Weight fluctuates 5-6lbs a day. Is that normal?



  • gk03ub
    gk03ub Posts: 99 Member
    110% normal
  • david_swinstead
    david_swinstead Posts: 271 Member
    And everybody saying this is normal has clearly not read and understood your original post.

    Losing a few lbs overnight is completely normal.

    Gaining a few lbs overnight is not possible.

    >> clearly you're not female :p

    Utter crap. Your weight CAN change. Yes it's to do with what you put in and dispose of, however it's not as simple as what you eat and drink. Water retention, working out, any number of things can affect it.

    It's not a true gain, as it's temporary but it shows as a gain and that is frustrating. It's often never as simple as what you put in your mouth.

    Honestly, you think the weight just comes from nowhere? out of thin air? Ludicrous.

    Once you drink a glass of water, that weight is included in what you see on the scale,in exactly the same way as if you stood on the scale holding the glass of water in your hand.

    If you drink 1 litre of water (1kg exactly) it weighs 1kg when it's in the glass on the table, then it still weighs 1kg when it's in the glass in your hand, and it still weighs 1kg when it's in your stomach. Whether your body then decides to hold on to that water (due to sodium or whatever), or pass it through, doesn't make that litre of water weigh more than 1kg.

    I honestly don't know how so many people are struggling to understand this. It's super-basic physics.

    No, it's not. You drink 1L of water. You've put in 1kg. eventually that comes out again. But you don't pee a litre for every litre you ingest, immediately. You don't necessarily dispose of things in the same time frame as you eat them.

    So if you're retaining water then there could be extra on the scale the next time you weigh in. Gender DOES play a role too. I'm 4kg heavier this week, and it's all TOM weight. I didn't miraculously eat thousands of extra calories, but it's there. Next week I won't have cut thousands more, and it will be gone.

    It's not quite as black and white as you think. You can see it as black and white all you want and if that's clearer for you, great. But it's not like that for most of us because there are multiple factors in play and whether you like it or not that is true.

    You seem to be arguing against a point which isn't the point I'm making.

    You're saying that once you drink water, various factors can make you retain that water. And I completely agree with this; it's widely accepted.

    But this is not what our original poster was saying. They said that they had gained weight between two time periods despite not taking on board any water (or any food or drink).

    This is simply not possible.

    If you retain water, then the scales will show that weight from the moment you ingest it. It won't arbitrarily appear on the scale during the night, or at any other point in time.
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    If you're getting a weight GAIN of that much across a time that likely doesn't involve consuming anything, your scale is out to lunch.
  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,026 Member
    Water weighs 8.33 lbs / gallon
  • david_swinstead
    david_swinstead Posts: 271 Member
    If you're getting a weight GAIN of that much across a time that likely doesn't involve consuming anything, your scale is out to lunch.

    Finally someone else in the thread who knows that a weight *loss* is normal, a weight *gain* is not!

    I was starting to feel like the madman preaching on the street corner
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Tbh I was a little drunk when I weighed myself at 2am. Maybe when I weighed myself in the morning my drinking calories caught up to me? But when I weighed myself in the evening that same day it went down to like 133 I think?

    Alcohol messes with your system. Sleeping some of it off may have allowed your body to resume its 'normal' functions. Also if you were a bit drunk you might have also read the scale wrong or have been standing in an odd position (which can mess with the numbers too) I'm going to bet it was the fact that you were drunk :p
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    I'm betting you were standing funny because you were drunk or misread the scale.

    You should never see a weight gain over a period when you have ingested nothing. If you do, there's something bizarre going on with your scale or the way you're standing.
  • mommabenefield
    mommabenefield Posts: 1,329 Member

    Yesterday morning I weighed in 5-6 lbs heavier than my last weigh in
    Yesterday evening I exercised
    This morning those extra 5 lbs are gone
  • san0322
    san0322 Posts: 58 Member
    This is totally normal. My weight fluctuates so much that I don't even count a loss or a gain of weight unless it is greater than 5 pounds.
  • sugamonstaa
    sugamonstaa Posts: 88 Member
    Lowest I've seen was 122 and the highest in the span of a 3-4 days was 128 and went back down to 122 lol