Losing 40 for good! Be on my team.

Hey everyone, I'm Randi and as the subject says, I have 40 pounds til I'm at my goal wieght of 103LBS. Not long ago, I was small, trim and a healthy eater but times got really rough for me with a messy divorce and being a single mom, to finding a new love and then loosing my job after a month of him moving in. Oh and did I mention we all were living with my mom for 9 months in a 1 bedroom? Yeah so I crammed Ho-Ho's and dign dongs like a boss and soon my awesome physique I worked so hard to attaine was completely shrouded in fat and depression. Now that we have another big thing in our way ( MIL moved in), it's time to get fit and stay sane. Me and my hubby signed up for our local gym and plan on using this as our daily retreat instead of hoarding the cookies and bad carbs. Wanna join me for my wild ride through the good and bad of getting sexy? It's goona be crazy for sure, but there will be fun a long the way I promise. Help me make it out alive and live to tell the tale. Be on my A-Team please!!


  • KelseyLis
    KelseyLis Posts: 15 Member
    I'm in! I've got 40lbs to lose as well.
  • OliveWH
    OliveWH Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in too! I've totally slacked off of healthy eating and exercise since April this year. I need to get my mind back in the game.
  • 20ever
    20ever Posts: 125 Member
    39 lbs here to reach my 185 goal. Anyone here can add me to their friends list if they like.

    Good luck to each of you!
  • Im in!
  • smeddles45
    smeddles45 Posts: 2 Member
    Sounds like a plan! I have lost my 1st 3 lbs. this week, I have 47 to go by Jan. I am a yo-yo exerciser and plan to kick that in the butt this time. I'm 50 years old and way to beautiful to be this out of shape. So COUNT ME IN!
  • Same here! Trying to get myself in the habit of eating healthy and working out regularly. The more support, the better!
  • I love this! I think it's helpful to have a support system of people with similar goals! I'm about 40 away from my goal currently as well
  • Me too, Me too!!! I failed over and over again time for a bigger row of support. I need to lose 40 but ill be happy with ten at this point. But count me in !!

    btw how do u adjust the weight lose counter thingy???
  • So right of your to recognize your own beauty. You r beautiful!!!!
  • You ladies rock! We can be each other's support system and keep the positivity flowing. This is our time to get serious and do this. I am here to help any way possible for everyone. Girl power!!!
  • Add me! I'm in!!!
  • Angi_M
    Angi_M Posts: 36 Member
    I am in!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I only have 9 lbs to go, but I love your enthusiasm. :smile:
  • Twiglet2016
    Twiglet2016 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm totally in with you! Let's go!
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I'm 42 pounds from my goal now, and people with a similar amount to lose are welcome to add me. :)
  • I would love to be in. I have 40 more to go before my goal :)
  • im in girl
  • hupsii
    hupsii Posts: 258 Member
    Yes, sounds like a plan ! please add me as a friend :-) Thanks !
  • I'm in! :)
  • Kiemel
    Kiemel Posts: 1
    Hi, I'm Mel & have seriously started my journey to losing 26kg. I say seriously, because I have stopped & started so many times. I did WW for a while, but didn't stick with it. My biggest thing is exercise, I hate it, have never been physical, never played sport, I don't enjoy it, but I have now (at the age of 38) resigned myself to the fact that I want to be healthy & want to set a good example for my 2 daughters, so I have to exercise. I'm sick of having New Years Resolutions & breaking them every year, I'm sick of saying 'by this Christmas', I'm sick of going clothes shopping and having nothing fit me and I'm sick of not wearing shorts & skirts in summer because I hate my fat legs. I want to lose weight before I get older and it gets harder and harder.

    I look forward to getting to know you all on our journey :smile: