Why did you gain weight in the first place?



  • ScarletShopaholic
    ScarletShopaholic Posts: 169 Member
    I was an average sized child until I hit about 4. Then just got fatter and fatter over the years. To me food was love - from my mum, it was a treat if I'd been good, it was consolation if I was sad - food was everything to me, for years. I know I had/still have an unhealthy relationship with food which I'm trying to control. I'm not blaming my mum, I'm a grown up, I'm responsible for me and what I put in my mouth and not making excuses - ate way too much and exercised, well, never!

    Have lost some weight, still a long way to go, this year has been a struggle but I'm still doing more exercise and eating a lot less than I used to.

    Hopefully will get there eventually.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I've been up and down fat-wise for most of my 42 years, yer typical yo-yo dieter.

    Mostly governed by psychology that I barely acknowledged yet understood. My initial slide was triggered by the death of my father in my 20s and I've been on a health rollercoaster ever since.

    But, yes, on a metabolic level the root cause is I consumed more energy than I burnt.

    But I have never formally tracked it until now. I thought it would be boring, turns out that, being a geek, tracking suits me. :)

    I hope that logging, being aware of my intake and building natural exercise into my days (I am not a 'work out' kind of person) will help me maintain a good level of fitness.

    That and being more in touch with myself, self-awareness if you will.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I was a binge eater. It had gotten to the point where I probably should have sought help for it, but at the time, I did not recognize it as a true problem because "real" binge eating disorders to me had to involve purging. When I moved back home and started a less stressful job, I was able to recognize the problem, and have been slowly working on it, which includes relearning how to eat in front of others!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I was thin and fit my whole life. Then I got married and had a baby. I lost all of that weight, but then I pretty much gained weight again because of constant over eating. I didn't binge, I just indulged in large portions all of the time. I've basically been maintaining my weight for over a year and a half even with some huge difficulties thrown into the mix. Moderation.
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    I was at University and started seeing someone who loved to cook. We'd wake up and have a large breakfast, hit the pub, have lunch, drink some more, have a three course dinner, with red wine, then hit the pub again. Being hungover just meant a rinse repeat situation of the day before. Spun out of control, but I was having a great time!
  • BernadetteChurch
    BernadetteChurch Posts: 2,210 Member
    My mother was a feeder and we always had a full plate and bread and butter on the side and often a dessert as well. So now I love to see a mountain of food on my plate and until recent years I was never very big on exercise. So I guess I gained weight by eating more calories than I burned.

    There was also a time I could also binge eat for Australia and England, but that was generally comfort eating and thankfully the very worst of that is now behind me. I will still go crazy if you take me on holiday and put a breakfast buffet in front of me but I now know that can only be a temporary indulgence and not a way of life!
  • j0j0ba
    j0j0ba Posts: 66
    i went from running around like a blue *kitten* fly and never sitting down to being flat on my back unable to move for at least 3 months when my lower back discs prolapsed... i could'nt stand or sit to cook any food and have a family to feed, so it was takeaways delivered all the time.. tried a few diets over a couple of year and none worked because i could'nt exercise too.

    now i found a diet that works combined with mfp and the weights dropped off with no exercise.. going to try to at least get walking a bit of distance each day now.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I love food.
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    Initially, an eighteen-month cycle of corticosteroids at moderate-high dosage. Beyond that point, boredom eating was the big thing, and easy access to crappy food.
  • NewspaperMomma
    NewspaperMomma Posts: 16 Member
    I ate to much cheese cake while I was pregnant, and now I'm sweating it off,
    of course boredom eating hit me a lot, still does,
    I get bored easy. Cleaning, dishes.. life is stressing without no help.
    but now that 'Im counting the calories, I've stalked up on more
    "healthy" snacking foods, and punishing the family, and making them eat healthy to... muhahaha <jk
  • sillyshamrock11
    sillyshamrock11 Posts: 43 Member
    I love food.

    ^Yup, pretty much. Quit smoking. Beer is wonderful. Didn't pay attention to my calorie intake or portion size. Exercise was minimal to none.

    Now I exercise more, watch what I eat, and drink beer with less calories...and still make room for delicious nom noms :-)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • drop_it_like_a_squat
    Because I ate. Too much. And I didn't care.
  • lizbess1
    lizbess1 Posts: 16 Member
    getting hurt, not slowing down on the eating thinking I could still eat the same way even though I could not move I gained 30lbs on top of the 30 that I never lost after giving birth to my daughter years ago. I am now almost to goal within 10-15 lbs and this is the hardest because now I want to eat again and I got into a car accident recently and it put me at a stand still and the weight is fluxuating again and it will come off once I can move again but it is getting depressing again... good luck everyone
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    How I got fat in the first place, well...I was always bigger, taller and had a larger frame when I was younger than almost all the other girls. Something happened to me in 8th grade and I think I got depressed from it, I'm not really sure. I just mostly stayed in the house after and pushed my friends away from me. So lack of physical activity and I probably stuffed my face. I also got depressed again after a major family event at 16 and we had to move. My parents never noticed anything because they were dealing with their own issues and also my sister's issues (she ended up having epilepsy). It never really improved from there and I remained heavy and got heavier straight through college, although I was much much happier in college and had lots of friends and fun. The some more stuff happened and I said blah I hate being heavy and lost weight for my health. Then...I met my husband (who eats like crap) slowed down and stopped exercising eventually because I had to get a second job. Then the pregnancies....I didn't gain much and lost it all at birth from each preg, but I was on bed rest for the last one and had severe morning sickness with both, so I have lost a lot of strength and muscle mass. And once my eating returned to normal...I gained back more than pre-preg each time. Right now i'm just working on getting some basic strength back so my body doesn't hurt from everyday activities, I seem to injure myself more easily. Since trying to lose weight since the start of the year, I have learned my binging/grazing triggers are chocolate (if I know its in the house, I will find it and eat it, no control), boredom and be stuck in the house for long periods of time, makes me a bit stir crazy like I should be doing something. Oh and as I found out last night, apparently work stress is also a trigger, which I didn't know about since my job isn't usually crazy stressful but it was yesterday and when I got home, I just sat in front of my computer and played candy crush and ate a crap ton of calories.....sigh....
  • markiend
    markiend Posts: 461 Member
    I was always tall and skinny, used to weight myself daily hoping had put weight on. As soon as I hit my mid 30's I didn't get enough exercise and continued eating whatever I had done. No excuses, nobody , nothing else to blame but myself

    One day my girlfriend at the time, called me a fatty b*****d and told me in no uncertain terms I couldn't go to holiday looking like that. It was then it hit home. My waist had bulged by 7 inches and I had put on 40lbs without truly realising

    Bought myself an exercise bike, few weights and over a year or so got it all under control

    Took my eye off the ball .. no excuses and it won't happen again
  • favoritenut
    favoritenut Posts: 217 Member
    I ate too much, I always thought you had to eat everything in sight...and I never exercised. always had a weight problem as a kid and now... :(
  • Thommothebear
    Thommothebear Posts: 25 Member
    Made the mistake of listening to my doctor and increasing my carb intake, coupled with an incredibly stressful job which got in the way of my mountain and watersports, so major increase in the type of calories that I really can't metabolise well, coupled with lower level of exercise.

    I quit my job, changed back to a lowish carb diet and now all back on track, feeling great and enjoying life again.
  • zjpq
    zjpq Posts: 198 Member
    stress eating though I can generally maintain a certain weight fairly easily. Unfortunately pregnancy helped me put a bunch on and now I am doing great at maintaining it! lol I also don't lose weight while breastfeeding which makes it harder... now if I could just stop buying chocolate...
  • kkerri
    kkerri Posts: 276 Member
    I gained when I was pregnant - that plus age has me about 10 pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight. I am always in a normal weight range for my height, but I still have asperations to get the 10 pounds off before my kids are in college.

    A full-time desk job with long hours doesn't help matters.
  • kkerri
    kkerri Posts: 276 Member