


  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    I eat good carbs... the bad stuff only fuels my craving for more... have to stay away from it ...
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    I am diabetic here, so I have my carbs set at 10% (30 grams) max per day. I don't lose if I eat higher than those levels. I also feel better , less lethargic if I eat less carbs, higher healthy fats, moderate protein. This works for me, maybe not for everyone.
  • Nachise
    Nachise Posts: 395 Member
    I average about 170 g of carbs a day. About once a week I will go over 200 g. I concentrate on whole grains and fruits.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'm often over my carb goal (which is 40%), hasn't been a problem at all.

    my goal is 40%, i am usually at 45, not that it matters - buttery mashed potato is my carb of choice at the moment i think!
  • prdavies1949
    prdavies1949 Posts: 326 Member
    I eat 200+ gms of carbs a day and have lost over 100lbs. A calorie deficit and some running has worked wonders for me.
  • Abraxsis
    Abraxsis Posts: 5 Member
    So much bro science in this thread. Before I comment, let me first state that I am not advocating a keto diet for anyone, merely stating the biological advantages that have been studied adequately enough to be applied.

    While there might not be an metabolic advantage in relation to weight loss, there are biophysiological advantages to a low carb high fat diets. Carbs are essentially toxic to the body, especially in the amounts normal people eat them. You know its bad that 100g/day is considered "low carb." Keto doesn't start till you drop below 50g/day.

    Biologically, a ketone-adapted body will drop weight with a better fat:lean mass ratio than a typical low fat diet. Ketogenic diets are neuroprotective ... there is a reason why they are being used for everything from cancer to cognitive issues like Alzheimers. The heart is actually MORE efficient on ketones than carbs. Imagine what could happen if you simply adopted the diet altogether as a prophylactic measure?

    Exercise-wise, once the body is adapted, the amount of energy is much more steady across long bouts of static training. This is because ketones are a direct energy source, they can go straight into mitochondria and be used. They do not need intracellular conversion to purer forms.

    The fact that all I have seen in this thread is "calorie deficit is king," "carbs arent bad for weight loss," and "no metabolic advantage" only serves to tell me that the only thing people care about is pure weight loss on the scale. Unfortunately, I was the same for the first 120lbs of loss, then I educated myself. The additional 60lbs leading to my total loss of ~180lbs has been so much better when I take into account my entire health and not just a meaningless number on a scale.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Carbs are essentially toxic to the body,

    how so?
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Claims without citing sources are no different than "broscience."
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    yep! I AM A CARB GAL!
    they are your fuel if you are into cardio.
    works for me.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    Yep, most of my days are around 50% carbs. I've lost 58 pounds.
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    In the beginning (I was much larger) it didn't seem to matter but as I get closer and closer I have changed things (per a nutritionist) so that I lose more fat and less muscle. I do 100 or less carbs and 100 or more protein. Carbs make me want to eat everything in the house including the house. Find what works for you by listening to your body !!!
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    I eat carbs and I'm fine with that and so is my doctor. I can't see cutting out an entire food group for the rest of my life.:flowerforyou:
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Carbs are essentially toxic to the body.


    Must be the slowest acting toxin ever then!
    Think what you really mean is carbs are essentially fuel for the body.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    So much bro science in this thread.
    Carbs are essentially toxic to the body

  • katbirdinpa
    My carbsare limited to veggies and fruit and occasionally- rye bread ( 1 slice)
    I think its not normal to give up veggies because of their carbs, I just make sure I measure them, and beer is the best carb of the all :love:
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    So much bro science in this thread. Before I comment, let me first state that I am not advocating a keto diet for anyone, merely stating the biological advantages that have been studied adequately enough to be applied.

    While there might not be an metabolic advantage in relation to weight loss, there are biophysiological advantages to a low carb high fat diets. Carbs are essentially toxic to the body, especially in the amounts normal people eat them. You know its bad that 100g/day is considered "low carb." Keto doesn't start till you drop below 50g/day.

    Biologically, a ketone-adapted body will drop weight with a better fat:lean mass ratio than a typical low fat diet. Ketogenic diets are neuroprotective ... there is a reason why they are being used for everything from cancer to cognitive issues like Alzheimers. The heart is actually MORE efficient on ketones than carbs. Imagine what could happen if you simply adopted the diet altogether as a prophylactic measure?

    Exercise-wise, once the body is adapted, the amount of energy is much more steady across long bouts of static training. This is because ketones are a direct energy source, they can go straight into mitochondria and be used. They do not need intracellular conversion to purer forms.

    The fact that all I have seen in this thread is "calorie deficit is king," "carbs arent bad for weight loss," and "no metabolic advantage" only serves to tell me that the only thing people care about is pure weight loss on the scale. Unfortunately, I was the same for the first 120lbs of loss, then I educated myself. The additional 60lbs leading to my total loss of ~180lbs has been so much better when I take into account my entire health and not just a meaningless number on a scale.

    The hell are you talking about? you are broscience. ketogenic diet was create for epileptic people. There is no evidence to say you lose weight better on a ketogenic diet, even Lyle McDonald has talked about a study that compares the 2, the people that were not on the ketogenic diet have lost more weight.

    How are you going to say carbs are toxic? where are you getting this information from? Please leave
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    Under 20g of net carbs per day, down 21 lbs.
    how are you losing weight while eating carbs like in donuts? man i would love to be able to do that :/ my MD has me on a LCHF diet and it's hard
    Carbs are essentially toxic to the body,

  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    So much bro science in this thread. Before I comment, let me first state that I am not advocating a keto diet for anyone, merely stating the biological advantages that have been studied adequately enough to be applied.

    While there might not be an metabolic advantage in relation to weight loss, there are biophysiological advantages to a low carb high fat diets. Carbs are essentially toxic to the body, especially in the amounts normal people eat them. You know its bad that 100g/day is considered "low carb." Keto doesn't start till you drop below 50g/day.

    Biologically, a ketone-adapted body will drop weight with a better fat:lean mass ratio than a typical low fat diet. Ketogenic diets are neuroprotective ... there is a reason why they are being used for everything from cancer to cognitive issues like Alzheimers. The heart is actually MORE efficient on ketones than carbs. Imagine what could happen if you simply adopted the diet altogether as a prophylactic measure?

    Exercise-wise, once the body is adapted, the amount of energy is much more steady across long bouts of static training. This is because ketones are a direct energy source, they can go straight into mitochondria and be used. They do not need intracellular conversion to purer forms.

    The fact that all I have seen in this thread is "calorie deficit is king," "carbs arent bad for weight loss," and "no metabolic advantage" only serves to tell me that the only thing people care about is pure weight loss on the scale. Unfortunately, I was the same for the first 120lbs of loss, then I educated myself. The additional 60lbs leading to my total loss of ~180lbs has been so much better when I take into account my entire health and not just a meaningless number on a scale.

    the hell are you talking about? you are broscience. ketogenic diet was create for epileptic people. There is no evidence to say you lose weight better on a ketogenic diet, even lyle McDonald has talked about a study that compares the 2, the people that were not on the ketogenic diet have lost more weight.

    How are you going to say carbs are toxic? where are you getting this information from? Please leave

  • vinzorelli

    Carb monsters please find your new home in that thread :)

    Just increased to 380grams of carbs on the daily here. No problems.

    To the bro claiming broscience and that carbs are toxic. Please provide evidence.