carrying them around at all.
  • losing4799
    I went to buy 4 kg weights for my ripped in 30 routine yesterday and this is what I got told. Eventually I had to tell him the weights were not for me but.... what? What kind of strength training program is one that incorporates just 2lb and 1 lb weights? I carry a laptob bag that weighs nearly 15 pounds because of everything I put in it!

    So I came outside and told my mom what he said. Then she says, "Do you want to build muscle or something?" What was that about? I thought building muscle was only possible through a diet surplus and heavy lifting. As far as I know, 4 kg is NOT heavy, right?

    That said, (although I also plan to do cardio during the day), how do I know how many grams of protein I need to eat to maintain muscle mass and lose fat?

    This seems sexist and illogical... Maybe you look really weak? Nah I'm sorry, I can't even excuse that policy, it just sounds really dumb haha. Some males I know are exceptionally weak due to their poor lifestyle/diet... I wonder if the clerk would sell those weights to them, considering they are male. :grumble: Hmm... Good luck with the 30 days and take it easy on the weights by lifting slowly/warming up properly... which is common knowledge but generally I don't believe there is any reason to be alarmed over yourself lifting such weights... if you are healthy, what's the issue? :ohwell: I have no idea about the protein component of your question. Happy lifting. :smile:
  • Beertroll
    this comes from the over zealous litigation that america is known for.

    shop sells weights to woman, woman gets hurt by said weight, woman sues sports shop.

    No. Not even a little bit. The idea that stores are under constant threat of frivolous lawsuit is a foolish myth. Every example in those email forwards your crazy racist uncle sends around is either a complete fabrication or heavily distorted. Truly ludicrous lawsuits aren't that common and typically get shut down almost immediately.

    Ironically, a store refusing service on the basis of gender is a pretty good grounds for a lawsuit.
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    this comes from the over zealous litigation that america is known for.

    shop sells weights to woman, woman gets hurt by said weight, woman sues sports shop.

    No. Not even a little bit. The idea that stores are under constant threat of frivolous lawsuit is a foolish myth. Every example in those email forwards your crazy racist uncle sends around is either a complete fabrication or heavily distorted. Truly ludicrous lawsuits aren't that common and typically get shut down almost immediately.

    Ironically, a store refusing service on the basis of gender is a pretty good grounds for a lawsuit.

    Exactly. Gender is actually a "protected class." Fitness is not. Besides, what if she wanted them for her poor crazy racist uncle who was trying to get in shape? What then? The disabled are also a protected class. She could make millions!
  • scottkjar
    scottkjar Posts: 346 Member
    A store stays in business by expanding its customer base. This store is contracting its customer base. The market will punish the stupidity of the people in the store.

    Patronize some other store. The other store makes more money, outcompetes this store, and puts this store out of business.

    Problem solved.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Where do you live?? That doesn't even sound right. I'm surprised you gave them your money. I would have said Ok by your choice to be sexist you are losing a sale. I'll just go give (competitor) my money, And walked out.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I find this incredibly difficult to believe.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    I find this incredibly difficult to believe.

    but we are Canadian....if this happened here it would be precluded with a "I'm sorry" and ended with a "show me your lumberjack jacket as proof of capability"

  • LearnFromTheRed
    LearnFromTheRed Posts: 294 Member
    Our local TV news would have a field day if this happened here.
  • nordeast_yah
    Vote with your dollars/pounds/euros:

    If someone won't sell you what you want, go elsewhere to a place that isn't run by asshats.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    She didn't say she was American, or European, or any specifics, so I don't find it hard to believe at all. We have our share of pink dumbbells (in the US) and our fitness culture likes the fitness model look.

    I also think 4 kg dumbbells may be a great starting place, depending on the moves you are doing, whether you lift anything normally, etc. If it takes the muscle to failure with reasonable reps, it takes it to failure and no worries about whether anyone else thinks it's heavy. You'll progress fast, though, so don't spend much on them :)
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    She didn't say she was American, or European, or any specifics, so I don't find it hard to believe at all. We have our share of pink dumbbells (in the US) and our fitness culture likes the fitness model look.

    I have travelled to many countries, and I cannot imagine any shop being unwilling to sell merchandise in the situation described by the OP. My skepticism has less to do with fitness culture in a particular country than it does with how retail works.

    I may be wrong, but at the moment, it is what I think.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    Truly ludicrous lawsuits aren't that common and typically get shut down almost immediately.

  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    "I will speak to your manager now. Perhaps he or she could tell me whether or not this store would like to sell their merchandise. I'm buying it or stealing it. Your choice."
  • MisterDerpington
    MisterDerpington Posts: 604 Member
    Where do you live? 1950?
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I find this incredibly difficult to believe.

  • capriqueen
    capriqueen Posts: 974 Member
    I know some of you may find it hard to believe what I posted but it is true. I live in India. It's the reason(one of many, anyway) i had to quit every gym I joined because I wouldn't be allowed to squat/lunge/deadlift with more than 2 lbs. I was once executing a perfect plie squat with 5 lbs (not that it's tough or anything, just saying) but the trainer comes over and goes, "You can't lift 5 lbs in each hand!" Well hello, I just did.
    P.S. This is the same trainer who threw a tantrum on my weight check day that she weighs more than me. (A pound). Yeah she's like a foot shorter than me, but aren't you supposed to congratulate someone on their weight loss?
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    edit: nevermind
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Well good for you for swimming upsteam! It's hard enough here to want to lift heavy at all as a woman, but we have tons of supporters of that, too. It would be so hard to be practically the only one wanting it. You go!
  • capriqueen
    capriqueen Posts: 974 Member
    Well good for you for swimming upsteam! It's hard enough here to want to lift heavy at all as a woman, but we have tons of supporters of that, too. It would be so hard to be practically the only one wanting it. You go!

    Thanks! I'm not lifting heavy yet but I'll get there eventually!