Is it scientifically harder to lose the last 10lbs?



  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    It is only because the way you are looking at it. 10 lbs is an arbitrary number. Think of it in terms of bf %

    When you were much larger than dropping 10lbs was easier because you were losing a smaller amount of bf%. When you are your last 10 pounds that could translate to a much larger loss of bf% than when you were 60 pounds heavier.

    Kinda exaggerated but someone who is 160 lbs dropping 10lbs could be comparable to someone who is 250 lbs dropping 30 lbs in terms of equal bf% drop. This is a very very inaccurate example because I really don't feel like busting out a calculator on Monday morning but you get the point.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I have been my ideal weight all my adult life, and to loose an extra inch of my waist was practically impossible.

    Then, I humbly submit, you were doing it wrong.

    What is this "ideal weight" you speak of? How did you arrive at it?

    If it was so ideal, why were you trying to lose an inch off your waist?
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'd say it's slower, not harder.

    Personally, the first ten were harder for me, even though it was faster. Counting calories, regular exercise, making better choices... it was all new to me then. Actually, admitting I needed to lose weight was the hardest part. :laugh:
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    Your body doesn't know that your goal is X pounds.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    I feel sure that ( for example) somebody trying to lose 50lbs ... might get 40lbs down... and then the willpower starts to wane. Being happy about your changes is the best thing... no matter how much you have lost or still want to lose. I feel sure many stop as they get nearer to their ultimate goal and think... yeah that'll do...

    Some seem to aim 5lbs below their target to allow for fluctuations when they get there...

    1 last push to the finish line... cmon... you can do it :flowerforyou:

    I initially thought that, too and changed my mind bc someone who is wondering why they're not losing weight couldn't possibly be slacking off, right? But, I think it's possible for them to not work as hard bc they see such good results and feel that they don't have to workout as much as they did in the beginning.
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    Also if you logg everything on MFP, you'll see some numbers will change i.e. for every 10Lb you loose, 5 kcal is subtracted for each activity. So, a few more minutes, is needed on the threadmill for example, than when you where 10Lb heavier.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    It's harder in the sense that your fat stores are smaller so your body can't support as high a caloric deficit as before. So the weight comes off slower. But if you were a hyper active person (like a professional athlete) then you could create a huge deficit by increasing TDEE, and lose that last bit of weight at a more rapid pace.