How much REAL muscle gain from a bulk cycle?



  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    If you havent subscribed to Scooby's YouTube Channel I suggest you do.

    gain 30 lbs muscle in 6 months!

    Based on the OP the data fails to include:

    A persons experience lifting.
    Their age
    Their macros
    Their Genetics (some people are hardgainers)

    This is all covered in Scoobys Maximum Natural Muscle Gain Calculator

    I entered it my statistics and the max amount of pure muscle i could expect to gain per year is 1.7lbs.

    I changed 1 selection to tell it I was 16-20 yrs old and it went from 1.7 to 7.7.

    So, for best results in gaining the most muscle possible I would suggest being in your late teens and early 20s. :wink:
  • butterbear1980
    butterbear1980 Posts: 234 Member
    As a woman you can absolutely cut/bulk and gain muscle . Just much slower cycles than OP. Like loose .25 a week and gain .25/ week. It takes a long time which isn't sad its just the truth despite what fad diets and fitness mags say this **** takes years but its very worth it!
    Wow, so as a woman I have little chance of gaining much muscle --sad.

    Sounds about right, the truth is its a desperately small amount! If anybody claims double digit muscle gain in a year they are either
    A) lying
    B) using steroids

    I've read here and there that as a teenager it is potentially possible, with perfect training and diet to grow up to double digits. However, as a grown man you can basically forget adding inches to your arms/ thighs in anything close to the short term. The older I get the more I notice this. I can honestly say I doubt anybody is capable of adding more than 5lbs of lean muscle in a year.

    I'm depressing myself.....
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Depends how close you are to your genetic potential from what I know. It's possible for someone with weedy muscles who hardly ever lifts to see 20lb+ of growth in a year. It quickly tapers off though. That's why when you see these completely huge people they are likely on steroids and crap. Only a few people have the ability to reach that kind of size within their potential and even then it takes a loooong time.