Anyone run with a Headtorch?



  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I have a Black Diamond branded LED one (I run on trails in the evening), if you want another brand to research.
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    I just got one yesterday and will be using it for the first time tonight. I don't recall offhand what brand it was, but it was only $20. There was a $30 one of the same brand that had a brighter light and more hours (70 hours vs 50), but since my neighborhood where I run has streetlights and I just need the headlamp to supplement the "between" areas, I went with the less expensive one. Both adjust to any angle that you want the light to shine in. :smile:
  • erinnpinky
    erinnpinky Posts: 80 Member
    I put mine on a hat and don't even know its there. I use the cheap Mountain Equipment Coop brand with rechargeable batteries. It lights up dark paths and I charge once a week (I run 6 times a week in the pitch dark). I think my MEC lamp was $22. They tried to upsell me but for running you don't need to see anymore than 4-5 steps ahead of you. For biking however, I use a more expensive model as I needed a further range.
  • workaholic_nurse
    workaholic_nurse Posts: 727 Member
    bump to review later
  • ayalowich
    ayalowich Posts: 242 Member
    I hate running in the dark, but loathe wearing anything above and beyond what is necessary. I am hoping for something less conspicuous than a head torch. Having said that I passed two people this morning wearing these and while I personally don't like the look, they appear quite functional and I am sure they were able to see their splits a lot better than I can see mine.

    I would find it too obtrusive, but then again, I'm the person who won't wear headphones or an Ipod either.
    Anyone run with a head torch. The nights are drawing in and as much as I can get a lot of runs in in daylight there are some I will have to do in the dark or reduced light. Where I live in mid winter it sometimes doesn't really get light until 10am and can be dark again by 4pm. Its quite rural so even the routes around town aren't really well lit. So does anyone run with a head torch in the winter? What should I be looking for in a model (i'm not made of money so it has to be reasonably priced). How do I stop being annoyed by something on my head. Advice and hints greatly received Thanks very much
  • motherwesser
    motherwesser Posts: 35 Member
    I do not use one but perhaps I should. I do use a blinking red reflector light button on my running visor.
  • Just_Jon
    Just_Jon Posts: 108 Member
    I run all year round and use a headlamp when running at night or early morning. Marathon training sometimes requires a longer run after work in summer, when it's starting to get dark earlier. I also do a lot of hiking and camping where a headlight is critical for those night hikes and setting up in the dark. Handling a flashlight is far too cumbersome.

    My choice? The $10 Energizer headlamp from Wal-Mart. Works great for my needs and if it breaks, I'm not out the $100 I would have paid for an LL Bean or a Princeton Tec lamp. I usually carry two when hiking at night. Running, I just hope I don't drop it. :)
  • Ladydrake12
    Ladydrake12 Posts: 45 Member
    I run at 5am on tree lined trails so it is pretty dark and if I didn't use one I would probably run into a ditch or something. haha. At first, I wasn't super in love with wearing something on my head but I don't mind it anymore and it is practical to have one. If you wear a beanie with it, you REALLY can barely tell it is there especially once you get going.

    Mine was about $30.00 but I got one that would shine up to 150 feet...there are different distances they will go. Biggest thing to look for is one that is adjustable because different weather needs a different setting, at least that is what I have found. Amazon has a good selection.
  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member
    I got a 3 pack of headlamps from Costco last year for $10 LOL. They worked well enough for dusk (the last 15 minutes of my runs were typically at dusk). I also wore blinking LED tights for visability.

    I've bought several packs of those. They come with batteries, and I can leave a couple in my car, at home, one in each of my backpacks... Nothing worse than being stuck on a trail after dark and realizing you don't have a headlamp.